This Dog Deserves a Better Life
@GrannyGee (3517)
Louisburg, North Carolina
February 2, 2017 8:08pm CST
This Dog Deserves a Better Life
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
Sitting on a hill lush ... green
In the same position several days at a time
Never making a sound ... watching life go by
Day by day a couple walked by
On their daily walk
They noticed the white dog on the hill
The dog never barked at them
The couple often spoke of what a good dog
Wondered if he would bite
This went on through the hot, summer days
The days began to get cold
Nights ... freezing
The couple wondered why the dog
Would be in the same spot
When they walked by
One day without quite knowing why
The woman told her husband to walk with her
To take a look up on the hill
What she saw broke her Heart
The white dog lay tangled in stumps
Chain around his neck ... hung around the trees
She walked to the dog
Talking softly all the while
Never thinking if he would bite her
She led the dog around the trees
Around the stumps to his dog house
The white dog gratefully ran inside
That day was when the couple
Became guardian angels
They would watch over this dog
Each morning ... throughout each day
Every night they would come
To watch over this precious dog
They fed him breakfast each morning
Coming back to make sure he wasn't tangled
Numerous times a day
Each evening they brought him supper
After dark they drove to shine a light
To make sure the white dog was safely in his house
They grew to love this sweet dog
The white dog loved them
A bond grew between all three
Guardian angels here on earth
Protecting an innocent life
Through each day ... night
No one knows that some guardian angels
Cry many tears over what humans do
Abusing, mistreating innocent people, animals
The woman guardian angel woke up
Crying at nights saying prayers for the white dog
She hurried each morning to go to him
One day the owner happened to show up
She asked him for the white dog
No, he said ... he guards my property
She looked the man in his face
Gently told him that his dog deserved a better life
The man smiled never saying a word
A snow and ice storm made things worst
The owner never came for a whole week
The roads stayed icy, impassable
All the while the guardian angels
Took care of the white dog
Walking to him numerous times a day
Carrying food ... water in jugs ... fresh bucket
Several times they found the white dog
Unable to move ... his heavy chain frozen to the ground
The heavy chain tangled on stumps
Around trees ... the white dog couldn't move
Trapped out in the weather unable to go in its house
The woman guardian angel went to him
All the while talking softly to him
Tears flowing down her cheeks
I'm so sorry precious one
I've got to get you away from here
Poor baby, you're so cold
The white dog would get up
Walking as she guided him
Around the stumps, trees
When free he would run to his old dog house
Trying to get warm as his body shook
The blankets she'd brought him weren't enough
The man brought a thick, quilted, waterproof cover
They put it over the old dog house
They put a bag of shavings inside for warmth
One day after the snow ... ice storm
The owner showed up ... he walked to them
Saying he had a proposition to make
Either they could have the white dog
Or they could find him a home
Finally the day came they could rescue this white dog
The woman began to panic
They had no extra money to get the white dog
A fence ... extra food ... they already had two dogs
She meant to rescue the white dog no matter what
The white dog had to stay that night
There wasn't a safe space to carry him to
The woman began to ask her friends on Facebook
To please help her help the white dog
By the next day ... a miracle happened
She had the money to go purchase a kennel
A new doghouse .... food, heavy-duty tarp
They hurried to go get the white dog
The woman unhooked the chain from a tree
She led the white dog to her truck ... chain and all
They brought the white dog to his new home
Took the heavy chain off his neck
Gave him a big chew bone, fresh food ... water
The white dog didn't know how to act
Days went by until a routine was established
Breakfast each morning ... playing during the day
Supper in the evenings
The woman had a roll of canvas
She had an idea to make the kennel weatherproof
Her husband helped her carry it to the kennel
She began to unwrap canvas, cut it to fit
The kennel ... making it windproof
They put a heavy-duty tarp over the top
Now the white dog lived in a cloth house
The thick, quilted windproof/weatherproof cover
Covered the white dog's new house
Inside the house was thick ... soft, cedar shavings
Shavings spilled out onto the floor making it soft
A good place to lay on in the sunshine
Duke came to live with us on January 17, 2017
He is a beautiful, loving white Pit Bull
He has known love before he lived in Hell
He knows what a leash is when put on
He automatically walks to the door of his kennel
I walk him around inside tell him to sit ... he does
Skip and I have been guardian angels
To this precious dog
Rescued him from the bad life he was in
The man who used to own Duke
Must have heard my low, soft voice
When I said to him ... this dog deserves a better life
Note by this Author:
I wrote this to remember how Duke came to live with us. There was a connection behind him ... Skip and I.
Thank God ... we can look back ... see when his life would have come to an end during the bad ice storm we had in January 2017.
No one would have come to him for a whole week if we hadn't known what was going on.
We made the difference in a precious dog's life. This is my second rescue dog ... both live with us today.
We have three dogs ... Kissy, our Rottie ... Camie, our Australian Blue Heeler mixed (I rescued her) ... and now, Duke ... our Pit Bull.
We wish to have him live inside with us and Kissy and Camie. We don't like for our dogs to live outside and haven't ever let one do so.
For now ... we can't put Duke, Kissy and Camie together as a bad fight could happen. As time goes by ... it may take a lot of time ... we will work toward helping all three make friends.
Photo/story poem owned/written by Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee.
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2 responses
@GrannyGee (3517)
• Louisburg, North Carolina
4 Feb 17
I feel just like you do ... that's why Duke is with us. My prayer is the same as yours.
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