Ten Songs That Make Me Cringe: I Want You (She's So Heavy) (#10)

@FourWalls (71810)
United States
February 4, 2017 9:19pm CST
Last week one of our great music writers, @JohnRoberts , took his own life into his hands by smashing some sacred cows, listing a dozen songs that he hates. Not the smarmy things like "H*ney" by Bobby Goldsboro (a song so offensive I refuse to type its name), but things that get lots of airplay on FM rock stations and are hailed as "classics." I thought I'd likewise risk taunting and tormenting by revealing my own list of songs that make me cringe. #10: I Want You (She's So Heavy) - Beatles Hey, start irritating people right off the bat! Smart move! Could any other band have gotten away with this hunk of garbage? EIGHT FREAKING MINUTES of nothing but "I want you, I want you so bad" and "she's so........heavy!" Let me tell you, folks, fans don't hate Yoko for breaking up the Beatles or for her questionable musical abilities, they hate her because she inspired this! Of course, I'm also one of the very few people on this earth who think that Abbey Road is highly overrated. Give me Revolver any day. Now I'll go write out my will, because I'm sure I just made a lot of Beatles fans' doo-doo list. I Want You (She's So Heavy Written by John Lennon (credited to John Lennon & Paul McCartney) Recorded by the Beatles From Abbey Road, 1969 Unlike John's series, I cannot in good conscience post a song that I think is awful, so I'll give you a better alternative. Most Beatles songs qualify as better than this, but here's one of my favorites, "For No One":
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3 responses
• Calgary, Alberta
5 Feb 17
Beatles are legends and they have great songs like Yesterday and In my life but they actually have some awful songs that bthankfully didnt chart like I want you and A day in the life. Yellow submarine is crap too.
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@FourWalls (71810)
• United States
5 Feb 17
They did indeed have some bad stuff. I think the "White Album" would have done much better as a single LP instead of all the experimentation that fills the double album.
@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
5 Feb 17
I actually thought A Day in the Life was ambitious for the era and Yellow Submarine a psychedelic novelty song.
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@FourWalls (71810)
• United States
5 Feb 17
@JohnRoberts -- "Yellow Submarine" isn't a deep philosophical tune, but it is a nice sing-along. "Hey Jude" almost made this list -- I think it's a great two-minute song but a horrible six-minute song -- but I realized if I saw Sir Paul in concert I'd be singing along. I realized "Hey Jude" doesn't make me cringe -- just the last four minutes of it.
@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
7 Feb 17
Thank you. Not for putting this in my head, but worse. Bobby Goldsboro. My mother had the 8 Track.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
5 Feb 17
I don't think Beatle fans will come down on you. They generally loathe Yoko. I never even heard of this song.
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