How far would you go to make your child sleep?

Perth, Australia
February 6, 2017 1:48pm CST
I just had a random memory of something my parents used to say to try to get me to go to bed and to sleep. I don't know how long they did it for but I just remember them doing it when I was around 4 - 5 years old. They would say something like "If you don't go to sleep, the police will come and take you away." Look, I don't have children, and I'm not saying that this is bad, but my from experience, it made me FEEL bad. It was probably a technique my parents liked because it worked. But just because something works, doesn't mean it's the best way to go. Because to me, it made me scared and feel like they would give me up that easy. Of course being an adult now I know the reason but as a child, was a little bit traumatising. Whether you're a parent or not, I would really love to know your thoughts on this.
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11 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Feb 17
I can see why it would scare you as a kid. I'm sure they wouldn't have said it if they knew how bad it scared you. I use some scare tactics on my kids-but not to that extent. Mine are more like bribery I suppose. If you don't clean your room you won't go somewhere fun type of thing.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Feb 17
@LovingMyBabies I think you're right. I never thought to explain that I was scared back then because I just took their word and thought it was true. I like how you go about it. No kid wants to clean their room lol But it's more better than threatening to go to jail! Hope you're doing well Jennifer!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
6 Feb 17
@VivaLaDani13 You were a kid. What were you supposed to do? You know this now coz you are all grown up.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Feb 17
@Daljinder Exactly. Like now I can see why they did it but I guess it's bothering me a bit more because of the.....other stuff I've been telling you about.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Feb 17
That's an awful thing to say to a child but I totally get it. It can be very frustrating to get a child to go to bed, especially when you're the adult and you're exhausted and just want to have some peace and quiet. And it's a lot better than some parents I've heard of giving their children Benedryl or codeine cough syrup to put them to sleep. I always made sure my boys, and now my grandchild, ran and played and exhausted themselves after dinner. We live in the desert so there was a lot of running in the house in the summer (which is 9 months long most years)! Are you a little afraid of the police as an adult?
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• Perth, Australia
6 Feb 17
@dragon54u See that's the thing. I can understand it from both sides. I wasn't THAT difficult. But the bed thing was a little troublesome since I was scared of the dark. I'm a bit angry that they never thought about a nightlight or at least spoke to me about why I didn't want to go to bed. Instead they said the police would get me. I have heard of parents giving their children certain things to help knock them out which I personally don't agree with. I think your approach is more better. Nah I'm not actually. Good question too. I guess that is a good thing that I'm not. Thank you so much for answering. Like I said, the memory just came into my mind and kinda annoyed me. So trying to see what others think about it.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Feb 17
@thehousewife Totally agree with you!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
7 Feb 17
@dragon54u I agree. Using medicine as a tool to put your children down is child abuse!
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@RasmaSandra (82887)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Feb 17
My mom simply tired me out. I loved to play hide and seek. For about a half hour before my bedtime I hid and she came seeking. I had my fun and then I was ready to go to bed.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Feb 17
@RasmaSandra Awwww that's so sweet! Thank you for sharing!
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@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
6 Feb 17
Not my style at all but I get it.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Feb 17
@Namelesss That's fair enough. Thank you for answering.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
6 Feb 17
I have been thinking and thinking and still haven't got a clue what I will do. Probably because I don't have any kiddies. This scary tactic is fairly common actually. "If you don;t do your homework, Police will get you" "If you don;t listen to Mommy/Daddy, boogeyman will get you" "If you don;t be a good boy/girl, closet monster (or monster under your bed) will eat you". Yeah! "scare tactics" can be effective in dire situations when nothing seems to work. But not as a habitual practice!
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• Perth, Australia
6 Feb 17
@Daljinder They work but I just don't agree with them. There are so many ways if a parent has the time or can be bothered to ask around or research them.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Feb 17
@Daljinder That I could understand but I wasn't even really a bother to them. I just couldn't sleep. I never ran away and hid, I never screamed or cried. I just went to bed but sat up in bed. I was quiet. It was just the sleeping thing I had trouble with. Another reason why I'm annoyed because they didn't exactly ask me what was going on.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
6 Feb 17
@VivaLaDani13 Parenting styles differ, Dani! Have you ever met a rambunctious kid? I wouldn't have either but teaching gave me a little experience of that. I used to run away in those situations. Try making that kid sleep when you can;t even hear your own words while they scream their head off.
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@miesse2 (226)
• Canada
12 Feb 17
I have never had issues putting my children to sleep, I just say bedtime and off they go because they're wonderful like that. I have heard of people using that similar tactic with children before and it always irked me. Like saying your not good enough to be with me. I knew this woman who was not with the father of her children and every time they slightly misbehaved she would tell her kids to pack their bags cause she was shipping them to live with their father. Totally bothered me every time I heard it!
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• Perth, Australia
14 Feb 17
@miesse2 That's just horrible. Hearing stuff like that makes me angry and sad. I don't like any sort of technique that is used to make a child feel scared, sad, not good enough or unloved etc. Not right.
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• Perth, Australia
16 Feb 17
@CoralLevang Sorry this thread became a bit too much.
• Philippines
6 Feb 17
I don't know unless maybe if the parents will know a way to talk to their child the importance of getting to sleep in the afternoon and getting to bed at early at night. But anyway which way, if a stubborn child don't listen don't pity them if they cry or hit by a rod... bible says they will not die if they got hit by a rod, because they will learn discipline instead... than not able to teach them and gets a bad habit from not listening to their parents. Larger things are all start in small beginnings as the quote says...
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• Philippines
6 Feb 17
@VivaLaDani13 everyone has their way. Just know their limitations as well. God bless.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Feb 17
@luisadannointed Hmmmm I can't say I agree with hitting a child either. Words can be powerful. As that other saying "The pen is mightier than the sword."
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@moffittjc (122871)
• Gainesville, Florida
10 Feb 17
Parents use the "police are going to come get you" excuse all the time to get their kids to behave in a manner that is suitable to the parents. One big problem with that is millions of kids around the world grow up feeling intimidated by, or threatened by the police, as if the police are bad people who are going to come lock them up and throw away the key if they do something wrong. That's really not the best message we should be teaching our kids about law enforcement officers. They have a duty to protect us, so really they are the good guys, not the bad guys who will lock us up!
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@moffittjc (122871)
• Gainesville, Florida
14 Feb 19
@VivaLaDani13 Every now and then my brain fires on all cylinders and I come up with something meaningful.
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• Perth, Australia
14 Feb 19
@moffittjc lol oh please. I can give you way more credit for your brain!
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• Perth, Australia
11 Feb 19
@moffittjc I totally agree with you! Well said!
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• Otis Orchards, Washington
7 Feb 17
I don't remember ever being threaten to make me go to bed. But if I would have I probably would have been told to get my butt to bed in such a tone that I would have been too afraid to stick around to see what would happen if I didn't get my butt to bed.
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• Perth, Australia
7 Feb 17
@RichardMeister That's fair enough. I think having a stricter tone of voice is a good trick to make the child realise that you aren't joking. I at least find that way better than the threatening approach.
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
7 Feb 17
We just switch off all the lights and let them sleep... Lol... It works
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• Perth, Australia
11 Feb 19
@amandajay haha easy peasy!
@Mass_Sonu (1021)
• India
13 Apr 17
@VivaLaDani13 I agree with this - ' just because something works, it doesn't mean it's the best way to go'. Such negative tactics are not good. As a Child, I was naughty & always crying, & a few negative words were hurled at me. I felt bad! But, bed time was different - Mom had such lovely voice, and one song would make me sleep without any trouble!
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• Perth, Australia
14 Apr 17
@Mass_Sonu Your mum sounds lovely! I understand parents can get angry and lose their patience but children deserve time to be understood.
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@Mass_Sonu (1021)
• India
14 Apr 17
@VivaLaDani13 Thank you & yes, a little time & patience would go a long way
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