Headed to Portland early

Eugene, Oregon
February 9, 2017 9:12am CST
I never post really short discussions here, but am in a hurry to head north this morning to spend the day with my daughter. She definitely got a concussion with that fall on her icy step, is not supposed to work until Monday and needs to avoid screens and even books. I might stay overnight. The weather is in the 50s today with rain in the forecast, so no real problems there. I hope myLotters have a great day.
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9 responses
10 Feb 17
funny, they give you different thoughts on concussions. my dr just said if i am watching tv (or computer) and get tired, to listen to my body and stop. i'm sure it probably has slowed down my recovery... i find it hard to sit and do nothing. she's a lucky gal to have her dad come visit!
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@PatZAnthony (14749)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
14 Feb 17
@JamesHxstatic It seems impossible for an active person to slow down, even when doctors tell us to do it.
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• Eugene, Oregon
14 Feb 17
@PatZAnthony Truly it is.
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Feb 17
She finds it difficult to do nothing too, worked for about an hour and half from home yesterday and had another migraine when she woke up at 4 AM. She wanted me to come back up, but even I am very tired today. I even fell asleep reading at 11 this morning. I would have been a hazard on the road.
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@sallypup (63347)
• Centralia, Washington
9 Feb 17
That's wonderful that you can spend time with your daughter. I know some of the Portland freeways. Be careful!!
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@sallypup (63347)
• Centralia, Washington
10 Feb 17
@JamesHxstatic I'm delighted to hear from you and to know that you are alright. You did not stay long with your kiddo. Our weather has turned milder and sweeter- yay!! Take it easy.
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Feb 17
There was heavy rain for about half the trip up, but not bad coming home, 2 hours each way.
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Feb 17
@sallypup I was there from ten until 4:30, had lunch out, did a couple of (amazing for me) minor repairs and came home.
@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Feb 17
I hope your daughter is ok . . . it's good you will be there for her. You be careful out there too!
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Feb 17
The drive up was a bit harrowing with heavy rain, but coming back was easier, very tired though.
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
9 Feb 17
that is so sad that James Does not sounds good there?
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
10 Feb 17
@JamesHxstatic Good to hear some good news there.Take care and be safe
• Eugene, Oregon
10 Feb 17
She is doing pretty well today, but I needed to come home.
• United States
9 Feb 17
I hope your daughter is better soon. That was some nasty fall she had on the icy steps. I"m sure she'll be happy to have you around and enjoy being pampered? (you are going to pamper her right)
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Feb 17
I did that, @Marylinda, and did a couple of minor repairs too, but needed to come home. It was hard to leave.
@JudyEv (348064)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Feb 17
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. It seems a while ago since she fell. You might need to walk that little dog again. Hope she recovers soon.
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Feb 17
I did walk that dog, fixed a couple of things (truly hard to believe for me) and got home about 7. She is supposed to be quiet and avoid "screens" and even reading. She is bored, but I was exhausted and needed to be at home.
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@JudyEv (348064)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Feb 17
@JamesHxstatic I would find it hard not to read or use the computer.
@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
10 Feb 17
I am sorry for your daughter. Be sure she stay in the dark and rest, it's the better way to feel better soon.
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@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
10 Feb 17
Hope she recovers quickly. Concussions are not fun.
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@Ronrybs (20161)
• London, England
9 Feb 17
Hope your daughter recovers quickly, sounded nasty
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Feb 17
It was not good. She is missing a lot of work too.
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