Letting Out My Crazy (somewhat depressing, i wont be offended if you dont want to read it)

February 16, 2017 8:01pm CST
Today I decided to start using myLot as a type of a journal for my chronic depression. Basically I am going to say things as though I am talking to myself, and to pretend that I don't have an audience. If people want to comment on the things that I write, that is totally fine. I am starting to scare myself lately, and I'm hoping that having an outlet to get all this stuff out of my head will help. I don't want to talk to people that I actually know about these things, because I feel that if they actually cared about me, and how I am feeling, that they would have asked me what is wrong, or given me a hug or something. It's funny, though; someone actually noticing would make me feel worlds better. I think that if someone actually cared enough to give me an honest-to-goodness heartfelt hug right now, I would probably cry with relief. As it is, I just cry with sadness thinking about it not happening. I feel really pathetic that I feel the need to spell out these feelings to anybody. I'm aware that it isn't normal to be like this. I see all these happy people with their happy lives, and I feel jealous. I can't seem to get my stuff together, and I don't know why. I feel sad about my children. Well, sad for myself about my children. My oldest son has aspergers syndrome, my middle child is very hyper and more than a little selfish, and I'm worried that my youngest is also autistic. She is almost 5, and she barely talks. When she does, you can't really understand what she says, and she is kind of in her own little world much of the time. I spend all of my time trying to guide these little people that I have made, and very rarely have any luck. I wonder to myself, am I such a failure at life, that I can't even produce normal children? Years ago when my oldest was little and I was just coming to terms with him having autism, my father accused me of having Munchhousen(I know I spelled it wrong. don't care right now) syndrome. I had to look it up at the time, and when I found out what it was I was furious. what kind of monster would make their own kid sick for personal gain?! Then I was furious that my dad would think that of me. He is a whole nother ball of wax that I will probably rant about later, because he says awful stuff like that to me all the time. there is so much more weighing me down, but just letting out this little bit right now has me feeling wrung out.
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5 responses
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
17 Feb 17
Do you have access to counseling? I had to go eventually because I'd cry every morning once I realized I was still alive. Chronic depression is quite a burden. I'll be on anti depressants the rest of my life because some of us are just born predisposed to depression. And medication makes a difference. I just wish I could hug you and tell you you aren't alone. And your children(s) autism is something you have no control over. Sometimes genetics simply screw us over. Use mylot however you need to. Hopefully, it helps.
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17 Feb 17
I have been on antidepressants in the past, but then I get side effects and go off of them. Then it hits me twice as hard, because they don't actually fix any of my issues, they just mask the symptoms. It feels like no true healing has happened, and that I'm living a lie (sometimes a nice one, depending on what meds they are lol) when I'm on them. I am a brutally honest person, and I don't like to lie, even to myself. I have trust issues with councelors. I have had to deal with them in trying to get help for my son with autism, and at the time I thought they were trying to help. But, then I had an occasion where I needed to access all of his medical records for another hospital, and I got to see what she wrote. I won't go into details, but I will say that my trust in mental health professionals is permanently damaged. I just need some frickin love! Why is it so hard for me to be shown affection?????
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18 Feb 17
@AmbiePam supposedly it is legal here but it is a recent development. I live in north dakota and it is a very conservative state, so the people wanted it to be legal but the law makers and old fuddy-duddys in charge didnt. So, majority rules and now it is legal, but nearly impossible to get legally. I read thru the list of diseases you have to have to get it here and it doesnt look like many people are going to qualify.
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@flpoolbum (2978)
• United States
17 Feb 17
@mommymonkey. ~I have rapid cycling bi-polar disorder, but am depressed most of the time. I know exactly how you feel. I also suffer from bad headaches and no one seemed to believe me. My doctor suggested that I get a CT scan and was actually surprised when I jumped at the chance. I wanted to know what was going on. My wife at the time thought that I was faking the headaches to get out of doung stuff with her until I was initially diagnoised with Early Onset Alzheimers. Boy, she was shocked! That diagnosis was changed to Cerebral Athrophy, which is kind of a generic term-my brain is shrinking but they aren't sure why. I've kept a journal on and off for years. My therapists and Psychiatrists have always encouraged it. I think that it helps. Now, I'm alone, which I think is better for me, I've always been a loner. My wife wouldn't deal with my depression and the other medical problems. I felt so alone, so I figured that I might as well be. There were other issues, but I won't get into that. I'm sorry to hear about the struggles that your children are having. I'm glad that I never had kids, I knew that I would be terrible at it. I admire the strength that you have displayed and continue to do so. I'm sending you a hug, hopefully the pic will appear. Keep up the fight. Feel free to get back with me in the future, if you want to. I think both of us could use a hug every now and then.
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17 Feb 17
Thank you. The picture actually made me tear up a little bit (I am so pathetic lol). Have you ever needed human contact so badly that your skin actually hurts? Depression sucks.
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
17 Feb 17
That is so sad that your father accused you of that. It is not your fault if you children have autism! Depression is so awful I am so sorry you are suffering this way.
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@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
17 Feb 17
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
17 Feb 17
I think it is great that you come here to post. It will help you get a lot off your mind and help you better deal with things. Bottling it all up only adds to your depression. I can't believe your father would say that to you. That is just awful.
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