The Theory of Multiple Intelligences

The Nine Types of Intelligence
February 18, 2017 12:29am CST
Being up way too late, I came across this on the internet and it's very interesting. The theory, believed by some psychiatrists, is that there are nine different types of intelligence. I've always been considered smart! And I believe that I am. However, I struggled to pass math class ( and failed Algebra). There are things that I can't get my head around but come easily to other people. and sometimes I think so much but can't begin to put it into words so I think I lack that skill. Maybe being good at math or languages are not the only two ways to be smart. That is what school beat into us anyway, by putting certain types of intelligence on a pedestal and ignoring other types. Here are the different types of intelligence according to the Multiple Intelligence Theory: Naturalist (nature smart) Musical (sound smart) Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart) Existential (life smart) Interpersonal (people smart) Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart) Linguistic (word smart) Intra-personal (self smart) Spatial (picture smart) I'm attaching a picture that describes each one better. Which ones are you? Which ones do you suck at? I am definitely naturalist, existentialist too, maybe. What I'm not is logical-mathematical or musical. I lack the skills of math and also anything artsy! I don't understand music like some people do. My friend tells me i'm tone deaf actually.. And I have the drawing ability of maybe a fourth grader. How about you guys?
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5 responses
• Bangalore, India
18 Feb 17
Very informative article.. I am definitely Logical-mathematical... and a bit of intra-personal
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18 Feb 17
Cool! Interpersonal seems like it could be very useful!
• Bangalore, India
18 Feb 17
@bellepluto not inter personal. its intr...
• Philippines
18 Feb 17
I hope that I'm really for naturalist, Existentialist and interpersonal. That three will help me survive. I guess me being shy was able to survive this world because of my interpersonal skills somehow I managed to do that. God bless.
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@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
18 Feb 17
I seem to be a naturalist, musical, logical-mathematical, linguistic, existential and spatial person. In fact, it's probably easier to say that I am NOT a sporty person by any means but that, otherwise, I'm a pretty good all-rounder. I was interested to see that there are nine categories and wondered if they have any relation to the Enneagram personality descriptor. As far as I can see, there doesn't seem to be very much correlation between the categories of each, though my Enneagram results has me as more of a thinker and an ideas person than an actioner and leader. You might be interested in seeing what your mapping on that scheme is.
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• Philippines
18 Feb 17
I too am not logical-mathematical neither am I musical. I think I am people smart at times, linguistic (moreon written) and existential.
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• India
18 Feb 17
That;s great information @bellepluto. I cant figure out what smart Iam.
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