Uncle Tom Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe.Have you read this?
@amadeo (111938)
United States
February 21, 2017 4:20pm CST
Good evening.This is Black History month.I have been reading
James Baldwin Notes of a Native son.When I was growing up and did not know anything about black.The history.Where they from and why were they slaves etc.
No one at that time did not tell us or they did not know.
This is Black History month.I wanted to learn more about the history.
I have never read Uncle Tom Cabin.
Seen some wonderful movies.Stormy Weather,knowing a lot of black artists.
But did not know the history of slave etc.
James Baldwin is on of the best author.I have learned a lot about blacks.
He has a documentary out .I am not your Negro.
I heard review on this.He writes about of the problem in the troubled world.
In this book he mentioned Uncle Tom Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Sounds like he did not care for this book.So I want to know why he did not.
Black History Month is very interesting and learning about their history.
Have you done anything in reading on the history.
I do not want to go on and on.But try to cut it short.
enjoy the video of young Ether Waters.

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16 responses
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
22 Feb 17
@jjillybean1222 Wonder if they are reading this today in school?
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@jillybean1222 (6407)
22 Feb 17
@amadeo yes, i would suspect that they do. seems like it is considered an educational classic.
@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
22 Feb 17
I read it when I was a kid. Probably should read it again.
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
22 Feb 17
@teamfreak16 Did you liked it as a kid?
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@Juliaacv (52790)
• Canada
22 Feb 17
The end of the Underground Railroad is up near where we live. The slaves came up thru Michigan, crossed the border, some landed in North Buxton Ontario and others to Dresden, which is where Uncle Tom's Cabin sits.
I have an enormous amount of respect and praise for the nationality because of the adversity that they have lived thru and risen from. And somehow, we can all live peacefully, which if the shoe were on the other foot, I don't know if I could forgive as they have us. A lot of lessons to be learned when you study black history.
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@marsha32 (6631)
• United States
22 Feb 17
Silly as it sounds, it's a very popular title, but I have no recollection of whether I have actually read it!
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
22 Feb 17
I have done quite a lot of poems for churches during black history week in the past. It seems now that they have moved on to other things as I have not been invited to any services whereas they would have a mini conference at one time. I also wrote a book of poems called "I matter." for one black history event. I rthink they have kind of finally moved forward honouring all cultures and lost some of the anger about the past. I guess in a small way I was part of the healing being in prayer services as an English person and asking for forgiveness on behalf of my nation.
I read "Uncle Tom's Cabin" years ago at school. However, the history of slaves is worse than things in that book. Some terrible things happened.
@jstory07 (142745)
• Roseburg, Oregon
22 Feb 17
I will go and look at the video. I have read alot of things about the things that black people have went through and what was done to them was so wrong.
@LeaPea2417 (37680)
• Toccoa, Georgia
22 Feb 17
I read Uncle Tom's Cabin not too long ago. It is good in that it really opened my eyes about the evils of slavery back in those days.
@andriaperry (118552)
• Anniston, Alabama
23 Feb 17
No but I live in Alabama and its full of black history and each night on the news they will report some fact, like what black people invented etc.
@JamesHxstatic (29413)
• Eugene, Oregon
22 Feb 17
I took a Black Lit. class in college and have read many works by Baldwin. He was a great and justifiably angry writer. I recommend some books by Langston Hughes too.