The Press Is NOT Our Enemy!!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
March 12, 2017 12:21pm CST
A chill should have gone down the spine of everyone who heard or read Donald Trump's words when he's said the media is the "enemy of the people". That's one of the most dangerous things, among many other dangerous things, he's said since he entered the Presidential race. Does anyone reading this want to live in a country like Russia, North Korea or Iran, where we're only told what the government wants us to know and THAT'S IT? Do we really want to see our journalists, whether they work for organizations that lean left, right or are truly unbiased, come under fire...figuratively and LITERALLY as so many have in those nations?
What would be hilariously funny if it weren't so scary is no candidate or office holder ever in our history has gotten a better deal from the media. Nobody has ever gotten the free airtime or the free passes Donald has gotten. Yet he continues to whine about how "unfairly" he's been treated and his undyingly loyal supporters continue to echo his rants but nobody can ever give a specific example of this "unfair treatment".
I think there was a great deal of unfair treatment during the campaign but it was in Donald's favor and against everyone else, including all his GOP opponents and Hillary Clinton. I'm thankful they're FINALLY starting to hold this new corrupt, inept and incompetent administration accountable but I only hope it's not too little too late.
At any rate, the media is NOT our enemy, it may be the only thing standing between us and the total destruction of our democracy, our country and the world as we know it.
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7 responses
@crossbones27 (50156)
• Mojave, California
12 Mar 17
Yeah, the media should be screaming they want their billion dollars back. Of course, they did profit heavily off of Trump also, but may lose in the long run now that he is trying to silence them.
I also agree with the chill down the spine thing, but truth is not many really care about freedom the way they say they do. One of my friends, friend had the gull to say "sometimes we need a dictator to be President." Screw him and that comment. Get enough dictatorial behavior from corporate America. We should not except it on our own personal free time.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Mar 17
One thing that makes me really happy and gives me some hope is the news that the circulations for the New York Times and the Washington Post have increased significantly. People need to support the reliable news outlets or we'll lose them and then the biggest losers will be us.
I really can't imagine how anyone who cares about our rights and freedoms or who knows anything about our history could support Trump.
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@crossbones27 (50156)
• Mojave, California
12 Mar 17
@anniepa Yeah, it is quite sad and I also find it scarily disturbing with the way people are allowing their freedom and rights to be trampled on.
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
12 Mar 17
I believe PDT is the greatest threat to our First Amendment freedoms to come along in a very long time, perhaps ever. In his world view, there is only his opinion and every one else must be silenced. The truth is whatever he says it is, regardless of the avalanche of facts proving him wrong.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Mar 17
@DWDavis I don't blame you, I'd be worried too. I'd be worried sick about my grandson except he has such poor eyesight the military won't accept him. I have several nephews though that I worry about. It's one thing with a Commander-In-Chief we can respect and trust but that sure isn't the case with this jerk.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
11 Apr 17
Maybe the media doesn't 'have it out for Americans,' doesn't 'hope the people of America suffer harsher-&-harsher poverty'; but the media's goal is not 'to help the American people learn the truth and make right choices.'
Oh, I don't doubt that the journalistic-individuals hope the American people do 'learn the truth & make right choices'; but first-&-foremost the media hopes the American people Pay Attention to It, using False stories (if necessary) to gain that attention!
@FourWalls (71806)
• United States
13 Mar 17
I would qualify this: a fair and unbiased media is most definitely not our enemy. A media with a one-side agenda, however, is.
We hear about every misstep Trump makes (I'm surprised anyone can cover any other news with all the missteps he makes!), but did you ever hear the media call Obama to task when he claimed he'd been to "57 states and still had one to go"?
We hear about this person and that person in Trump's administration "plagiarizing" a speech, but did you ever hear them say why Joe Biden had to drop out of the 1988 presidential campaign? (I'll save you the trouble looking it up: he was found to have plagiarized a speech from British politician Neil Kinnock.)
If the media had subjected Obama to the same anal probe that Trump's getting Obama wouldn't have been elected dog catcher, let alone two-term president.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Mar 17
Are you serious? President Obama obviously misspoke, as we ALL do now and then, when he said that about "57 states and still had one to go" and it was widely reported and has been repeated over and over again for 9 years by his haters. What was hardly ever reported, however, was the very easy to understand explanation - his campaign had decided that for the primaries they wouldn't spend the money to travel to Alaska and Hawaii, which leaves 48 states; can we all agree at least on that last When he visited what we actually the 47th state, not the 57th (obviously), which I can't recall right now which one it was, he made that remark and simply misspoke. As someone who like everyone else has on occasion meant to say one thing in my brain but by the time it reached my mouth something else came out I can easily figure out that he was likely thinking a bit ahead of himself about how there are FIFTY states and he'd now been to FORTY-SEVEN and by the time it came out he said "FIFTY-SEVEN". That wasn't even worth the time it took to report! It certainly didn't compare to the never-ending hateful, sexist, racist, vulgar and dirty things that have come out of Trump's mouth.
I'm very well aware of what happened with Vice President Biden. He was quoting Neil Kinnock had he'd done countless times in his career - it should be noted that this was just a small portion of a rather lengthy speech - and unfortunately on this particular time he forgot, I believe because he "lost his way" on the teleprompter or written speech he was reading from, to credit him as he'd always done before. He knew he was screwed when he walked off the stage and realized his mistake.
Let's just say if it seems like poor Donald has been subjected to an anal probe it's probably because he's an a$$hole!
By the way, you didn't give me one specific example of unfair treatment.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Mar 17
@FloridaGal And his minions don't care, they either blindly believe whatever he says or they really don't care about the truth. It's horrifying.
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@FloridaGal (73)
• United States
15 Mar 17
Wow, in his first year of law school Biden failed to cite a source on a research paper. Trump has told so many lies, I doubt he recognizes the truth anymore.
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@cavalierscholar (205)
6 Jul 17
I think Trump is correct to criticize the big media companies, which have become overly centralized and corrupt.
Your claim that the media was biased against Hillary Clinton is largely contradicted by what we know from Wikileaks, such as the fact that the Clinton campaign was fed debate questions ahead of time by CNN.
If Trump starts shutting down media outlets in violation of the 1st amendment, then it will be accurate to portray him as an authoritarian dictator. So far all he has done is complain about media coverage - whether or not you agree with his assessment, it is within his rights to do so.
In my opinion the real interesting journalism and media production is going on in the YouTube sphere right now, which the legacy media has largely been hostile toward, such as the Wall Street Journal's laughable attempt to smear PewDiePie as an antisemite, or the characterization of liberals/libertarians like Dave Rubin or Tim Poole as alt right for their criticism of what has been termed the Regressive Left.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Jul 17
What was released by Wikileaks was obtained illegally and I don't consider them to be reliable sources. "CNN" didn't "feed" Hillary Clinton debate questions, one of their contributors gave her the subject matter of a couple questions which anyone who was following the campaign at all would have known would be asked anyway. Whatever, when you consider the favoritism towards Trump from Fox News or the fact that he received an unprecedented amount of free airtime throughout the campaign, I'd say the advantage goes to Donald. I think we all know that if he could control the media and shut down those he doesn't agree with he would.
The problem with YouTube is anybody can make their own video and say anything about anyone or anything and regardless of how outrageous it may be there will be idiots who will believe it.
@FloridaGal (73)
• United States
15 Mar 17
Your discussion, with the captions was well done and well written. The only thing that can help us survive Trump is the American electorate. We have to be vocal and visible in our opposition. I'm 70 and this is the most frightened I've ever been for our country. I don't get out much but I have started a letter writing campaign. We can all do something.
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@Funkrocker (233)
• United States
27 Mar 17
@FloridaGal What do you think Trump is doing that is unlawful? That's why I asked you that.
@FloridaGal (73)
• United States
25 Mar 17
@Funkrocker I'm not sure why my comment would cause you to question that?
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@Funkrocker (233)
• United States
25 Mar 17
When the press are Marxist they are the enemy of the people.