Why are people religious?

United States
March 15, 2017 5:56pm CST
Why are there so many religions and why do people believe in them? Curious.
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5 responses
15 Mar 17
I wish I could have the answer for this question.
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• United States
15 Mar 17
haha, I make it a point to ask this question on every platform I use to see varying opinions and beliefs from radically different people on the answer to this question. So far, no solid answer. ;(
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15 Mar 17
@alfork I think you'll never find a "solid" answer for that question.
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• United States
15 Mar 17
@TheInvisibleMan we'll see about that xD
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
15 Mar 17
Because there are safety in numbers, and whichever sounds like the best deal to the individual (and what they are exposed to) wins out over the others. I don't have a religion. I explore the world of science and spirituality equally. I search for answers. And most of the ones I find are never in any of those books that religions are based on. As to what they tell me when I bring it up? "You didn't find answers, you are just being led down a dark path and need to be saved from the evils that are corrupting you!" If only I could make all those people disappear with a snap of my fingers, then there would be less of a problem out there!
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@slayer08 (2377)
• Philippines
16 Mar 17
St Augustine said that religion is the opium of the masses. I couldn't agree more. I was once religious. Afew years back, I joined a christian group who helped me get through my depression or so I thought. With all the prayers and workshops and seminars and retreats I joined i was able to renew my faith and restore my dignity. But it wasn't enough. I later found myself praying over a lot of things before I make a decision. I always say in God's time, God's will etc but I was just as lazy as before and I haven't really gone to change my circumstance. I realized I was wrong, if I am really a woman of God then I should be doing something in my life inatead of just praying and attending bible studies. It was as if I am consoling myself for something to make excuses for myself for not doing wnough. I eventually snapped out of it and moved out of town, got a job and helped my family. And I believe that helped me more than any prayer did. Now Im not saying being religious is not a good thing but it can still be abused. I'd rather put my faith in God after Ive done all I can instead of the other way around.
@delhshop (769)
16 Mar 17
because there are many ways of views and you can see something in a way and others see it ind different way i guess
14 Apr 17
There are several religions that believe in many false Gods and concepts of God. It is important to realize that only one religion can be true.