My partner can not handle my moodswings, and often walks out, with no word,whatso ever..

By Ray
March 20, 2017 10:02am CST
Hi everyone, I'm Ray, 5months pregnant, and been alone most of my pregnancy, I had a miscarriage at a early pregnancy before getting pregnant to this bubbah, this is my partners first,and my 4th,we've been together for 2and a half years, and we were inseparable at the start, up until our 6months together, I caught him texting another girl, I broke it of with him straight away, no questions asked, we got back together after 3months break, and I fell pregnant 2months later, I had still been abit upset about everything, an couldn't handle hurting him, when I cry about the past, obviously my hormones kicked in, and I booted him outta home, I refused to see him for 2weeks, an he still kept begging, by then I was lonely, so I agreed for him to come home for dinner, he begged to come home to help look after me, an that time I was 6weeks into the pregnancy that we lost, I agreed to have him still live at his address he was at but come home every 2nd day, until I was ready, a month later, I was playing on his pH, wen a text came through saying- hey you coming over tonight, I asked who they were,an they asked me who I was an I said dreys partner, an she said wtf..!! Tell him to eat SH** an die..!! By then he walked out asking if I was hungry,an I threw the pH str8 at his face and walked inside, I cried nearly that whole entire week,an by then he just wouldn't leave my site, a week later,I was trying to keep myself busy so I don't think of it, I was drained, emotional, upset to the point where I fell an slipped on my stairs leading to the top,an started bleeding, we lost our baby that evening, I should've walked away after that, but I didn't,but my head thought i needed comfort, I became pregnant sooo quick again, and that same thing is happening, me bringing up the past,an crying an getting angry over it, or little things that he does wrong, my partner has no common sense to be honest, an usually sleeps an let's me do housework by myself, including heavy lifting an rubbish, an that's what starts my moodswing off, an when he see's me having anxiety attacks from anger,an I need water, due to running outta breath, his stubbornness makes him sit there an watch me, till I'm turning red, my story is just to ask for what yous may think, did I drive him outta our home, by not being a forgiving person, ?? He says he loves me everyday an he's obsessed about this pregnancy, but there's just another side, that I'm seeing that creates my mood swing, like no common sense, lazy, hardly offers me a hand, until I go bliztic..!! An always leaving with no word, an coming back a few days later..!! Ami the problem..
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4 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Mar 17
He doesn't sound like a good person. More than that he's playing games with you-not cool at all. He thinks because your pregnant that you need him which gives him WAY too much control over you and your emotions. If you keep taking him back your heartache will never end. You cannot change him-he has to want to change. Until he wants to change his ways he will continue to be the same way and do the same things. And if your making it easy by taking him back each time he will never change. I'm sorry your going through this-especially while pregnant. Your partner should cause your joy, not your sadness.
3 people like this
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Mar 17
@RAYAY17 Your welcome, I'm glad I could help. My husband was the same way for a year. He got hurt on a job and I took care of his every need. Once he got better he still acted like I should take care of him all the time. He became controlling and abusive verbally. I got tired of it and I took our children and left. I made him PROVE to me that he had changed-until he did that I was not going back! He proved to me he changed by writing letters, apologizing to my family for all of the hurt he caused me and everyone around me. In those letters he promised he was a changed man. He had gotten a job while I was gone and got us a family vehicle we needed for a while-instead of depending on others to go places. After all of that I went back but told him he would need to find us another place to live since now that house had bad memories in it. He found us a nice home and we moved. That was 4 years ago and he is still the changed man he needs to be. The key with him was he wanted to change-he wanted his family back. He worked for it and got us back. If a man is willing to change for you he is worth it all! If he proves to you for a while that he is a changed man then he is worth it-until he does that I wouldn't take him back personally. I have been through a lot so if you need anymore advice I am here for you!
20 Mar 17
Yupyup,amen to that Jennifer, my family even freak out, on how iam with this guy.. I think its just wishful thinking about things going back to how they were in the start .. But its hurting me more then it's helping me.. Thank you for your advice, it means a lot.. Jah bless you..
• United States
20 Mar 17
You're a part of the problem, because for some reason you chose to make a baby with a less than ideal partner. He honestly sounds abusive. Sitting there watching you when you're running out of breath and need water? Not respecting you enough to tell you where he's going or when you can expect him to be back? Girl, run like your tampon string is on fire. Your baby daddy is a loser.
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20 Mar 17
Yup I fully fell into that hole of downgrading with a less caring animal, 5years ago, I'd never take this crap from a man,an I try help my friends out that was in this situation, alova sudden I don't know what made me fall for him, but I did..!! Not happy bout that right now, but my main focus is on my pregnancy, an trying to move on carefully without getting trapped in his lies, an teaching myself that a lot of women have done it by themselves.. So I hope I'm strong enough to turn away this time round, because it is what I really want.. An you're right about the abusive part as well.. Its been hell, in an outta hospital bleeding.. Thankyu for your honest opinion.. Jah bless..
@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
20 Mar 17
Honestly, You may both play a part into the problem. There is noone making him go out for days, or cheat if he is. Theres noone making you get angry with him. Even if he screws up, its up to you how you react to it. And with being pregnant, you need to be relaxed and not lifting heavy things! Breathe, stretch, shake, let it go!
@theBlock (2657)
• United States
20 Mar 17
@RAYAY17 Oh,,,my-God---So-sorry-that-you-lost-your-baby---that's-horrible....You-are-NOT-the-problem!....Get-rid-of-that-selfish-dude--forever....A-relationship-shouldn't-be-a-continuous-heartache-for-you.... I-wish-you-love!
2 people like this
20 Mar 17
Thanks Timothy, too much, yeah he's a loser, but I can't lie, I was in love with the loser, an still am abit, I'm training my brain cells to say no to losers lolol.. An yes he's very #selfish an stubborn, N got so much pride, idk how I even fell for him..!! An love str8 back atchyah.. Jah bless
@theBlock (2657)
• United States
20 Mar 17
@RAYAY17 All-right---better-days-are-ahead