What is Sarin..used in Chemical Gas Attack in Syria?
@shivamani10 (11035)
Hyderabad, India
April 7, 2017 5:21am CST
The Chemical Gas Attack which took away as many as 80 lives of the people in Syria has been identified as Sarin.
Sarin is a nerve agent derived from insecticides. If used it acts on the central nervous system and damages the mechanism which controls the signals from the nerves to different associated organs. The type of death will be asphyxiation.
It was originally developed in 1938 in Germany. But, it did not use it in the Second World War for feared of retaliation in kind from the Allies.This is a clear, colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid showing the characteristic of evaporating into the air and spreading in the atmosphere.
Once the victim is exposed to the agent the symptoms will develop within seconds. He does not realize that he has been exposed to the agent at all and show lack of visual and olfactory signatures.
In the case of deliberate attack, the symptoms will be a loss of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis, respiratory failure, and the victim has to be treated with Atropine. Otherwise, he will die within 10 minutes.
The WHO in its recent report has revealed that it is 26 times deadlier than Cyanide Gas. Just a pinprick-sized droplet will kill a human being.
One can draw conclusions from the above how for the sake of superiority and safety of their power the Governments are stooping down to the lowest mean level killing the fellow human beings
I think the Judiciary does not require any evidence more than this. The order has been issued with a vision and after studying the foreign policies of different countries globally and not with any narrowmindedness flouting the democratic principles.
People are innocents. They demand, they make uproar, take on to the streets with slogans without exposure to the facts and happenings But, in the interest of their safety only some tough stands need to be taken by the Government and if the action of the Government is not supported by judiciary there will be unrest and untold miseries and the ultimate victims will be finally the people.
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