The Power of God.

@bird123 (10658)
United States
May 20, 2017 11:38am CST
I've been told God has Great Power and is a Mighty Ruler. Better do it God's way because it has been said God has Anger and Wrath. God Judges, Blames, Condemns, and Punishes. They say God instills Fear with the Threat of spending eternity in a fiery pit. I have been taught that God will disown any child who does not Believe or follow His rules then throw them in this fiery pit for eternity. I've been told God sends tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, pestilence and disease for those who invoke His Wrath. I've been told God will kill your crops, kill your dog, even break your car down in traffic as Wrath. I guess we all better get in line. As I look at the Universe and this world, there is evidence of Great Intelligence. It all works so well. A Being capable of all this has to be Very Very Smart. Does this Powerful, Mighty, Ruling, Controlling God seem Smart to you? All I know is that if I actually run into this Tyrant, I'm going to try to Overthrow such a Ruler. How about all of you?? Is there a Better way to Rule for such an Intelligent God?? I think so. God could Rule with Unconditional Love. It could be a Love that is so Complete and Feels so Good that you would do anything for it. Won't people in love do anything for their love? When people receive love and kindness, don't they go out of their way to help? Let's not forget about sex. What would people do for sex?? No one would ever overthrow a Ruler who rules with Unconditional Love. As I see it, we all experience God's Unconditional Love after death and before we are born into our next physical life. I believe there are two reasons for this. 1. People take adversity personally. Soon, learning would be impossible. As I see it, God is going to show us that it has never ever been about punishment. It is about Learning and Growing. 2. I think God wants us to experience Great Love and Joy. If one must experience adversity, it is only fair to be able to experience the good part as well. Is their evidence of this on Earth? When I look at the very youngest of children, I see nothing but Love and Joy in their hearts. You must catch them very young because it is not long after we are here that we start making choices and who we are and what we need to learn comes out. I think you can see God in the very youngest of children. Love is a Powerful Force. Would not the Greatest Intelligence create a system based on Love rather than use mankind's way of might makes right?? So many times our view is clouded by the influences and beliefs of mankind and others. What do you see? Are we going to have to overthrow a Tyrant or will Intelligence win in the end. I have to vote for Intelligence.
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3 responses
• India
12 Feb 23
God is most powerful Almighty. Those who insult God will be thrashed in hell. Such people will lick the boots of Satan Unconditional love is evil because God will not tolerate evil. God will thrash. Blessed are those who read the book od God. The rest will be thrashed. Children are not God. Children do not even know how to walk. Being highly dependent on parents, you dare to question the Lord? God will twist the arms of the miscreants.
• India
13 Feb 23
@bird123 Let anyone try to overthrow me. If anybody hates me I will hate him back until he collapsed I follow the book of God and not mankind. God is intelligent but also mighty. He is not our servant. He will not bow down in front of us. We have to submit ourselves to him. You can laugh until God gives you a powerful blow. Until then you will not understand what God is. A few mighty thrashing from God and you will sit in a corner, your arrogance shattered.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Feb 23
@TerribleMan God never wrote a book for anyone to follow. You follow mankind. This shows in your desire to rule and control others. You deem hate, anger, and hurting as weapons in your attempt to alter and control the actions of others. This is so sad!! This is so misguided!! What are you teaching the children and people around you? It sure isn't intelligence or a Higher Level. Do you really think God has a problem with any of His children? You really have no clue what real power is. Between physical lives, each goes to God to experience God's Unconditional Love. It is a Love that feels so good and so complete one would do anything for it. ANYTHING!!! Do you really think God has a problem with His children? All God has to do is Love and they will do exactly what He wants!! God allows free choice in a time-based causal universe so His children can Understand what their choices really mean. Make any choice you wish then see what returns you. Take you for example: How are your choices doing? Are you Happy? Do people Love you? Do people see goodness in you? Are you creating a Heavenly state for yourself and others as God does when you see Him?? If your life is miserable, hurt, angry, hateful, degraded, and sad, maybe it's time to make difference choices. Your life can change before your eyes. Those petty things mankind holds so dear such as hating, blaming, judging, condemning, punishing, ruling, controlling, coercing, intimidating, revenge, anger, wrath, creating a we against they and so on has created nothing but misery in your life and others. Those receiving and practicing such things are all miserable. The answer is don't do these things. Look for the goodness in others then nurture that goodness so they might learn and grow into a Higher Level and a Heavenly state. This makes you walk to that Heavenly state because IT RETURNS TO YOU!! God doesn't have to make books and rules like mankind does because each will learn when their actions return. When one understands all sides, Intelligence will pick the best choices. Let me tell you. Given enough time and lessons, no one will pick those petty things mankind holds so dear!! You create your world!! The choices have always been in your hands!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Feb 23
Clearly, they are going to overthrow you in the end. Your hate will return you only hate. Is that really Intelligence you are showing me? Clearly, you have been corrupted by religion and those who use religion in an attempt to control others and acquire power. Sad that you do not think for yourself and are blindly following those who believe in those petty things mankind holds so dear such as hating, threatening, intimidating, coercing, controlling and the list goes on. Won't you be surprised when you Discover God is nothing like those people. Why is God not that way? It is not Intelligent to be that way. One will never get the best results following a lower, petty level. Still, some must just learn for themselves. Is it really worth making your life so miserable living like you do? Of course not!!! THINK!!!! I laugh at you saying God is going to thrash someone!! Sadly though, I think maybe you were abused as a child and are blind to any other way. At some point, one must expand beyond the sum of one's teachings. Isn't it time for you to make a stand. Stand up and say that your abuse as a child was and always will be WRONG!!! I cry that!!
• Agra, India
20 May 17
I have great faith in my God
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 May 17
Hmmmm? If you really Knew your God, would there be any need for faith??? I think not! Beliefs would fall by the wayside in favor of Knowing.
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• Agra, India
21 May 17
@bird123 you know your parents don't you trust them
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 May 17
@amitkokiladitya Well, I'm afraid my parents are no longer alive in this world.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
21 May 17
You are right God has all the power, He Created everything..and everything is going according to his great plan. Who ever they are....They are telling you a twisted version of what God is...God is Love, God does not disown any of his children...God gave us all free will to choose.... God told us all what would happen to everything...and he made a promise to all that choose to follow him, and that is eternity with him.... You can try all you want but we already know what the end will be....God told us everything... The intelligence you speak of is what is destroying this earth and everything on it.... Gods love will overcome in the end for those that choose it... God gave us all free will to choose either good or evil...God did not create the adversity...Man did by choosing to. They think that they know better than God, so they turn their back on him...and that is what is causing all the problems.... Gods way is perfect, My vote is with God......................
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
21 May 17
@bird123 No i do not disown any of my children....God does not either...You just have no understanding on how anyone becomes a child of God.. God loves everyone..Just like i love my children...But my children are all adults and make their own decisions..They have free will to do so...If they make a wrong decision or bad choice..They have to live with their choice and be held accountable for any consequences their are....I can not take their choice away from them..Just like God will not take our choice away from any of us...God made the rules...If you do not want to follow them that is your choice..... God told us what would happen...That is why we can see that it is getting close to the end of the age, and Jesus Christ will return and keep his promise to all his children....Just like he said he would.... If you can not see what is happening to everyone and everything something has corrupted your view....What is getting better.. My vote is for God...The creator of the earth and everything.... My faith is anything but Blind....My faith is strong, and it comes from knowing.....
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 May 17
@dlr297 Believing is a far cry from knowing. If you really voted for God, you would set those blind beliefs by the wayside then discover Who you are voting for is really all about. As I see it, you are still blindly voting for those beliefs. You are counting on your god to get your revenge. This is not going to happen. The world is getting better. People live longer, have a higher standard of living, have greater education, have greater interaction with greater communications than ever before. The beauty of it all is the greater the accumulation of knowledge, the greater the rate of acquiring knowledge will be. God has the sum of all knowledge. The more knowledge one acquires, the closer to God one becomes and the more we have in common. Things are only going to get better. How does one become someone's child?? Simple. You create them, then they are your child.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 May 17
Do you disown your children simply because they do not choose you? That is not a Higher Level of thinking or acting. You already know what the end will be???? God did not tell you. Mankind wrote it in that holy book. Won't you be surprised when you run into Reality? What planet are you on?? The Earth and everything on it is not being destroyed. Religion has corrupted your view. Do I take it that you are voting for the Tyrant and not the God of Unconditional Love? Your Tyrant places conditions on His actions. That is Petty. Once again, you are trapped within a box of beliefs too weak to break free and be open to the Real Possibilities. Sad. You are the perfect example of Blind Faith.