Why india ban socail networking sites in india..

@syeow1 (5137)
May 21, 2017 12:21pm CST
Few of my friends wants to know why India ban social networking sites in Kashmir.what they want to hide from world.what their media didi not show .Jammu and Kashmir is country divided in three parts illegally occupied by India ,Pakistan and chaina.I am belonging to Indian occupied Kashmir .Pakistan is ready to free Pakistan occupied Kashmir only if India free India occupied part.but India is not ready for that.they kill lacs of men.they rape thousands of kashmiri women they make blind thousands of child.kashmir is worlds most militarized zone.where indian 8 lac terrorists do what ever they like to do with innocent people ok kashmir..check google for refference..which they want yo hide from world.that is why India ban social networking sites https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FPKhl7iupvQ
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5 responses
@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
21 May 17
I heard the banning of the sites will help the government to exercise more control
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
21 May 17
@sjvg1976 yes i guess that's the reason why the government banned those sites. I can understand the motive and why the government want to exercise control
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@sjvg1976 (42077)
• Delhi, India
21 May 17
Actually Kashmir is the place from where most of the terrorist enters in India from Pakistan and many of them stay in Kashmir and remain connect with their masters in pakistan that's the reason indian government has decided to ban sites there.
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@syeow1 (5137)
• India
21 May 17
@sjvg1976 no there those who are terrorist for you is our soldiers and India is terrorist country who kill innocent people of Kashmir ..
@ranan1989 (385)
27 May 17
Actually agree with Aman Verma's comment ... It is very easy to castigate against the government and all government's motive almost same ... To maintain peace or harmony in the country... One more question I agree that some of the portion of valleys are affected due to military action but think it twice why only the particular state is affected by the army ... So it is my humble request to you barred from misleading people as they are little concern about the contentious issue and try to reveal both positive and negative situations of kashmir
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@syeow1 (5137)
• India
27 May 17
I just show reality...which your media hides...
@syeow1 (5137)
• India
28 May 17
@ranan1989 world knows everything be mature ..don't behave like fool ,caw raksakh,RSS agent.Indian terrorist.be human.
28 May 17
@syeow1 if you want to show the reality at first look back to the past ... If you go through it you might get your answer ... One imp question " what do the children of 9 to 11 years know about the azadi?" Why do they pelted stones to the army? Is it right for us?? They can not pronounce their name properly still they are throwing stones to the personnel..actually these all the effect of brain washing by the militent groups... Govt is right ... It should uproot the terrorism from kashmir ... If people of the valley do not support them then it is better to go against them also
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
21 May 17
"I will laugh at the world, for ... This Too Shall Pass."
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@syeow1 (5137)
• India
21 May 17
Hope so..
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@sjvg1976 (42077)
• Delhi, India
21 May 17
They want to hide it because it may cause riots all over the country. It's better to ban social media.
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@syeow1 (5137)
• India
21 May 17
No dear actually they want to hide brutality..
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@sjvg1976 (42077)
• Delhi, India
21 May 17
@syeow1 what brutality? Kashmir is always a part of India why should we free it. Indian army is doing a right job otherwise the things will become worst.
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@syeow1 (5137)
• India
21 May 17
@sjvg1976 killing of lacs ,rapiing of thousands making blind thousands of child..
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@jstory07 (142433)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 May 17
Things like that are still happening in many places and it is just wrong.
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@syeow1 (5137)
• India
21 May 17
Yes ..! I really tired with this.why they did not allow others to live in peace