Do you believe in spanking?

United States
November 26, 2006 6:23pm CST
Do you believe that there is such a thing as needing a good spanking or should a child never be touched physically to prove a point or be reprimended?
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20 responses
• United States
27 Nov 06
I too believe in spankings I was raised that way and turned out good.
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• United States
27 Nov 06
I hear so many of us say we were raised that way and lived. I agree to a point, although there is a line where it's too much or too harsh.
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• United States
1 Dec 06
yes exactly there is a line where you just can't cross... or too much of the "spanking"
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@Cortney (3980)
• United States
27 Nov 06
i believe in spanking.. but it all depends on the child.. some it doesn't work for.
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• United States
27 Nov 06
I agree that some it just doesn't go through their heads on spankings, sometimes they start to spank or hit thinking that is what is suppose to be done or something. Or they are getting spanked way to often for getting in trouble.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
2 Dec 06
To Spank or not to Spank That is the Question - To Spank or not to Spank That is the Question
I believe in applying the proper discipline to the posterior of a knotty child when the time is appropriate. When all else fails and if the lesson needs to be taught quickly. Disciplines I believe in applying the proper discipline to the posterior of a naughty child when the time is appropriate. When all else fails and if the lesson needs to be taught quickly. Things have changed so much over the last few years concerning disciplining children, there was no question about spanking a child when it was necessary. Now parents question their own ability to know what is best for their children. You see a notty child in a store and the poor harassed mother is just saying “Johnny doesn’t do that” and Johnny just ignores mother. If she wasn't afraid of cps she would give Johnny a pop on the fanny and that would be that.
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• United States
4 Dec 06
so true! CPS has really made a huge difference in how people raise their kids, and not always for the best if you ask me!
@xtinelee (3371)
• Singapore
27 Nov 06
If that is your child, that is. A teacher can't spank a child.. but if you are in the role of the parent, sometimes, the kid can be too naughty. But I don't think excessive spanking is going to help.. so it's better to talk to the kid out instead.
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• United States
27 Nov 06
I have to agree... excessive spanking gets to be just like excessive screaming at the kid. They tune it out quickly.
@Desdemona (1301)
• Canada
27 Nov 06
Nope, I am right against spanking. Hitting a child is very wrong and causes fear. Have you ever been hit? How did it make you feel? There are many alternatives to disciplining a child. That is my view!
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• United States
27 Nov 06
i've been hit before, It hurt but it made me realize what i was doing was wrong, so i don't do it again and then i didn't. Therefore being hit isn't all that bad. Can you explain why its wrong? it doesn't necessarily causes fear. It might cause fear of not doing the samething again because that was the reason you got hit the first time. Yes there are many ways to discipline a child. But from what I know most of the kids i see now a days haven't been hit and only doing other ways. Those same kids are behaving badly. And for the majority here that responded that been spanked before turns out good.
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• United States
28 Nov 06
I think most of our generation has been spanked. Unfortunately the idea behind that is..."I've been spanked and lived" but I can see light in not believing also. Although I must admit, that small amount of fear of your parents is what kept you from being completely ignorant at times. Knowing you'd come home and "Dad would kill you" was enough to make you think twice. And in the end we really knew he wouldn't kill us, just come sort of close! lol
• Canada
1 Dec 06
I believe in spanking, but only for really serious things. If my daughter ran out into the street, I'd spank her. Sometimes a spanking is the only thing that gets through to child. But I also think it depends on the child, because not everything works for everyone.
• United States
2 Dec 06
pretty much seems to be the concensus here... but it's so weird because I see so many parents in public that simply do not believe in spanking and voice their opinion saying so! where are all the people that agree there is a time and place for it!!!? lol
• United States
1 Dec 06
spanking should be used sparingly, but it should be an option
• United States
7 Dec 06
i agree
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
27 Nov 06
I personally would not physically hit or harm my child if I had one and would take a privilege away from them, like watching tv or listening to the radio or something else instead.
• United States
27 Nov 06
I agree. Spanking isn't a first resort with me. Although now they're teens so it's really not a resort at all! lol
@zotopec (307)
• Pakistan
8 Dec 06
Spanking is good so far the spanker has a good enough reason and is in good enough reason. Getting unreasonable and to spanking shades your decision and it is not good.
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@ambkeb (782)
• United States
27 Nov 06
I spank if they need it. Sometimes just saying NO over and over doesnt work. LOL I think with some children thats about all you can do to get them to mind. My son has his days. Some days a simple NO in a stern voice does the job and other days he just wants to be defiant.
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• United States
27 Nov 06
I agree. I would try to NEVER spank out of anger though.
@camo26 (1418)
27 Nov 06
ok i dont really belive that a spanking is relavant for most things kids get up to i usually tell them off or put them on the naughty step for however many minuits acording to their age ie my son is 4 so know if he is bad he goes on for 4 minuits :p but my other son is only 2 and if you remotly try to put him on a step he just dousnt understand so off he goes for a wander lol so with him i tend to give him a slight slap on the hand when he is bad and then if he persists its off to bed with him :) he really hates that so i usually give him 5-10 mins to calm down then ask for an appoligy and he usually stays relativly good for the rest of the day :).. I have however given them both a hot bum for more serious things like when my 4 year old was told not to go near the river at his Grandmas and yep you guessed it he did :) but i dont think he will again but this is where im getting to my point lol if you bear with me :) my 2 year old tryed to stick a fork in a plug socket that i had just unplugged the hoover from and when he recived a hot bum it scared him and he didnt speak to me for a few days which really made me feel guilty so therefore i dont like using this method as although you get very angry at them sometimes there is just no need for it as there is plenty other methods out there that do work and they seem to understand them better :) Sorry for babbling on a bit :p Hope you have a nice day
• United States
28 Nov 06
lol... babble away I agree with you.... it's sometimes needed!
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
7 Dec 06
i strongly feel that the spanking of a child is abusive and may constitute assault. All it does is show the child that physical violence is ok as long as the person is smaller than you
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• United States
27 Nov 06
of course...
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• United States
28 Nov 06
lol.. did you say that with a slap?
@kittykatzz (1132)
• United States
28 Nov 06
there are worse things than spankings.. lol.. my children jsut arent old enough to recieve the type of punishments when they cant use the computer, phones, cars, or have to clean somethin yucky!.. they dont cross me too far yet.. but theyre still babies to me! usually preteen starts to be time for "actual" punishments and groundings,, cant really take away what they dont have yet! but the whole idea of a punishment is to learn that your mistakes have consenquences right? and the punishment should suit the crime to i think .. so spanking or hitting a child cuz they like yelled or took something they were supposed to or got a detention or something just doesnt seem to teach them anything except .. "well mommy hits me when shes mad... when im mad i can hit (sibling, other child, whoever)" i feel very strongly about this one.. sorry for the novel!
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• United States
2 Dec 06
sounds logical! thanks for sharing!
@taraka (717)
• India
2 Dec 06
yes i belive
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@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
1 Dec 06
i think there are goods and bads about spanking, i think it all depends.
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• India
28 Nov 06
can't say
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• United States
27 Nov 06
There is indeed a huge difference in a spanking and abuse to a child. First resort should never be spanking. The child has to know why he's getting one. And if he's spanked before talked to, he doesn't really comprehend. (Assuming they're under the age of 5 or so.) Some believe that children under the age 5 should not be spanked. I, however, have swatted my 2 year's bottom for touching the hot oven when told not to, over and over. For me, a spanking is only used when whatever the child is doing could be harmed if he does it again. And it's only after I've explained why he shouldn't do it. If he does it again after that, then he gets a spanking. However, my boys are now 4 and almost 8 years old. Spankings are not really an option being it hasn't worked for some time now. I have bought a dry erase board, and drew dollar signs under each child's name. They start the week with $5 each. There's also 5 dollar bills taped under each child's name. If they get in trouble, they erase a dollar sign, and I remove one of the dollars. If they have the full $5 or $1 left at the end of the week, is their choice.
• Italy
2 Dec 06
I think there is nothing wrong in a good spankind
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• United States
30 Nov 06
I beieve in spanking but there is a certain loving way right way to do this never scream while you do it never curse always tell your child you love them and explain why you are going to spank them I think if you are doing it any other way you are abusing them
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