Criticising others

May 27, 2017 9:10am CST
Criticising other people. Is it right or wrong. Please share your opinions....
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6 responses
@Teekaaa (11580)
• India
27 May 17
From my point of view, criticising other's is totally wrong... How we feel when others criticize us... Likewise only the other person will also feel....We have to stand in others position and see...
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@Teekaaa (11580)
• India
27 May 17
@Margaret29 It seems they don't have any other work other than What do you think about criticizing?
27 May 17
@Teekaaa I feel that criticising should be in private and only on those who take it positively
27 May 17
Yes ... I too feel that way but many are enjoying criticising
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@responsiveme (22926)
• India
27 May 17
What do you think?
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27 May 17
I feel criticising not a good thing. But if one point s out the mistake of someone such that the person is not offended, then it is ok....but it should never hurt the one....
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@atoz1to10 (6780)
• Australia
27 May 17
It depends on how you see it. I don't like being criticised. If you criticise someone it's best to do it in private and you need to choose your words carefully so you don't hurt the other person's feeling...
27 May 17
Good point ...words are stronger than anything...
• Kolkata, India
27 May 17
I hate criticism. Before criticizing others, One must be very perfect on that point which are often ignorant!
28 May 17
That is true... those who criticise imagine themselves to be very perfect
@JediYoda (1646)
• Samoa
27 May 17
I don't criticize people as a rule except when it is really needed that you really must invite their attention.
28 May 17
@magnumopus (1644)
• Singapore
30 May 17
It will really depend on a particular case or situation.