Should a college professor be fired for expressing common sense Liberal views? (And can you tell what my picture is and why I used it?)

@TheHorse (223863)
Walnut Creek, California
June 1, 2017 5:56pm CST
I'm still trying to wrap my head abut this one. A college professor in Washington has been the subject of harassment, and even demands for his firing, because he expressed his views about a "skip day" on campus? Apparently, it's a "black" skip day, and white students were strongly encouraged to participate, with which the professor disagreed. I'll add more to this later. I have (had) to rush off and see a client. I can find anything in the article about who threatened violence against whom.
The Evergreen State College, where a debate over safe spaces spilled onto the national stage last week, closed Thursday after a threat to campus safety.
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11 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Jun 17
There is video available, as mentioned by another commenter. I have also seen an interview with the professor who describes himself as a Progressive Liberal. The students were demanding that no white students or faculty be allowed on campus on a specific day. This professor showed up to teach his class and was confronted by the students. Campus police were called, but they were blocked from getting to the confrontation by other students. The head of the college called the campus police off, and was negotiating a list of demands presented by these students, one of those demands was to fire the professor who didn't heed their demand that he not be on campus on their no-whites day. They were threatening violence, I don't know if they committed any or not.
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@FourWalls (71780)
• United States
2 Jun 17
Clearly a case of the inmates running the asylum.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun 17
I cannot believe this. Have you been watching FOX news? I thought the black kids asked the white kids to join them in taking the day off.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun 17
@FourWalls I've seen that happen in a couple of jobs I've had.
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@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
2 Jun 17
In this age of promoted tolerance....there seems to be a lot of intolerance to any opinion that doesn't promote a "minority". Prayer is not allowed in the public schools....yet the practices of Islam are openly embraced in that same classroom so as not to offend. Say what? If I don't hire your (because you aren't qualified) you object that I'm racist or sexist or homophobic...or whatever you reason of choice. I'm not seeing much tolerance from those who would say we are intolerant. I don't think this professor did anything that should be reprimanded. I think the media carries a lot of the responsibility.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun 17
How did the media mess this one up? I'm going to try and do some research tonight.
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@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
2 Jun 17
@TheHorse I didn't see any racism in the letter, yet the news story seemed to be focused on the professors supposed racism...
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
10 Jun 17
@Morleyhunt Here's a good summary by a relative youngun. We live in strange times indeed.
In this segment of the Weekly Rundown, we look at Evergreen College's liberal craziness, and the actions the brave, SJW, leftist students took in order to co...
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Jun 17
I saw that and also saw an interview with him. I just can't believe that the president of the university is letting the students shove people around like they are and ceding authority to them. And whatever happened to despising racism?! The skip day is totally racist and showcases the bigotry that is rife on that campus as well as so many others. And if anyone disagrees there will be violence, that's what the kids said. A professor I heard interviewed today said that his profession had done this, turned the young into what they are today. He is not surprised it's come to this because that's the end result. The world has gone nuts.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Jun 17
@TheHorse I did not hear their threats myself but have read in both left and right information sources that they did. The professor also said it, I believe. It's crazy scary what is happening today, and not only on college campuses. People are going nuts.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
10 Jun 17
@dragon54u I'm going to have to do a bit more research on Evergreen State College, or whatever it called. I thought it was supposed to be a decent college.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
10 Jun 17
Did they really say they'd be violent toward those who disagreed? I have to get caught up on this one.
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@celticeagle (172003)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Jun 17
Pretty pathetic. A really stupid affair due to a professor trying to do his job.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Jun 17
@TheHorse There's an extensive interview with the professor in which he explains that he believes the college's new policies on "equity" are actually not promoting equity. He believes the students misunderstand his position and he is in favor of equity, but believes these new policies could lead to less equity, not more in hiring, etc. This is why they have targeted him and called him racist. Racist is the term currently applied to anyone that disagrees with someone else's point of view. It's funny, because this professor is one of their own, politically speaking. But since they won't let him speak, he cannot explain his reasoning to them.
NOTE: This is raw unedited footage. 05/25/2017 King5 News interviews Bret Weinstein at Sylvester Park in downtown Olympia on recent protests at The Evergreen...
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun 17
I just got back from seeing my kid client. I'm going to have to research this story more. I read there was something "racist" in the letter he wrote. But I could only access the first page of the letter. Obviously nothing racist there.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun 17
@Rollo1 Thanks--I will read this interview. I am disheartened that my "brothers" on the Left have turned themselves have turned themselves in to a mockery of Liberalism. They're more intolerant than the Conservatives of the 1970s.
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@PatZAnthony (14749)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
2 Jun 17
It is such a funny (not really) situation. We have the freedom to express our views to a point, but it often gets people is so much trouble. This is a perfect example.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun 17
Should we all just keep our opinions to ourselves, so as not to get harassed? My father is rolling in his grave.
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
2 Jun 17
I have the feeling that we are no more free to express our opinion and those who still think with their head and brain are seen as dangerous.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun 17
Kill the intellectuals! Who said that?
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
2 Jun 17
@TheHorse It happened many times in the past. In the 17th century in the United States, the Puritan John Cotton demonized intellectual men and women. He said “the more learned and witty you bee, the more fit to act for Satan will you bee." They were killed during the Russian revolution, and in Italy during the Fascism. Those who think, are dangerous for Dictators.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
10 Jun 17
@LadyDuck Ah, it was Pol Pot I was thinking of.
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@lillywriter (1143)
• Lithuania
2 Jun 17
Intersting things are going on now there in US.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jun 17
We sometimes call it political correctness. It is getting in the way of real positive change.
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@DaddyEvil (142425)
• United States
3 Jun 17
Your picture appears to be what remains of a cat's dinner.... is that a sandpiper of some type, maybe called a skipper? (I'm not sure why you used it, unless you were thinking of the violence done to it?) It appeared to me that all the "violence" was directed at the professor and those who agreed with him, pony... I am lost trying to follow the reasoning the coalition students and their sponsors came to... How was the professor being racist? I agree with the professor.... the college administration was wrong to suggest the white students should also stay away from the campus if the black students were going to skip the day to show solidarity to their cause. As far as I understand what the skip day represented, their point would have been lost if the white students also stayed away from the campus. (The whole point of the skip day was for the black students and staff members to separate themselves from the white students and staff members... at least that was my understanding of it.)
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@andriaperry (118380)
• Anniston, Alabama
2 Jun 17
Things are just out of hand. Trump is trying to get order back, all the police were being killed and people running wild beating people because they do not agree with them..... Most people could not even speak an opinion about who they wanted to vote for in the last race because of the one party having people beat. God Help us all.
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@haazaah (221)
• Pakistan
3 Jun 17
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Jun 17
We have no cats here. Hmm. Red tailed hawk?
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@BloggerDi (3113)
• United States
3 Jun 17
I've watched more news interviews about the situation. Basically, I think the students and some others immediately reacted emotionally without really reading Weinstein's email carefully and without thinking anything through! (Ya think?) Racism is clearly NOT the issue. Oh people, please take the huge chips off your shoulders and put your logical brains back in!!
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Jun 17
I only read the page shown in the article. I haven't found the "racist" part yet. As a college teacher, I'm going to research this one further.
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@TheHorse (223863)
• Walnut Creek, California
10 Jun 17
Yikes! There was no more to the latter! THAT was racist?
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