Uh-oh! The Masks Are Coming Off!

This makes the second mugging Donald Trump stopped!
United States
June 16, 2017 1:54pm CST
So, it turns out, it wasn't "the Russians" who hacked the DNC servers, after all. It was, in fact, a paid agent of the DNC. Why am I not surprised? These folks lie, hire online shills, ridicule and harrass opponents as well as use highly emotional and low-information campaigns, all the time. They even resort to murder to get their way. So, why should I or anyone be surprised a dog like Hillary Clinton would feign being the victim? According to Stateofthenation2012.com, Dmitri Alperovitch, CTO of CrowdStrike - a CIA contractor, was hired by the DNC to create evidence of a faked hacking of DNC servers by the Russians. This, among a pile of other fake news garbage has been levied against President Donald Trump, ever since he beat her for the presidency. I can understand her anger. First, she cheated to steal the nomination from fellow communist Bernie Sanders. Then, she had to have Seth Rich murdered for leaking her email correspondence to Wikileaks Then, she and Slick Willie have had to leave America, since election rigging carries a 25 to life prison term. This must really be getting expensive for her, by now. That money could've bought her more shoes! Like I asked another myLotter: "How many liberal women's careers must be destroyed before we realize electing Trump was the best decision we ever made?"
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2 responses
16 Jun 17
Why are there so many intrigues and controversies in politics? It's really so very confusing to the public.
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• United States
16 Jun 17
Because those addicted to power will do anything to silence those painful cravings.
15 May 18
Because power hungry criminals crave such positions, and will do anything to obtain them. Once they have a network in powerful positions, it makes it hard for good people to get in. America has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as already being infiltrated by a pedophile network before that.
@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
17 Jun 17
I think all departments of the US government are a bunch of lying, conniving, thieving crooks @Iquestionitall .
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
15 May 18
@Iquestionitall Russia probably 'slid' more money under the table.
• United States
17 Jun 17
Here lately, yeah. What's strangest, to me, is how Oliver Stone said Israel had more influence in the 2016 election than Russia but that got ignored.
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15 May 18
@Iquestionitall Oh vey, you can't say that.