Water Water Everywhere Top Ten: It's the Water (#9)

@FourWalls (72320)
United States
June 23, 2017 10:49am CST
Yes, water is everywhere, including falling from the sky. I'm holding out hope to make it to Indy for a concert tonight. But before I deal with that, here's another song on my list of favorite songs with the word "water" in the title. #9: It's the Water - Darrell McCall And this is the reason I called this "water water everywhere." This song points out that there's water in the beer! "It's the water, 'cause it says so on the can," great Texas honky tonk singer Darrell McCall boasts in this gem. Now, there are a couple of funny things about this. First, it's Coors that boasts about its "Rocky Mountain spring water," and that is only brewed in Golden, Colorado. (Or so their commercials say.). This song talks about the "mighty sweet water down in Sweetwater, Texas." The other humorous thing is that McCall actually did Coors radio commercials. His five-CD Bear Family box set has a number of the commercials included. So here's a guy from Ohio singing about beer brewed in Texas with good water, the boast of a beer from Colorado. Okay. Cheers! Enjoy the song. I sure do. It's the Water Written by Darrell McCall Recorded by Darrell McCall, 1974 Released on The Real McCall, 1996 Look up and see the signs:
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3 responses
@kritis (628)
• India
23 Jun 17
I really don't hear such songs..but what all you written in this post is too good..carry on..enjoy..
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Jun 17
Could there be black water in the future?
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@FourWalls (72320)
• United States
23 Jun 17
Black water tanks are in RVs. Meanwhile, prepare yourself for a shock in the things to live in countdown for tomorrow......
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@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
23 Jun 17
"It's the water, and a whole lot more." Was that Hamm's?
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