current president of the usa

White Pigeon, Michigan
June 28, 2017 8:46pm CST
what are peoples views on the current president of the united states donald trump i at first thought he would be great due to being a great business man then i found out that he wasnt as good as people though he was at it , however i so far am glad he won as i wasnt a hillary supporter .. and he does seem to be doing things other politicans wouldnt
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3 responses
@jstory07 (142101)
• Roseburg, Oregon
29 Jun 17
I hope he does not get rid of medicade.
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• White Pigeon, Michigan
29 Jun 17
as do i being that i just got on it today and will need it for my pills and insulin and a few other things as well
• United States
29 Jun 17
Good luck with that. Temp reprieve since the Senate put off vote on new healthcare bill until after July 4.
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@LaDeBoheme (2004)
• United States
29 Jun 17
He is a buffoon. Just because you might be a businessman doesn't mean you can govern a country. The government does not work that way, but I guess he is finding that out.
• United States
29 Jun 17
@horormike So how is that working out for the country so far? Problem is that if you are in the government game, then you become a politician and you play by their rules...PERIOD. That's the way it works. For Donnie to think he could waltz into office and wheel & deal and bully Congress and world leaders into what he wanted was and IS ludicrous and very naive. I seriously doubt the Don would hire some inexperienced newbie to run one of his companies. Same logic -- I didn't want some inexperienced blowhard spouting useless rhetoric running my country -- one of many reasons I did not vote for him. In spite of what he thinks, you cannot govern by executive order and Twitter.
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• White Pigeon, Michigan
29 Jun 17
@LaDeBoheme personally i think it is working out for the country just fine i like most of the things he has done or is trying to do and if you dont think he is doing better than that snake hillary would have done please explain where she would have done anything other than what all the presidents before her .. my belief in the man isnt ludicrous due to the fact i see him doing what few if any other president has done and that is too keep his word on what he said he was going to do .. and yes there have been presidents that kept their word on what they were going to do but those promisses were only on a few little things
• White Pigeon, Michigan
29 Jun 17
i think it was time for a non politician to be in office due to the fact that the politicians where not doing the country any favors
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Jul 17
To be honest, after reading some of your comments in this discussion I don't think you really want to know what I think of the illegitimate resident of the White House. Today he proved beyond a doubt what I've known for a long time, that he's an Anti-American, treasonous DISGRACE and he has to go. I hope those who support this idiot are ready to learn Russian. Be prepared because it's a very difficult language according to my brother who learned it while in the Army years ago. Also, forget about a free press or ANY freedoms as far as that goes. Donald ensured today that Putin and Russia will continue to interfere with our elections as well as those of our democratic allies like they tried to do in France and are likely trying as we speak in Germany. It will be bye-bye to democracy all over the world.
• White Pigeon, Michigan
9 Jul 17
im open to all ideas on weather the guy is or has done good for the country i just dont care for the people that disagree with what he is doing and then just call him names as i am against all name calling we are adults here and dont need to resort to that i never said he was or will be a great president but atleast he is different than the other people that have been born and bred to be politicians as they have proven time and again that they havent got this countrys best interest in mind they are just after the money . i myself would love to see someone that does what they say and has this countrys best interests at heart i would also like to be able to vote for something other than the least worst choice i mean it came down to him or hillary clinton and i really have seen that she wouldnt be the way to go either
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Jul 17
@horormike I've always been against name-calling and insults but I'll confess, I've called Trump more than a few names and said and written some nasty things about him but that's because that's the only way he knows how to communicate with others. I know it's best to rise above it all, be the bigger person, turn the other cheek and all that good stuff but I just find it so frustrating that the so-called President of the United States refuses to do those things. The POTUS, the person who used to be considered the "Leader of the Free World", should be held to a higher standard but it seems like with Donald there are NO standards. I really don't see how anyone, especially after what transpired on his latest European trip, could still think he has the country's best interests in mind. He's using his office for personal gain and he's letting his daughter and son-in-law exploit it as well. What gave Ivanka the right to sit with the other world leaders? Everyone HAS to admit if Hillary Clinton had won and Chelsea had done that, if Chelsea had done any of the things Ivanka has been doing, the outcry would be deafening.
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