Drug Abuse

@abcdmm (177)
Maseru, Lesotho
July 20, 2017 2:41am CST
I am a person who believes in God in every challenge, and I always try all that I could to put my children in God's way. I have 2 girls and 2 boys, The three of them are doing good, but the other boy is abusing drugs, it is so painful to see him doing whatever he likes. He is a very handsome man, strong and hard worker, but since he had adopted this kind of life, he sleeps around and not eating very well. He some times sells his clothes in order to get money to buy drugs. Though things are not really pleasing, I am still praying and believing in God.
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3 responses
@dollaboy (6048)
20 Jul 17
This is so bad
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@deorahul (228)
20 Jul 17
If he is not listening to you then you can't help your addicted son by yourself.I can understand how painful this is for you seeing him in this way.Recovering from addiction is a long and tumultuous journey.It's better to consult a professional who can help you.
@abcdmm (177)
• Maseru, Lesotho
20 Jul 17
Yes, I think its better that way. thank you.
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@deorahul (228)
20 Jul 17
@abcdmm Welcome.
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
20 Jul 17
Keep praying and pray hard. God hears and like you, I have a child I pray for the same reason. The Bible says that if we brought up our child in the way they should go then they will not depart from it and sometimes we have to remember that to get to a destination, sometimes people take a wrong turning and need to find the way back to the path they should be on. Remember our God knows if we are at the bottom of the sea, or on the highest mountain and the good shepherd goes after every lost sheep.
@abcdmm (177)
• Maseru, Lesotho
20 Jul 17
Thank you very much.
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