Those Comments Are Terrible

Mojave, California
July 29, 2017 11:06pm CST
I went back and read some of the comments on YouTube about a video I shared on here from the Decendents. I guess I did not read them before I shared the video. It would have not stopped me if I had, but holy crap are they terrible with no thought to them whatsoever. Just straight hating on them because they do not agree with their viewpoint I get music is perception and people are going to see things with how they think, but how did they miss it for so long? Talking about the song is so different than when they made "Milo goes to college." That was probably one of more thought out comments. Maybe in style, but were the lyrics any different or all that different is a better way of saying it? They were never hard right leaning or what we now say as "alt- right " Which is even more right than hard right apparently. I am just wondering how they did not hear it in the Romones ,Clash, Dead Kennedys, bands that started the whole thing! People often take Rancid the same way for some reason. How are all these people missing these bands true viewpoints? I am frankly getting tired of them hijacking my music and maybe some songs do need to be created like "Who We Are." It needs to be spelled out for them so they stop coming to concerts, Youtube videos, Facebook posts, where all they do is spread hate and discontent. Music is meant to keep a dialogue open, but these people are not talking. They are not thinking or being rational. Trying to tell the band how to think. Well, if I wanted them to think like you, I would have bought your music, not theirs. I do not care if you are right wing or left wing. I personally prefer no wings. Most punk bands would probably say the same, but since we force them to have to choose, most would probably say they lean to the left. I mean their lyrics do speak for themselves. They clearly misunderstood them. No, they did not, what I think they are doing..... Most of them are purposely misconstruing their true meaning to get other people to think all people need to be of the right mindset. Who cares what people are, other than good neighbors!!!
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7 responses
@shikharava (1838)
30 Jul 17
Sometimes they aren't really people. They are just trolls. And trolls are paid handsomely to tarnish someone's reputation. You shouldn't worry about that. If they really cared they would have taken part in an open debate like actual people do. Trolls don't go for debates, they are not paid for those. If they were then they would have done that as well. You shouldn't worry about their views. Robots and trolls don't have their own views. They are programmed to express someone else's views. So don't bother about that. Work for what you believe, and noone can stop you from that. Best wishes. (*_*)
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• Mojave, California
30 Jul 17
Thanks friend, That why is I wrote this post because getting tired of people not actually talking about their differences anymore, just saying you suck because you believe what you believe. Well gee, you are so right with that well thought out comment, let me switch to your side and way of thinking. See where I am going. They not even trying anymore.
• United States
30 Jul 17
I often find the comments on YouTube are just trolling around and hating on everything, this is why I try not to read comments there. So misinformed.....
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• Mojave, California
30 Jul 17
Yeah, I should learn my lesson also, but never do.
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• United States
30 Jul 17
@crossbones27 hahah, me too, me too, although some comments can be informative and quite entertaining
• United States
30 Jul 17
Yeah some are only online to spread hatred. That is all they do no matter what the subject is. As long as they are not beatin my door down, I don't care what they are sayin.
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• Mojave, California
30 Jul 17
I hear you and usually would ignore them, but have a feeling these are the same people that keep putting crazy people in power and that effects all our lives. At this point they are probably banging our doors down in a way.
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• United States
30 Jul 17
@crossbones27 I hear you too Crossbones and I think you are right on the money about that.
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@LadyDuck (472503)
• Switzerland
30 Jul 17
There are so many people who only leave comments to be rude. It's a real shame.
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• Mojave, California
30 Jul 17
Some of it is that and some are probably just jumping on the bandwagon because they see so many other negative comments. Some think that is funny when you do those sorts of things. I also think it is what I explained to The Horse because really not a song you can hate on merits. I can see people disliking it, but not enough to leave nasty comments, being if they are of rational mind.
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• Mojave, California
31 Jul 17
@LadyDuck My point exactly and really irritates me calling them communists and what not because they give a crap about their fellow brothers and sisters. Some have the audacity to call them fascists. See what I mean with how they try to trick people.
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@LadyDuck (472503)
• Switzerland
31 Jul 17
@crossbones27 Leaving nasty comments is a stupid thing to do. You can like other kinds of music, surely there are groups or musics that you do not appreciate, but you can simply say that it's not your thing without leaving nasty comments.
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@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
30 Jul 17
That song said exactly what needed to be said at this point in time.
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• Mojave, California
30 Jul 17
I agree buddy and thought it was pretty brave to do a song like that because probably knew there would be a lot of backlash being they have been around for so long.
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• Mojave, California
30 Jul 17
@teamfreak16 That is another point is they are a few comments because they think punk is a sound and not a way of life. They want that loud aggression.
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@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
30 Jul 17
@crossbones27 - I guess they won't accept that punk bands evolve just like most bands.
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@dollaboy (6048)
30 Jul 17
Some like to speak there mind and most of the times it's crap
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• Mojave, California
30 Jul 17
Well put buddy.
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@jstory07 (142103)
• Roseburg, Oregon
30 Jul 17
You are always going to get the haters.
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• Mojave, California
30 Jul 17
Indeed, but damn near the whole comment section was dominated by haters. I am not sure I seen a video get that much hate in a long time, unless they were obvious sell outs.
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