Surgery for getting tubes in your ears.

Willimantic, Connecticut
August 2, 2017 6:08am CST
My son just turned 10 months old. He's been struggling with ear infections since he was 4 months old. He has to get the surgery to get the tubes put in. This poor kid just can't get a break. His ears have caused constant infection of both ears, constant congestion, coughing, wheezing, eye infections. They don't drain properly, which apparently causes the congestion and coughing. I have a nebulizer as needed. Mostly the cough is just a problem at night. He has to have the ac on low, in order to breath ok. The fan will make him worse. Its so hard watching him suffer. This child is the happiest baby ever, and he's just such a trooper. Oral antibiotics don't work to clear the infection. So he has been at the doctors like 5 times in the past two weeks getting antibiotic injections. Of course these hurt him and he cries. It breaks my heart when he has to get them and he looks at me with his big eyes full of tears. Ugh, i just feel like the worst person in the world when that happens. I know i'm doing what is best for my son, but i'm just sick of waiting. His appointment with the specialist is August 30th and they said it could be as far as September he gets his tubes in. I've been fighting to get him and earlier appointment. I just can't stand waiting and not being able to help him! Has anyone gone through this?
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4 responses
• United States
2 Aug 17
Hey my son had this done when he was a small boy..admittedly we were overseas in England and English docs did it for him and after that he was great..he was only 2 when they did it. He got better after that. I know how you feel.
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• Willimantic, Connecticut
2 Aug 17
I just think that as soon as he gets his tubes, we are going to see a big difference. Daycare said they saw a big difference the first time he got a set of antibiotic injections. Since his ears are always infected, i feel like we are partially just used to it. :(
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Aug 17
@Angel929 I know dear Autumn..I know how worrying this is..I always felt so bad for my little boy..he suffered so much with so many issues..I just wanted to tell you that it indeed should help your son. Do let us know how it goes.
• Willimantic, Connecticut
2 Aug 17
@TiarasOceanView Thank you, I will definately keep you posted
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• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Aug 17
Waiting is absolutely the worst part, I agree. I hope time goes by fast for you and your baby.
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• Willimantic, Connecticut
2 Aug 17
Thank you so much. I hope so too!
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
2 Aug 17
Alot of my cousins had to get tubes as kids. Some more than once. Sadly, you have ti wait but im sure itll cone fast
@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
2 Aug 17
@Angel929 very common, and shouldnt worry..
• Willimantic, Connecticut
2 Aug 17
@Courtlynn Thank you. Trying not to! :)
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• Willimantic, Connecticut
2 Aug 17
I guess its very common these days. My sons father had them when he was young, and his other two children had them as babies. But this is a first for me, and although its common, it still makes me nervous! And i hope it goes by quickly. Hopefully he doesn't have to get many more antibiotic injections before surgery...They hurt his little legs :(
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2 Aug 17
I had an ear infection also (right ear) . There's a thick fluid that runs out my ear and I hated it very much It smells not good and it's really painful.
• Willimantic, Connecticut
2 Aug 17
Yes they are so painful. I've had one when i was an adult and i remember how bad it hurt. So i can't even imagine my poor baby having both ears infected constantly. It breaks my heart.
3 Aug 17
@Angel929 poor baby don't worry everything will going to be okay with ur baby God bless!
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• Willimantic, Connecticut
3 Aug 17
@dashurisan Thank you :)
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