What would YOU do to come up with $1,000 before November?

By Yuki
@yukimori (10176)
United States
August 16, 2017 11:32am CST
I've wanted to get a new laptop for ages now, but just couldn't find one with all the features I want. Then the other night I was browsing through the vendor perks section on one of my company's websites, and found a great coupon for the new Samsung Notebook 9 Pro. The 15" model is almost exactly what I've been looking for, down to the 360-degree screen and the fact that it's designed for Windows Ink and comes packaged with one of Samsung's S Pens for writing on the screen. The downside is that even with the coupon it's going to set me back a grand. I haven't been funding the sinking fund for laptop replacement because it just wasn't a priority. Now I need to come up with at least half that amount by the end of October if I want to use the coupon I have. Doable, but it's going to take some creativity and a bit of hard work. So what would you do to come up with a few hundred dollars as soon as you could? This is getting pretty long and I have to head off to work so I'll share some of the things I'm already doing later today or tomorrow.
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5 responses
@paigea (36315)
• Canada
16 Aug 17
I would ramp up my mystery shopping. That is my best way to add to my income. I would sign up for more companies, check job boards I haven't been checking to find more jobs. I focus on ones that are on my way to somewhere I am going anyway. Force myself to try some I haven't tried before like car dealerships.
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@yukimori (10176)
• United States
16 Aug 17
That's one of the things I do, too. I haven't been doing as many as I could do, but this week I have a route of grocery shop to complete for a company. The dealership reports can be tedious depending on the company, but I like the oil change shops. I got to do one of those last week, which is great because it saved me the time and hassle of doing it myself. Probably could have held out for a better bonus but even the straight reimbursement would have been okay since it really needed to be done. I'm hoping for some of the easy phone shops to pop up soon. They might not pay that much but they're quick to complete and report.
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
17 Aug 17
@yukimori Do you mean making phone calls? Or where you go and talk about cell phones? I kind of hate those but at least they don't require being out of pocket. Bare International and Shoppers Confidential have some e-mail and text mystery shops. They don't pay very well, but pretty easy.
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@yukimori (10176)
• United States
17 Aug 17
@paigea The ones where you call specific businesses, not the cell phone shops. Honestly those are some of the most tedious I've ever done. I'm signed up for Bare, but I've never done any shops for them since they don't have much in my immediate area. I put out some feelers to one of my companies to see if they can offer a bit of flexibility on some of the current shops that are available. They want them done between today and tomorrow, but I'm hopeful that they might be able to push that back to Friday. If they can, I'll add them to my current route for that day to pad it out, since I somehow ended up with only one shop on that day and it's quite a ways to travel for just one job. I don't know what I was thinking when I requested that one by itself. If they can't do it, I'll see if I can pick up some small merchandising audits around that area and maybe try to get my car in for servicing at one of the dealerships. I still have one of those Takata airbags that needs to be replaced, and my local Toyota dealership still hasn't gotten back to me. Too bad I'm not shopping them...
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
16 Aug 17
My first thought would be to sell some of the excess I seem to wind up with, and if that wasn't enough, I would sell some that I didn't see as excess but isn't that important to me. Also, cut out any unnecessary spending, which can mean different things to different people. Extra work, of course, where you can find it, will help.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
17 Aug 17
@yukimori What about in the way of services you could do? Helping someone or doing chores for pay? Your grocery shops sound like they will really help.
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@yukimori (10176)
• United States
17 Aug 17
I wish I had more excess at this point. If I did, I'd definitely host a yard sale or two to move some of it. I have a few items that I've bought with the intent of reselling, so I imagine it's time to put them up and part with them. Unnecessary spending... we try to run a pretty tight budget, but there's always a bit of fluff we could afford to trim out. I'm going to be taking grocery store mystery shops to help cut down some of our grocery expenses. I have a nice route planned for later this week, and the new batch for the next couple of weeks probably just dropped on the board today. It means a lot more driving and a lot of data entry afterwards, but actively doing grocery routes usually lets me cut those expenses by about 75% if I'm not spending much more than the reimbursement amount for each store.
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@yukimori (10176)
• United States
17 Aug 17
@peavey It's possible, but I have to be careful to not ovedo it physically because of the fibromyalgia.
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@much2say (57296)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Aug 17
Oh gosh. I don't work (you know, taking care of the kids and stuff is my work). So me, I'd sell a bunch of stuff (once and for all if I can, particularly the bigger stuff). Make it a point to save money on groceries and stuff all I can (moreso than normal). Maybe I'd see if anyone could use me for a few hours (as a part timer) during school hours. Not sure if I could make a full thousand in 3 months, but I have had to do it once though I had 3/4 of a year to do it.
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19 Aug 17
Sell on ebay, Buy-Swap-and-Sell sites, save from your earnings from your job, garage sale. I hope you get your laptop by October. My son works two jobs on days he's not at Uni. He pays his sisters the money they lent him for down payment for his car on top of the money he had saved.
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16 Aug 17
I think writing is the only best option that can work in this kind of situation. Join freelancing sites,place many bids on lots of online jobs for example excel data entry jobs. You get selected you do the jobs and you earn. Article writing can also work if you join sites like iwriter.
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@yukimori (10176)
• United States
17 Aug 17
Maybe, but I've been out of the loop for a while when it comes to writing. I have no idea what sites are any good, so it'll take a bit of time to get back to where I'm doing well with it. I haven't even kept up with myLot that much recently.
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