Dealing with Depression

August 16, 2017 5:36pm CST
Hi~ I don't know if anyone is going to read this thread but I'm just leaving this here to have some form of open discussion and for advice. I've been dealing with major depression for about 5 years now. I was officially diagnosed with depression 3 years ago. I tried Lexapro to try and help me but I quit cold turkey and had terrible withdrawal symptoms. I've done what people and docs tell me to do: I try to go out with friends, take walks, and all that good stuff but I'd just like to know what helps other people out with their depression. So what I want to know is: 1 - If you have depression, what caused it? Or did it just creep up and consume you one day? 2 - What medications have you taken that have worked for you? 3 - What do you do to help lessen your depression? 4 - What are some hobbies of yours that help you cope? 5 - How has depression affected your relationships with others? 6 - If you've made it out of depression, how long did it take you and what are some of the most helpful things you did to help yourself?
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15 responses
@NJChicaa (122033)
• United States
16 Aug 17
I've always had depression in some form during my life. I've been on and off medication over the years, but I do best on medication. I've been on Lexapro for about 3 years now and it has helped. I also take medicine for my anxiety. I try to keep busy which helps to distract me from my depression. I work 10 months of the year and work out regularly and that fills up a lot of my time. I also find that sunlight helps me. In the summer I like to be outside and enjoy the long days. In the winter I go tanning to get exposure to UV rays. I think that it helps my mood.
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19 Aug 17
That's helpful! I never considered tanning because I don't like tanning, but maybe some UV exposure right now would be good for me, thank you!
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@NJChicaa (122033)
• United States
19 Aug 17
@happybeann Kind of makes sense. People with SAD (seasonal affective disorder) sit in front of those light boxes. Tanning is like the same thing.
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19 Aug 17
@NJChicaa Hm, I could try light boxes :O I don't know if me being a night-owl would make me not like light boxes but that's something I have never heard of but would be willing to try!
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
16 Aug 17
sorry no help from me.Have not got there yet.
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
19 Aug 17
@happybeann do not even think about it
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19 Aug 17
That's okay, same here! But someday maybe I'll get to beating it.
• United States
17 Aug 17
I think one day you just get so fed up of it and feeling that way that something kicks you into gear and depression may not go away, but you can accomplish more things which can help you with your life. At least that is how it is for me. Walking, yoga helps. Trying to stay on a regular sleep schedule helps if you can get that down.
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• United States
19 Aug 17
@happybeann Yes I do walk even if only a short walk and also I have done stretching yoga like moves in the mornings when I get up and also some Tai Chi moves..YouTube is fabulous for all those things. I hope you get to feeling some what better. Please come here to talk anytime.
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19 Aug 17
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19 Aug 17
Hm- maybe that feeling will get to me someday! I hope it's soon. Also, I have been taking walks, but I'll see if I can get into any yoga classes or maybe even just watch YouTube videos on yoga. Thank you!
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
17 Aug 17
I am sorry you are dealing with that. I know my depression is grief. I am not diagnosed with depression or anxiety so my case is mild I guess. I force myself to do one small thing and that gets me going a bit. Going outside. If I start working in the garden I feel better. I joined a hiking group. Once I sign up for a hike I feel commited and I force myself to go. Once there, I am glad. Going to work is good for me. I guess I can never retire. Too long on the computer is definatly bad for me. I guess I will go pick some beans. It is a beautiful sunny day. Take care
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
19 Aug 17
@happybeann I found the group on . Also, our library has a lot to offer and that is all free. I joined a knitting group there. Check it out!
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19 Aug 17
Your post is so cute! I wish I had beans to pick too. I just moved to a new area so I wonder if I could find any groups I could hang out with. I know no one here but I think I would feel better if I committed to plans and hung out with more people. Thank you!
@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
16 Aug 17
@happybeann Yes, I've battle depression, almost all my life. I've been on many different meds, today I'm taking Celexa, which works good for me. EffexorXR was good, but when it stopped working, the withdrawal symptoms almost put me in a hospital bed:( To lessen depression, I walk, read books, ride bike, and pray every single day. With God's help, I am doing a lot better.
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19 Aug 17
Whenever I get treated again I'll ask the doctor about Celexa and EffexorXR, thank you! I also walk and read books and sometimes that helps to ease my mind. Also- I'm glad to hear you're doing a lot better; stay well!
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@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
19 Aug 17
@happybeann I've wrestled with depression, since my first marriage fell apart. It was quite hard, but I've been blessed with a second husband for 27 years and he's a wonderful man:)
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19 Aug 17
@kobesbuddy That's amazing :o seriously, CONGRATS :D I hope someday I'll be able to find someone who is good to me and is understanding enough to help me deal what I go through.
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@Misty08 (224)
• United States
26 Aug 17
Hello. First of all. I'd like to give you a virtual hug. I have been depressed and been battling it for years. Maybe 10 years? 8? Dunno exactly. But it's since I was in high school. I experienced being bullied and had difficulties relating to teens my age before. I have free floating anxiety too. I often over think. I panic. And having this kind of mental state keeps me awake til 3am everyday until now. I wasn't diagnosed clinically. But I searched for signs and symptoms... less sleep, no appetite to eat, no energy to engage in hobbies I once loved, doesn't want to talk to others. Working in the medical field, I was aware of my own condition. I didn't consult a psychiatrist. Neither went to a shrink for a talk. I was scared of taking meds coz apart from this, I got a heart disease too. Can't afford to take more pills than what I already have for maintenance. And so, I try to convince myself that I have to be my very own bestfriend. I cried myself to sleep for ages, but tears were now getting less. Others say I'm just sad. But I know sadness, it's nothing like this. This is something that makes me hollow. I feel empty.
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@Misty08 (224)
• United States
27 Aug 17
@happybeann yes. You're welcome. Others wouldn't fully understand coz they haven't experienced it first hand. Most of my friends tell me it's just a phase i can get over soon. And I should just put this in the past. But they don't know how much I'm struggling in the present anyway. And it really sucks
@Misty08 (224)
• United States
27 Aug 17
@happybeann yes. You're welcome. Others wouldn't fully understand coz they haven't experienced it first hand. Most of my friends tell me it's just a phase i can get over soon. And I should just put this in the past. But they don't know how much I'm struggling in the present anyway. And it really sucks
26 Aug 17
//virtual hug from me to you I feel that-- at first I didn't want to take any medications just because I didn't believe they would work for me anyway. I don't understand much about heart disease but I know if I had another medical problem I wouldn't want to take more things than I could stomach. And THANK YOU for stating that it's more than just sadness. Depression isn't sadness. It's an empty, hollow feeling that sometimes isn't even caused by anything. I hope this both gets better for the both of us. Keep on going.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
18 Aug 17
I have dealt with depression on and off for a long time now. I have been one of the Lucky ones who has chosen to do it without meds a long time ago. Especially since now I am allergic to so many different meds, it has really been maybe a god send for me. I now find Writing, or painting on rocks helps keep my mind off of things to where I usually can cope, but also find keeping my Faith in god thru Prayer has helped me as well.
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19 Aug 17
Interesting. I also try to write too and I end up writing about sad things mostly, but it does help get the thoughts out of my head.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
17 Aug 17
My answers to your questions by number... 1) - I don't think there is a root cause, but something triggers it from time to time. Stress, everyday prpblems or challenges can be culprits. I don't remember everything the psychiatrist says during our meetings, but seeing him helped me to help myself. 2) Same medicine, I took Lexapro, which did work for me but I didn't like the withdrawal effects I felt when I stopped taking them. 3) I feel the grief, or sadness, or anger, or any negative emotion I have, I really try to feel it and acknowledge it...then I cry it all out. It helped me feel better right after. It also helped me gain clarity and understanding of my present situation at the time. 4) Singing helped me cope, as well as listening to happy music, or any kind of music that triggers those happy memories to come back. At times I don't feel like eating, but I force myself to eat properly anyway, and it always does make me feel better. 5) Whenever depression strikes, I'm not fun to be with and I'm not really being my best original self. That must suck for other people -- putting up with all that negativity, so as much as I can, as hard as I could, I really try to fight it. If not, I'd rather stay away from people for some time and be alone (but not too long). 6) I've had short depressive episodes as well as longer ones. I take weeks to feel improvement, but there were times it could be months, depending on the severity of my "triggers". But I guess over the years of battling, I've become better at fighting it, and keeping it at bay. As much as possible, I do not want to take Lexapro ever again.
19 Aug 17
Thank you for this thorough response
@SHOHANA (16093)
• Bangladesh
19 Aug 17
well I often deal with it and prefer to listen some good music
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20 Aug 17
Music is what keeps me alive tbh
@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
17 Aug 17
I've never been depressed @happybeann but a thought would be to go get hypnotized and find out what is the root cause of your depression; that way you can deal with the original issue.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
19 Aug 17
@happybeann It's worth a shot. Sometimes we have a tendency to 'bury' bad things. A lot of times we tend to blame ourselves for things that have happened when in reality, it's not true. As a result we carry guilt that we shouldn't.
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19 Aug 17
That's a good idea! I think I'll try that because I never even considered that.
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@Courtlynn (67091)
• United States
17 Aug 17
Thats alot of questions.. but im sorry you too are dealing with depression. I have been dealing with serve depression (and bad anxiety) for 9years, since my ex abused my daughter and got her taken away from me. Music sometimes helps me, along with talking to my mom and few friends but nothing helps me 100%.. not even 60%. And ive learned to accept that this may just be the new norm for me
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19 Aug 17
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you :( People are hella jerks sometimes. But I agree with you, sometimes I feel like I don't have depression at all- maybe it's just my personality and I'm just depressed because that's who I am.
@miyaford (295)
• Nashville, Tennessee
19 Aug 17
Dealing with depression can be very hard if you have no support. I suffered from depression at a point of time in my life when I was at a low point. My depression was caused by all the things that seem to be going wrong in my life. I tried so many different medications Seroquel was one of them that seem to work but it gave me restless leg syndrome, the only thing that lessen my depression was when things started to get better in my life, i use to love to read as one of my hobbies when I was depressed because sometimes a good book would help me take my mind of certain things that I was going through in my life. Depression affected my relationships tremendously because I was not happy with myself so how could I be happy with someone else. I would not say that I quite made it out of my depression because I still get in this mode from time to time. I pray which helps to alleviate my stress level which places me in a depression stage.
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20 Aug 17
I will ask the doc about Seroquel when go in but I don't know if I want the restless leg syndrome in order to get better D; I also like to read so I've been doing that to keep myself calm.
@Neiltarquin (1062)
• Rass, Saudi Arabia
18 Aug 17
I am sorry to hear that. I don't get depressed much and if I do, I just shrug it off. I always say to my self that those things are meant to happen.
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19 Aug 17
I'm glad you don't get depressed often :) !
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@Oshobu (661)
• Nigeria
17 Aug 17
Try to know what's making you depressed, Resist that thing...
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@Oshobu (661)
• Nigeria
19 Aug 17
@happybeann when you feel like that, you should, try all you can to forget the moment.
19 Aug 17
I wish I knew honestly. I don't think I can go around blaming my upbringing although that does play a role in it. I just wish there was a cause, because most of the time there isn't and I just feel like a dark cloud is looming over me endlessly.
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@weevee18 (2065)
• Philippines
21 Aug 17
It's very good that you wrote about this as it helps increase people's awareness of depression. I haven't experienced this yet but I think one of the best ways is to pray and trust that God is and always will be with you. Building confidence in yourself like by reading self help books and attending seminars about it with group of friends. For me travel can also help.