I Quit!

United Kingdom
August 22, 2017 5:22pm CST
Hello, everyone. Have you missed me? Nope? Didn't think so :P :D :) How are you all? I've been looking for jobs. It's a pain but I decided I needed to stop doing what I am doing. I've spent the past 9 months working for someone I can only describe as an overgrown toddler. Now, despite knowing that I've been looking for other jobs, she keeps telling me that I WILL still be working for her. I'd already told her several times that it would depend on the job. I had also already told her that it would be difficult to fit one job around another when I never know when I'm working or what time I'll finish. There are a lot of bad things about working for her. I'd previously justified staying by telling myself that it's a job, it pays well, I need to work, I need to stay in a job for more than a few months at a time, I can't do x, y, and z without this, and so on and so forth but I also felt that I didn't want to inflict this person on anyone else. I couldn't bring myself to leave because what I wanted to do was warn everyone not to work for her. We recently had a holiday (which was great and I'll tell you about that in a minute). When we came back, I was really not looking forward to going back to work. It was just over a week ago that we returned, and I had not felt good since then. I realised that whatever positives were involved in my job, none of them was worth what it was doing to my health. Since coming home, I've spent a lot of time searching for jobs. I've had a couple of interviews and I have a couple more coming up. I need to find one with suitable hours but I don't really mind what the job is! Well, I have just taken on the role of 'Organiser' for Usborne Books so I'm hoping that will at least tide me over until something else comes along. I'm also still trying to work on tutoring and freelance writing/editing. I'm not sure how much notice I need to give in my current job. I know I have to give my notice to my employer. That would be the overgrown toddler. I'm not quite sure how to write a letter of resignation. I can't start it with 'I regret to inform you of my intention to cease employment...' because that would be a lie. I will absolutely not regret it. She seems to think I'm her friend. She's invited me to her husband's birthday party (why she's having a birthday party for an unsociable 51 year old who doesn't really want a party, I don't know. So, that's enough about that. I'm going to continue until I've written an official resignation and worked my notice. So, you want to know about my holiday? I'll tell you anyway. My step-daughter (C) got married. We went down to Hastings for the wedding. Due to my partner's health, we couldn't just go down for a day or weekend and come back again so we had a holiday. It not only meant going to the wedding but being able to spend some time with D's daughters and granddaughters beforehand. That was lovely as my boys hadn't yet met C or the babies. None of us had met Baby 2, and D and I had only met Baby 1 once and that was 2 years ago when she was only a couple of weeks old. It was really nice to see D with them all. It was also nice that everyone got on. I took a couple of nice pictures of my two boys with D's youngest (T) when they were all giggling together. I don't think I got any of C with them all, though. During our week (this may or may not be in chronological order) we visited Hastings and spent some time at the sea life centre with C and the babies, then we took them on the miniature train, then we had ice-cream. Baby 1 had fallen asleep by then so she didn't have ice-cream. D took a fingerful of my bubblegum ice-cream to give to Baby 2. I think she liked it as she kept trying to grap the cone (well, I don't know if she was trying to grab the cone or the blue ice-cream but she got lots of ice-cream all over her and her grandad). We went on a light railway (the boys and I did that as D was tired from the previous day) and to a model railway exhibition and a crypt at a church in Hythe. Then we went to a small town called Rye where we visited Rye Castle Museum and Ypres Tower. That was small but contained quite a lot of interesting artefacts and information. We climbed to the top so we could see the lovely views. After that, we went to a little tea room and then we left Rye so we could go to a Maize Maze. Mini (that's my youngest) asked to do that but the weather hadn't been good so we went as soon as the weather improved because Mini never asks to do anything and this was something he really wanted to do. Typically, of course, the rain came down again while we were at this outdoor maze! We carried on regardless for a while and then went to visit T. She hadn't been feeling well so we just had a cup of tea at her home rather than take her anywhere as we'd hoped to do. What else did we do? We went to Battle Abbey (which was much bigger than I thought it would be). One of the staff in there wanted my purple Doctor Who t-shirt! She did persuade us to become members of English Heritage by telling us that we'd get our money's worth just by visiting the Abbey and Dover Castle (which we had thought about but decided it was too expensive). The Saturday was C's wedding day. We were a couple of minutes late for the ceremony. We'd started out in plenty of time but got stuck behind a group of cyclists and then every single traffic light was on red! Well, we missed C walking down the aisle but we didn't miss anything else. Some of D's family said they thought we weren't coming. I thought that was odd considering we'd booked an entire week's holiday based around coming to the wedding! Well, the ceremony was boring as weddings are. There were two receptions. I had lots of cuddles with Baby 2, and D and Midi (that's my eldest) spent a lot of time blowing bubbles with Baby 1. Sunday, I took the boys out as D was, again, worn out from previous events. I took them to Dover Castle. I'm glad I'd got the English Heritage membership! It was a fantastic place. There was an event which meant a full car park. We had a half hour walk from where we'd parked. We did enjoy it there. We came home on the Monday. We did other bits and bobs (meals out, arcade, local pub) but nothing else particuarly exciting. The caravan was huge but the caravan park had very limited facilities and there wasn't really anything to do in the town. I'm not sure you'd even call it a town. It didn't have anything resembling what you'd consider a town centre. It did have a post office, though, in the same building as a small museum. I would have like to go there but we didn't. We had a list of places we wanted to go and things we wanted to do. We did some of them and we came back with a longer list! And that's about it from me. What have you been up to?
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2 responses
@LadyDuck (472476)
• Switzerland
23 Aug 17
May be you would not believe me, but I looked yesterday at your profile wondering if there was something wrong. I am glad to see you back. I hope you will like your new job more. I agree, weddings are pretty boring.
1 person likes this
• United Kingdom
23 Aug 17
Thank you. How lovely to know someone was thinking of me ???? When it comes to jobs, I either seem to be doing nothing or doing too much. Baby 1 livened up the wedding a little. She's two and she was wandering about, giving big grins and being generally cheeky!
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@LadyDuck (472476)
• Switzerland
24 Aug 17
@pumpkinjam Babies can be funny, but they surely get bored at weddings.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
22 Aug 17
Welcone back! Sounds like some busy months. Best of luck with the job search and everything.
1 person likes this
• United Kingdom
22 Aug 17
I don't mind being busy when it's stuff I want to do. :) Thank you.