My first Alien experience!

United States
September 9, 2017 8:21pm CST
Ok, so I've had a few alien contact experiences.. But I will finally speak of my first one! It's not as crazy as the other experiences, but it is my first and I'd prefer to start from square 1. When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I was scared, I cannot recall the rhyme or reason behind it, but one thing was clear.. I knew I didn't want to sleep alone in my bed that night. So I asked my older sister if it would be okay to sleep in her room with her that night. She was fine with it! At some point during the night, I saw something strange outside the window, there was light emanating through the window and I had no idea where it was coming from or what was going on. So without fear, I walked up to the window and took a look. Above the house was a strange amber colored object.. and this thing was HUGE. It was flying maybe 100 feet above the yard... I was almost mesmerized by this thing. I began to panic and quickly ran back to my sisters bed... I hopped onto the bed and tried my hardest to wake her up... I shook her, I patted her face, I even yelled at her and started crying, but she was like a rag doll. She would not wake up... she wouldn't even move! It was as if she was under some kind of spell! I hid under the blankets and don't remember a single thing that happened after that... its like a blank space. I said something to her about it in the morning, but she didn't appear to have any kind of reaction to it. The whole thing was very strange... but not as strange as the other experiences of actually coming face to face with the pilots years later. Have any of you ever experienced stuff like this? I know thousands report this stuff every day and that it isn't uncommon at all. So I'd like to hear about your experiences! -Mr. Anomaly
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9 responses
10 Sep 17
I also had similar experience to this way back around 2014-2015. I was on my way back home and i think it was around 5PM. When I looked up to the sky, I saw this amber/redish looking-like circle which seems to be moving so quick in the sky. I focused my eyes more to see if its a plane or just some spotlights; but it wasn't. I m sure its not a plane cuz no plane can move that fast in the sky. I Watched it moved around til it goes very far and fade. I probably looked at it for about 3mins. Weird experience and glad to be able to read this post and share this experience as I kept this to myself for a very long time.
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• United States
10 Sep 17
Trust me! You are not alone in seeing these things, Millions already have/do. In the case of "UFO's" it could be millitary, but after my next experience with coming face to face with the pilots I don't believe that all cases are military craft.
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• United States
10 Sep 17
@Mistletoe11 Yes... probably tomorrow night I will do a write up about it
10 Sep 17
@Mr_Anomaly interesting! Will you be writing a post for your 2nd experience too? :)
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• United States
10 Sep 17
Never had any experiences like this, I can imagine it was terrifying for you.
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• United States
10 Sep 17
Absolutely. Very unsettling, even remembering these things is like reliving it most of the time
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
10 Sep 17
Interesting! No, I've never had any experiences like that.
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• United States
10 Sep 17
The experiences can be quite frightening, at that young of an age, it was a helpless feeling, because everyone is quick to say "it is your young growing imagination", but when it's real and not the imaginary monster in your closet, there's nothing you can do. But my sister and I are unharmed, which is a sign that these visitors aren't of a malevolent nature.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
10 Sep 17
@Mr_Anomaly Until we are sure of what that was all about, I would be careful.
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• United States
10 Sep 17
@1hopefulman Well... curiousity did kill the cat.. but I have to potential to learn about one of the biggest secrets of mankind first hand... I have to question whether or not it is worth the risk of putting myself in harms way.. I haven't had any strange experiences in a couple of years though.. unless they occurred while I was sleeping. But I am certain that they are not over with just yet.
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@much2say (57337)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Sep 17
Wow! Any connection to your experiences and your art? I only read or hear about this stuff - but I've never lived it. However I've had some crazy dreams that I was abducted, sort of . . . one I remember clearly and I was so scared that I couldn't move or scream.
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@much2say (57337)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Sep 17
@Mr_Anomaly I have come to the conclusion that I am only needed by those living on this planet - I am only helpful to live people (I attract them pretty easily, apparently). Some people "feel" the presence of ghosts and the spirit world - but not me - like I said, I am of no use to them. And I think it is the same with aliens. I haven't had a lot of alien dreams - that happened in my younger years - maybe the last being in my early teens. I've heard that people who had such dreams often have other experiences throughout their lives - but not me. If these short dreams were "real", they have stopped completely - and like I concluded, they must not need me. So in the most memorable dream, I don't remember being taken . . . I was still in my bed but not in my room. The environment was "blue" and there was hardly anything around - oh and a faint buzzing sound - and maybe some cold fog. I couldn't make out any faces, but I knew there were aliens (or whatever they were) against the wall overlooking me. Usually there is a lot of action in typical dreams, but this one was so strange because nothing was going on. I was lying there . . . I could see, but then realized I couldn't move. "Something" came up to me . . . I wanted to scream but I was paralyzed in fright. The rest is a blur - but I think at that point I must've woken up. I've had scary dreams before, but I've never felt that doggone scared out of my mind feeling like this one - and it lingered for a while. I love learning about the development of an artist's style - the art history of the artist, so to speak. Oh, I look forward to hearing about your other experiences!!
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• United States
10 Sep 17
It is possible that you were, and that what you've experienced wasn't a dream. Typically in most cases, they show up at night when you are in bed because it is when you are most vulnerable. In one of my other experiences, I tried screaming out to my brother who slept in the other room.. but my voice didn't work... it was pretty much just air coming out. Many report them doing something to them that stops them from being able to move. I would imagine that it makes the process of taking you much easier and without a struggle or fight. Sorry if that has you a little frightened, I do not mean to scare you. In regards to my art.. kind of, but not really.. I just love drawing monsters and creatures in general. Sometimes I try to draw the visitors.. the hardest part for me is getting the expression right. I will include a photo I drew the next time I post of another experience.
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• United States
10 Sep 17
@much2say I completely understand what you mean. I haven't had any experiences in the last couple of years.. I've had a burst of events, and then they sort of stopped, but for me, the anticipation of it happening again is still there. I would keep an eye on these dreams if they start happening again, dreams can very well be memories that your conscious mind pushed to the back because of the traumatic nature of the event. Your mind will do loads to protect you psychologically and emotionally. Keep in touch! -Mr. Anomaly
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
10 Sep 17
You wrote you saw an "amber colored object" outside your window. I was curious though when you said it was flying. It was a long time ago but can you remember it well enough to ask yourself again why you might think it was flying? Any sounds that might make you think this?
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
10 Sep 17
thanks for the detail @Mr_Anomaly it is important to get a feel for the experience. I want to later go through this post appologize for not doing so. Hovering in my mind could exist as something fighting gravity (small correcting movements) or something oblivious to gravity. Also you have time to think about what you saw and draw some conclusions but if you can remember what you thought at the time that helps. Did you immediately think at that time it was a vehicle or did the object give another impression. What you described did have a large impact on how you felt and how it affected both you and your sister. I'll share an experience too with you later if you like but quite different than yours. Does your sister remember anything?
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
12 Sep 17
@Mr_Anomaly I'd like to here about the 2nd experience. My experience involved spiritual beings at work and was very strange indeed. It did allow me to witness how there is more than the normal things we are accustomed to from day to day. I'm inclined to consider what @1hopefulman said though do try to keep an open mind to all things. I like science so do consider what ufo actually means and that alien can mean any person or being not native. TRance like states are real and in some cases documented as in the case of a medical doctors application of a hypnotic state.
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• United States
10 Sep 17
@Bluedoll She did not say or remember anything of that night but she recalled seeing a UFO later down the road in her life while she was in the car with an ex boyfriend. That's all. I would love to hear about your experience as well. Like I've stated in other comments... this discussion is simply about my first experience, I've had a few others following that one. The 2nd experience is a lot crazier than this. Thanks for posting! -Mr. Anomaly
@Srbageldog (7716)
• United States
16 Sep 17
When I was 12 I was abducted by aliens...or experienced a frighting episode of sleep paralysis (though I had never heard of that then.) I was lying in bed wide awake under my covers, when suddenly there was this bright, white light which made me able to see through my blankets...and a group of "Greys" standing around my bed, looking down at me. I was terrified and couldn't move, and I just remember them staring down at me as I started to rise up...then there was nothing. My next moment of awareness I was back in my bed, wide awake, wondering if that had actually happened or not. The rational side of me says it was probably just sleep paralysis. The other part believes I was actually abducted. A year or two later I started having feelings of intense sadness and had the strong belief that I had conceived an alien hybrid baby which had been taken from me. I told a friend about this and she told me I was insane, so I never mentioned it to anyone else. To this day I still sometimes feel sad over that (not being called insane, but feeling like I had a child and lost it.) Did that actually happen? I don't know. Maybe I am just insane. I generally don't tell people about this stuff unless I know they also have experienced something similar or at least believe in it. I've gone through my life since then knowing that someday they'd be back, but I have no awareness of it happening yet. I have seen a couple UFOs before, but I also live near an air force base, so I figure it's the military doing things late at night that they don't want us to know about.
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• United States
16 Sep 17
@Mr_Anomaly That's all very fascinating. It's nice to meet another person who not only believes in the existence of aliens, but also has experience with them! I look forward to reading more about your other experiences. I will definitely let you know if I ever experience anything else.
• United States
16 Sep 17
That sounds like a classic case of alien abduction. If you do some research on all other abduction victims, you will find that the majority report that the grays seem to have a significant fascination with human reproduction and the production of hybrid offspring. There are many logical explanations as to why they would do this. Here are a few of MY theories. 1. They are unable to survive on our planet for long periods of time due to the natural differences from their planet... so in order to live amongst us and occupy this planet, they produce these hybrid hominids, since it's already in our biology to survive most of the pathogens here, the radiation levels, and weather, and the gravitational pull, they are creating these hybrids who can. 2. They are repopulating using genetic splicing because they can no longer produce, and their genetics are simply compatible with human beings. 3. They are just curious and fascinated with human reproduction and it is a simple experiment to see what would happen if they spliced our genetics. 4. They are planning on replacing the human population with an upgraded species. I'm not certain what their motivation for this would be though... other than occupying the planet. I don't really see what else they'd gain from this.. I enjoy trying to put the pieces together ever since I've seen them first hand. I find it very fascinating, and it gives me a glimpse of what our future here on earth might be like. If anything else ever happens, please let me know, I'd love to hear about it! Thanks! -Mr. Anomaly
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@MarsGirl (288)
• Chennai, India
10 Sep 17
Very interesting. I never had such experience and I am not sure of Alien exists
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• United States
10 Sep 17
When you meet them for yourself, you have no choice but to acknowledge their existence. I have another experience I can share in which I came face to face with them
@NoorNoor (2131)
• India
10 Sep 17
Honestly it is very hard to believe what had happened to you...!! anyway How many times did you experience?
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@NoorNoor (2131)
• India
10 Sep 17
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• United States
10 Sep 17
Thank you for your response! I don't expect everyone to believe, I am just here sharing it with my full extent of honesty. I've had 5 or 6 different experiences of this nature. The one in this discussion is my first one
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• Nairobi, Kenya
10 Sep 17
Are you sure the object was an alien? Do aliens fly?
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• United States
10 Sep 17
In this case I believe it to be an alien craft, it wasn't anything like here on earth. The next experience I will share in a separate discussion is actual alien contact.
• Nairobi, Kenya
11 Sep 17
@Mr_Anomaly okay :) I hope the discussion will come with photos. I want to see the alien too