Does Anyone Know The Answer To This?
By Ann LeFlore
@poehere (15123)
French Polynesia
September 10, 2017 11:37pm CST
If a person writes a discussion, members respond to the discussion, the author doesn’t comment back and then deletes the post. The author of the post is the only one who benefits from this discussion or does the members who responded benefit too?
I understand people delete their own discussion from time to time. But normally they have commented back to the other members who responded to this discussion. However, if the discussion is deleted and the person never answered their responses is that really fair to us?
Would this be like gaming the site? Only the author of the discussion earns on this discussion, according to the rules. Or am I missing something here?
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36 responses
@LadyDuck (472386)
• Switzerland
11 Sep 17
We own the rights on what we write, so we are free to delete the posts. Some people never comment back even if they do not delete their posts. I take note of their names, because they do not deserve another comment. Selfish writers who only care to get comments are not good myLotters.
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@LadyDuck (472386)
• Switzerland
11 Sep 17
@poehere I agree with you on this, even if I noticed that a user wrote a very angry post saying that she has the right to delete all her posts, that it's not against the rules and blah and blah. Well, even if it's not against the rules, I will not continue to comment on the posts of the serial deleters. I agree that if everybody would do the same, this would be a serious problem for this site.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
@LadyDuck These people earn money off the site. However, once they delete the post the site can no longer earn money from what they have written. This defeats the purpose of this site. Plus, these people are the only ones earning. So in a way they are gaming the site for their personal gain. They are not giving back to the site or to the other members on the site. This is cheating all of us.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
This is so true and I also do the same. It seems awful selfish to me that a person does this. They are earning off our responses and then once they have enough comments they go and delete the post so they don't have to comment back. It just seems so unfair to all of us who spend our time to read and comment to them. I just don't see how fair this is to the people on this site. It is almost cheating us and the site to do this. A discussion that has a lot of interest and responses earns the stie money and help the site. Once they delete this the site is also losing and so are we.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
11 Sep 17
It is unfair if the author delete discussion without commenting back to its responders. However, we are helpless on the same situation as we can't do anything. What I feel, most of the members are kind enough to respond back to the responses they receive.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
11 Sep 17
@poehere Some people do not bother to comment back. I also experienced the same even today too. If I watch any one does not have the habit of commenting back then definitely I won't reply to that person any more. We can spend our time with those who are interested on 'interaction'.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
No, we can't do anything and they can delete anything they write. It sort of looks like we were wasting our time with certain people who do this. I think from now on I will note who I comment on and go back now and then to check on the responses.
I left a comment on a post last month. Yesterday another member commented on my comment. When I went to go and read this I saw the author never responded to a single comment. I wrote another comment about this. This time, after I said something they went in and commented to everyone who left them a comment. Then they said to me I don't understand what you are talking about. I told them again it was them I was talking about and how another member had to make the one and only comment on their post. Never heard back on that comment.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
@Sreekala You are so right. I try twice and if I never hear back I stop. Lately I have just been interacting with people I know will respond back. I don't have all the time in the world on this site. So when I am here it is nice to talk with people who want to talk with you. I am starting to ignore all the rest.
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@vandana7 (100897)
• India
11 Sep 17
Logically, they say we earn for interacting. So if somebody writes a post, and I have responded, I have interacted. The person posting gets money for his or her post, and we get for our response. If the person replies to our response then he or she earns more.
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@AbbyGreenhill (45494)
• United States
11 Sep 17
In two years I have not del. any of my discussions. I see no reason to -not sure why others seem to think it's a wise decision to del all of theirs
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@AbbyGreenhill (45494)
• United States
11 Sep 17
@poehere If you were talking abut 50 60 70 dollars in loss that might be worth worrying about...but this is pennies.
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@JamesHxstatic (29413)
• Eugene, Oregon
11 Sep 17
I have never seen a reason for deleting any either.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
I don't delete mine either. If they answered their responses before deleting them, at least you would have earned from your time. But to delete them and not even acknowledge the efforts of the other member is selfish. They are the only ones who gain from this site. The site is very fair in all other aspects except this one. That just doesn't seem right to me and others that certain people do this so they are the only ones earning from here.
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@andriaperry (117559)
• Anniston, Alabama
11 Sep 17
I do agree because you never know what the answer was.But Its their discussion so they can delete it if they want to.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
But if a lot of people answer and they never comment back they are the only one earning. We just wasted our time responding to this discussion. I don't dispute them deleting it, I just want to know if it is fair that they do this on the discussion and never answer the comments before deleting it. It seems like they are gaming the system because they are the only one earning on this. What do you think?
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
@sugartoes I feel the same way. But to have a lot of responses and delete this post without commenting back is just wrong. The author is the only one who is gaining from this site. Same with people who never answer their notifications. They are earning and we are wasting our time. That is not fair either.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
@JolietJake You are right. Thanks.
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@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
11 Sep 17
As with nearly all systems, there has to be some kind of trade-off between good and bad. I believe that, on the whole, the current system by which earnings are calculated is as fair as most in that it attempts to reward people according to the 'value' of their contribution to a discussion as decided by the number of interactions (responses, comments and likes) it receives.
Like any system, it cannot be perfect and your post outlines one of the ways in which it may not work well. Another which might be mentioned are that the number of interactions a post receives may be due more to the popularity (or notoriety) a particular person has accrued than to any actual quality of their discussions.
In spite of these failings (and of deliberate attempts to 'game' the system in these and other ways), I believe that the earnings algorithm is as fair to most members as it is reasonably possible to be.
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@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
11 Sep 17
@poehere There always have been and always will be people like that. I think that, after a while, those people who enjoy a discussion learn to avoid them. It really is not worth bothering yourself about them. They mostly aren't consciously trying to 'game' the system: they just have no idea about how conversation works.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
Please don't get me wrong Owlwing. I agree this system is really fair for all the members here. It is a very fair algorithm to calculate what a person does on this site.
I am just a little shocked that some people are only here to benefit from others and do what they do. Last month I left comments on more than one post. They were all ignored and so were the other comments. Another member came to that discussion and he commented on my response. I made a comment about the author in my next comment. I basically told them how I felt about writing a discussion and moving on without even answering their comments.
The person came back and told me they had no idea what I was talking about and why would I say this to the other member. But in the meantime, they did make a comment on all of their responses. It only took them 26 days to do this.
I commented again and told them I was talking about them. I saw how many discussions were written after this one and how they never acknowledged one response on any of them.
But these people who have so many responses and they wait a week or two and delete them so they don't need to spend the time to answer all of the responses make me mad. It isn't like everyone on here has the time to respond to all of these discussions and not earn from their efforts. These people are being rather selfish in how they work on this site.
I don't have time to be here all day either. However, I try my best to comment on all of my responses and a lot of times it is more than once. I also find time in between to respond to other discussions. I don't get that many comments back. Way less than what I have responded to. I even wait over a week and hear nothing. As time goes on I stop commenting on so many discussions and only go to the ones I know people will comment back to me on now.
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@vandana7 (100897)
• India
13 Sep 17
@poehere ...that interpretation does seem a bit hard to digest because it tells me I don't earn anything for writing.
Anyway, I came here because one of the myLotters posted that her responses have been disappearing. That is not ok!!! So it may have something to do in the tool, rather than actual intent of the person. Check this
@JolietJake can you explain why that thing mentioned in the link happened?
A couple of days ago @manikarnika sent a personal message asking me what happened to my response to her discussion . I was as puzzled as she was .I felt bad...
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
If you read the rules it is basically simple. We write, you answer, I earn. Then I comment back, you earn. If I go in and delete it and never say a word back I am the only one earning on this discussion and you don't earn anything. A response needs a comment back to show that your response has added to the discussion in order to earn for you.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
13 Sep 17
@vandana7 I saw this too. I responded to a few topics and when I went back my response was gone. I ersponded again. I have no idea why but maybe it was the person who deleted them. Not sure. Will read this and see what is happening on this.
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@GoAskAlice (5830)
12 Sep 17
It might be considered bad form, but there is nothing in the guidelines against it. Gaming the system would be more like posting something, getting some mileage out of it, deleting it, and then re-posting it at a later date as a new post.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
11 Sep 17
I think that a response or a comment need at least 1 like to earn from them. I told recently to a member deleting discussions after a few days (this one comments to the responses but the discussion is already deleted), that I had nothing against this strategy, but that if everybody was doing the same myLot would earn less and would perhaps be no more profitable. I got for response that it will never happen, because never all members will delete their discussion.
I would not call that gaming the system as it is authorized. I can see a few reasons to delete a discussion times to times, but I see only one to delete all of them after a few days : it is to be able to recycle these discussions later on another writing site or a blog, and to earn several times with the same lines. I have seen here several discussions that I had read on Bubblews before.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
11 Sep 17
@poehere The ones doing this that I know are commenting. I spot members not commenting back, and if it happens several times I stop to respond to their discussions. I have also stopped to respond to the few "segregationists" we have here (like those responding only to discussions started by native English speakers), even if they comment back when I respond to their discussions.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
This could be true not sure if it is happening or not. All I know is when I see something like this writing a group of discussions on the same topic and sparking interest from a lot of members then deleting them all seems a bit strange to me. Then, starting over with a new set of topics and doing the same things gets me questioning why they do this. Especially if they don't respond back to our comments.
Their stats show they responded to a large number of discussions on the site, they have a large number of comments and their post count is very low. Why do this? Why not erspond back to their comments so the others on this site can earn like they are earning.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
@topffer That is so wrong to do this. I do not care where the person is from. If they write a good discussion, I respond back to them. That would be as bad as if you and I only wanted to respond to French speaking people who start a discussion.
The ones I was noticing has been writing several discussions over a few day period of time. Then a week or two later they are gone. Deleted and not a single comment I made on them answered. I thought that was incorrect and in a way it is earning off of this site and the site can't earn off of them. It is gaming the site in a way, if you ask me.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
12 Sep 17
Like me too. Wel,l anyhow here is the response from several people who knew the answer.
If the person does delete the post nd never likes it or comments back we don't earn from them. Only they earn off of it.
Since you comment on my post I do earn from your comment.
I responded back to you and liked your comment so now you earn from your comment and my answering you back.
Tthat was how I thought it worked and was a little surprised to see several people write and delete their posts when they have responses on them.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
12 Sep 17
@DianneN That one is funny. I was just angry when I saw this a few time. Making a comment and waiting to hear back. I went and checked and all the discussions were deleted. They had new ones up and had comments on them, but they never acknowledged the person. I am stopping to comment on these people's post now. I think it is unfair and a waste of our time.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
I can see deleting very old posts that weren't so interesting or didn't get a lot of attention. But to write a new post, get a lot of attention on the post and then go and delete it, isn't fair to the people who responded to this post.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
@sugartoes This is fine and it doesn't affect anyone at all. But a new post that you just wrote and you have a lot of responses on it shouldn't be deleted immediately. This is what I am saying here.
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@AkoPinay (11544)
• Philippines
11 Sep 17
@sugartoes I also deleted few old posts but not all. Some members delete all posts.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
I am not sure. I know the site has deleted a few discussions in the last few days due to a conflict between members and it looked like a breaking of the rule problem. The ones I have seen were up for around 4 weeks before they were ever deleted and they went unanswered.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
@anorona You will be surprised at how many authors do delete what they have written on here. I am tired of responding to a lot of these discussions and in the end finding the author refused to comment or has deleted the discussion. Now I basically comment on people I know will respond back to me.
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@lovebuglena (45022)
• Staten Island, New York
12 Sep 17
@poehere If deleting a discussion means losing earnings then people can just wait till they get paid before they delete the discussion... But then won't those earnings still be taken away from the new balance?
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
14 Sep 17
I was interacting with different people and noticed this. They don't comment back so you are wasting your time on here. There is a lot of stuff to do on here and people like this take up time. So it is better to ignore them and only go to the discussion that the people will interact with you.
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@just4him (318343)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Sep 17
I think the only way the author earns is if he interacts with the comments on his or her post. If the post is deleted without answering any comments, I don't see how it would earn. Perhaps someone else has a good answer for this. That is only my opinion of how it works.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
JJ and Owl did. You will earn on this discussion, even if you don't respond back. I saw this morning all of my comments and how much I earned here from them. So these people earned on it and the more comments they received the higher their earnings were. However, they didn't give back. They only took from us and walked away. Not so fair on their part.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
12 Sep 17
@just4him When you sign in after being gone take a look at your earning. You earned when you were away. Everyone who commented on your discussion or answer you back earned you money.
Now we can only earn off your discussion when you respond back to our comment or you like what we have said. Then we are both earning now off your discussion. Now when I answer you back like now you earn again from me off my discussion.
Hope you understand this and I said it so you could understand this.
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@Moneycrasher (72)
11 Sep 17
Indeed you think great...
It's very bad for one to comment on other people 's posts but his cannot be commented on..
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
I think you are missing my point here. I am saying this:
You write
I comment
You earn from my comment
Now you delete this post without answering me back
I don't earn anything for my comment on your discussion. Only you earn from my comment.
Do you thinks his is fair?
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@Moneycrasher (72)
11 Sep 17
It's not fair at all my dear.
That's why I said you comment, but I cant like neither comment back on your comment..
Which is bad
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@mildredtabitha (16170)
• Nairobi, Kenya
11 Sep 17
I have gone through the replies and learned a lot. I did not know that is how myLot worked. I was thinking that we earned from commenting and responding only. But I can see it is a two way traffic :)
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
Yes Mildred, it is a two way street here on the site. We all have to do something to help out others. I am helping you out now. But if I ignored you then you would not be earning from this comment. I think we all need to think about this when we are on the site. Nobody has the time to just come here and read and comment and be ignored so they don't gain on this site. We all need to pay attention to our notifications and do our best to answer them. That way everyone wins on the site.
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@mildredtabitha (16170)
• Nairobi, Kenya
11 Sep 17
@poehere I guess I should also start focusing on those who ignore my responses and shift to the ones who like interacting. You raised a serious discussion. I hope everyone has seen it :)
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Sep 17
It looks like this from all the comments and responses here from long term members.
The person writes a post, they receive a lot of comments. After the site calculates the money and credits it to their account they delete their post. We don't receive anything for our efforts only the person who wrote the discussion. Hope that clears it up for you.
You commented here and I answered you back so you will receive earnings from this comment. That is how the site works.
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