Sick as it may sound but simulated Child pornography is legal in Japan

Calgary, Alberta
September 24, 2017 11:12pm CST
I think this is a major reason why Anime had lost some popularity in the West. Many Anime have sexual portrayal of under age girls. They call it Lolicon. Incest is illegal in Japan and though cousin marriages is legal in Japan, it is looked down by society and Most Japanese people don't marry cousins. Despite of that being seen as Taboo ,Many Anime,Manga and movies in Japan have incest themes. Incest romance is very popular in Japan. Their excuse, as long as it stays in fiction. They will be against these things if it's real life but not in fiction. I do know western media also have it's own fair share of Fictional Immorality like the incest stuff in Game of Thrones or the Under age teen sex in most American teen dramas where the actors are adults. But at least those are adults passing as teens, Not pre-pubescent children which is being used in those comics and Anime. The anime though are voice acted by adults. I know there had been a case where a kid asked his mom to buy him an Anime DVD. She so a DVD cover with 5 cute looking little girls. The plot of the anime written on the dvd's back seemed normal but she was shocked that it is actually animated porn. So Before buying Anime DVD make sure it is not pedophile stuff. In fairness to Japan, they have a low crime rate. that must be the reason why they are not strict on this one. Some Japanese Law makers thinks giving Pedophiles fictional pornographic depiction of children will protect actual real children because they will stick with these illustrations of fictional characters instead of hunting children in the streets. There is still ongoing debate in Japan whether to ban these Pedo pornographic comics and Anime.
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6 responses
@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
25 Sep 17
I am enough grown up not to be shocked by this kind of DVD, but I cannot say that I like, so I never buy. Marriages among cousins was pretty popular among Noble families in the UK, so normal that the husband of Queen Elizabeth is her cousin.
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• Calgary, Alberta
25 Sep 17
I heard Prince William married a commoner and Prince Harry is dating a Black woman because almost every single Princess in Europe is their cousin. Marrying commoners and women from another race will clean their cesspool of a bloodline. Yeah Prince Phillip is Greek but he is Queen Elizabeth's cousin.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
25 Sep 17
@CaptAlbertWhisker It was time they broke the bloodline, children born among the same bloodline can have mental problems.
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• Calgary, Alberta
25 Sep 17
@LadyDuck I remember there is a European Prince who married a Brazilian woman and a Prince who married a Chinese woman. I think they really are trying to break the bloodline. Maybe 4 generations from now, Princes will marry actual princesses again if they bloodline is deleted. I think marrying commoners and foreigners is still the better option for them.
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@LeaPea2417 (37599)
• Toccoa, Georgia
25 Sep 17
That is sickening.
• Calgary, Alberta
26 Sep 17
@LeaPea2417 they also sell these lifesized little girl pillows for adult men.
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• Calgary, Alberta
25 Sep 17
The following Anime are popular in Japan (the titles alone will make you feel grossed out) I love my little sister My wife is an elementary student Papa kiss me at night Crippled girls
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@LeaPea2417 (37599)
• Toccoa, Georgia
26 Sep 17
@CaptAlbertWhisker It should be banned.
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
26 Sep 17
I have not seen such things
• Calgary, Alberta
26 Sep 17
Be grateful you havent. they will scar you for life
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@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
17 Oct 17
The title of this kinda scared me a bit, as I was having second thoughts about eventually visiting Japan. Because you know how people tend to be, plus we anime fans get stigmatized enough as it is. I don't se why this needs to be "legal" unless this crap happens in public and not in the privacy of one's own home.
• Calgary, Alberta
19 Oct 17
I think Anime like these are one of the reasons why Anime lost it's mainstream appeal in the west. Lolicon and Shotacon indeed caused a bad stigma to Anime fans. They make casuals assume all Anime have pedo content.
• Calgary, Alberta
21 Oct 17
@Hanyouyomi The Anime Genre that appeals to America the most are Shounen. There is a demand. I think Shoujo also have an appeal too. I think it also started in the Moepocalypse. Those slice of life Moe and Moe Art style is also part of the decline. Attack on Titan, Fate and Dragonball Super I think starts a resurgence. I think Anime inspired western Animation also became a hurdle to Anime in the West, Avatar and Ben10 ar examples. Hispanic countries are the biggest Anime fans at this moment. They are like the only ANime fans left that makes AMV. About staying in America....I am in North America, I will stay at the side of this border. No plans to be in the US....I loved Canada so much at this moment.
@bela360 (2006)
• Saint Lucia
16 Mar 18
• Calgary, Alberta
16 Mar 18
No matter what happens, Do not watch an Anime with Pico on it's title. Avoid it at all costs.
@bela360 (2006)
• Saint Lucia
16 Mar 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker lol someone dared me to watch it i have not watched it until now lol
• Calgary, Alberta
16 Mar 18
@bela360 Give your self a favor and dont watch it. It will traumatize you.
• Guangdong, China
25 Sep 17
Hardly could I accept the themes of incest or pedophiles in anime. Like Role Playing in adult vides?
• Calgary, Alberta
25 Sep 17
They do it on TV shows, animated movies, comics and video games. Many Japanese writers loves using these themes. Their excuse is that characters are not humans. they are basically drawings.
• Guangdong, China
25 Sep 17
@CaptAlbertWhisker well, a "good" excuse..hope they will not regret to create these characters.
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• Guangdong, China
25 Sep 17
@CaptAlbertWhisker that's true.