Mylot payment question...

United States
October 1, 2017 11:17am CST
So I've had to create a new paypal account with a different email because I can't for the life of me remember my password... (I haven't used it in years)... So I just created this new paypal account but have yet to confirm the email, which I'm not sure if I'm too late or not since the new month has begun... So out of curiousity... what happens if mylot can't send you the payment?... does it just roll over till next time? Does the money disappear and then you're screwed? I believe I already know the answer to this question... but I kind of just want to confirm it with other users! Thank you!
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5 responses
@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
1 Oct 17
If the payment doesn't go through, you will see "payment error" in the Payments section. It happened to @SHOHANA and the admin paid successfully on the second attempt. So there's no chance to lose your earnings, I think*. You are never late, the earnings will add up if you didn't enter your PayPal address in your settings. And you have about two weeks to go anyway, you're far from being late. *Actually, there is. Any myLot account without activity for greater than 6 months, risks the forfeiture of any accumulated myLot Earnings, at the sole discretion of myLot. It didn't happen to me, but I know it happened to some.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
1 Oct 17
@Mr_Anomaly In 6 months you can always find a minute to log in. I'm doing great, emoji king.
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• United States
1 Oct 17
oooh gotta stay active on here I suppose! Sometimes that can get hard with everything I got going on How you doin' today, emoji queen?
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• United States
1 Oct 17
@sabtraversa hmmm Like I would totally abandon you guys like that! What kind of guy do you think I am?!
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@Mike197602 (15506)
• United Kingdom
1 Oct 17
don't worry it just rolls over. If you don't have an active paypal email entered on mylot the money builds up until you do. When you do have your paypal set up you'll be paid as long as your balance is over $5 by the end of a particular month. have $5 by the end of october (mylot time) you'll be paid on or before 15th november...and you'll get the entire balance earned up until the end of october.
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• United States
1 Oct 17
Great!... so hypothetically... if I have $5 by the beginning of October, and manage to confirm my paypal email by the 15th... I might still see that money appear in my paypal? None of this is urgent, I could care less if it rolls into next month, I'm just curious as to how this current situation would work. Thank you!
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@Mike197602 (15506)
• United Kingdom
1 Oct 17
@Mr_Anomaly That I don't know...I suppose you need the valid paypal email by the time they process payments which is up to 15 days after the end of the month...sometimes they pay earlier than the 15th!!! So for will roll into next month and as long as you have a valid paypal email in there you'll be paid at some time I've been here a long time and mylot has always paid every member when they reach payout no doubt of that
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• United States
1 Oct 17
@Mike197602 awesome! thank you!
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@GoAskAlice (5817)
8 Apr 21
If, for any reason, myLot cannot pay you (e.g. because you haven't entered a PayPal ID/email address in the required field or because your PayPal account is not yet fully set up), your earnings will simply accumulate until such time as the entry in the 'PayPal ID' field becomes valid. If you want to deliberately accumulate earnings until they have reached a certain amount, just leave the field blank until you are ready to collect. Then enter your PayPal ID (email address) in the relevant field sometime early in the month.
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
18 Oct 17
Question is your old pay account Connect to my lot?if it is Need to change it as fast as possible Or the money will Go to your old pay pal account
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• United States
19 Oct 17
No, I made a new paypal, but decided to disconnect it from mylot and just save my payment for another time
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
1 Oct 17
The money rolls over. MyLot doesn't screw its members.
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• United States
1 Oct 17
Good! I didn't think they did, I just wasn't sure if the money went into limbo if they sent it to a paypal email that wasn't yet confirmed. Thank you!
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