I am sad that so many people just plain don't like Democrats, but why?

Dallas, Texas
October 8, 2017 7:24pm CST
Why blame one or the other? Isn't it supposed to be a DEMOCRAcy? I am also sad that the only news is based on what Trump has Tweeted recently and how angry both parties are from the ramblings.
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6 responses
@dogsnme (1264)
• United States
9 Oct 17
No, actually America was formed as a republic. The founding fathers didn't actually have much faith in the effectiveness of a democracy. I think there is equal amounts of dislike on both sides. As far as myself goes it isn't so much a dislike for Democrats as it is a dislike for their stance on the issues. Most of them stand on the liberal/socialist side of the spectrum which is essentially opposite the principles that the country was founded on. That being said there are plenty of the Republicans that tend to lean toward that side as well.
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@dogsnme (1264)
• United States
14 Oct 17
@lookatdesktop That's why I'm glad Trump got elected. It has actually restored my hope that we can reverse the direction America was headed in and get back to the principles America was founded on. Trump was elected primarily because he was an outsider to the government establishment but also because what he campaigned on resonated with the American people. Is he perfect? Absolutely not, but neither were the founding fathers. What made America great was not that the founding fathers were saints but that they founded the country on the principles of personal independence and responsibility, the sanctity of life and liberty, freedom to worship as you choose, and a limited government of the people, by the people, and for the people. You're right. I believe education is at the very heart of all this. But, education is truly the responsibility of the individual and not the government. History is about so much more than wars and killings although war is certainly a big part of it. Learning history is essential so that we don't make the same mistakes again but it's also impossible to know where we are going if we don't know where we have been.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Oct 17
@dogsnme , yes indeed. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. - I know that is a famous quote but I forgot where that quote originated.
• Dallas, Texas
10 Oct 17
I grew up thinking America was founded by people who wanted to take the land from the Indians. That said, I never thought much about history because it mainly was about wars and killings and so called justice. Maybe I have been unenlightened by not reading more about our American history or maybe I don't have to. I see it now as a travesty and there is no common ground left to stand on to get America as it was meant by the US Constitution to actually represent itself or justify itself. Prayer was taken out of public schools because an atheist wanted it done. The 10 commandments were taken out of the courthouses and now statues of Robert E. Lee are being removed. It's all because people have not been educated enough or at least not properly about the history.
@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Oct 17
Isn't also sad to you that so many people just don't like Republicans? Is it okay to dislike Republicans but not Democrats?
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 17
@JohnRoberts , I agree and fully understand as well as respect your point of view. Thank you for sharing your opinions here.
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 17
Where did I say that I dislike Republicans? I don't trust some of them but I don't entirely dislike them. I have in fact voted more GOP candidates for president over the years so I must in fact favor both parties to some degree or dislike both to some degree so I am divided and therefore, although a registered Democrat, I generally think like an Independent.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Oct 17
@lookatdesktop Fair enough but today's media and liberal supporters have conditioned me to offer such retorts.
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• United States
9 Oct 17
Ever since Donald Trump became President, Democrats have never stopped attacking him, mocking him, or wishing he was assassinated. They spend every other day whining on Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites, people are getting sick of Democratic policies that don't work. We had eight years of race-baiting Barack Obama. The Democrats are also making themselves look bad by constantly whining like the world is ending.
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 17
Its never quite that simple, if it were the argument would stop already. But the argument as to who is whining and who is biased continues to do more damage on Facebook as well as Twitter. The so called whiners are from both political segments of the population. There is no simple way of placing blame on one party or the other. There is more division among party lines today then ever and it is only getting worse, not to say that whining is a good thing, because to bit** and moan don't change a thing.
• Calgary, Alberta
9 Oct 17
democrats and republicans are equally as awful.
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• Calgary, Alberta
9 Oct 17
@lookatdesktop I think party should not the the reason why we should vote for a politician. We should vote based on what they can do.
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 17
They both have their good points and bad points. There is more grey area then just simple black & white as far as virtue and intrinsic merit.
• Dallas, Texas
10 Oct 17
@CaptAlbertWhisker , That is the way I feel as well. The person and what they can do personally, and it looks like Donald Trump, president of the United States marches to his own drum beats. Of course people in America are used to puppet presidents but Trump is not a puppet and he won't take things lying down. President Donald J. Trump thinks his own thoughts and acts on his own sound reasoning. When they tell him to back off he pushes forward. When they complain, he lets them know how he feels and holds his ground. He is the most honest president perhaps even since Lincoln. He may not be favored by many. I admire him for his bravery and his ability to act on his own ideas. Put simply, he is only human but he is a unique human and we should respect him because many of us voted for him and he won the election and that is that.
@FourWalls (72645)
• United States
9 Oct 17
No, it's a representative republic. A "democracy" is three wolves and two sheep voting on dinner. As for why people "hate" democrats, the answer is the same reason people "hate" republicans: over the past 20-25 years we have been "taught" that "the other side" is the enemy. Until all sides stop that we're just going to get worse.
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 17
That is a logical way of looking at the matter.
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@FourWalls (72645)
• United States
9 Oct 17
@lookatdesktop -- thank you. I'm afraid that's what's missing: logical ways of looking at things.
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 17
@FourWalls , We could all use the logic that the character, Spock, from the T.V. original series - Star Trek, would convey and for that matter, we all need to think twice before reacting once. I read somewhere once where it is stated : SPEAK NOW AND REPENT IN LEISURE. I figure we all are repenting but not necessarily at our leisure.
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@NJChicaa (122033)
• United States
9 Oct 17
They watch too much FOX NEWS. I see this in my own parents as well as myLotters.
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 17
Well, it's always nice to read your comments, @NJChicaa . Hope tomorrow brings you good things . I only hope for myself to go to sleep and wake up with a clear perspective on the day ahead.
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