Global Warming / Climate Change: Did we cause it? - A critical decision for an entire species.
@gonzalotapia (8)
Caracas, Venezuela
October 28, 2017 4:31pm CST
Many articles, discussions and scientific research have been published and released regarding the topic of Global Warming / Climate Change. My spirit here is not to repeat what has been stated so many times.
The spirit of this discussion is to address the two postures that have divided the entire world regarding the cause of such phenomenon. Did humans cause (or accelerated or accentuated) Global Warming with their inherent activities? or is Global warming a natural phenomenon that humans can do little or nothing to affect?
We can find people in both sides of the spectrum. From those who made Global Warming the motto of their lives and changed everything to reduce their 'carbon print'; to those who completely deny it is happening at all and even state that the world is not warmer but colder. Those two extreme groups are hardly able to interact and find points of coincidence. Thankfully, they are not the majority of humanity. As usual, the real majority lies more towards the center of the spectrum, where climate change exists as a scientific fact and the debate is about the role of humans and what we can do to help make things better for us and our future generations.
The real problem with this matter lies on the fact that many of the radicals are powerful and have big commercial, political and even philosophical issues involved in the topic of Global Warming.
After an initial response from the entire world to unite forces and develop`new ways to live without damaging the planet and its climate, in recent times there has been a change of heart from several countries, mostly moved by their internal economical powers to revert changes towards green energy and other sustainable technologies that have been under development.
It is of little to no use if 30 countries with a small population turn 'green' and reduce their carbon print if some of the most populated countries do things the same old way and keep worsening the situation. In the end, we all share the same atmosphere and we breath the same air. This is something we need to do together as an entire Species and probably the longer it takes the world to reach a consensus, the harder it will be to actually do something about it.
How can we reach a point where both economical powers, political powers, workers, employers and everyone else can reach an agreement on the matter and think about the future of the species and not only about the economical indicators of the day?
I would love to know what you think!
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4 responses
@craftsmart (265)
• United States
29 Oct 17
I think that humans are the cause of the extreme climate change. Climate change is a natural phenomenon, but the EXTREME climate change we are facing, I believe, is due to human action.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
29 Oct 17
Humans are part of the problem @gonzalotapia . But it would take a massive event to wake people up. When it's too late and we all have to live in Glass-domed cities to survive.
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@lookatdesktop (27138)
• Dallas, Texas
1 Feb 18
I have been listening and watching Guy McPherson on YouTube, who has a chennel called Nature Bats Last. He seems to have the best way of explaining the reasons behind it as well as the general direction all humans and all life are headed, and what the bottom line is, as to our own self evaluation as individuals. Check out his site on YouTube. Watch some of his videos. He is the voice in the desert. He sees through both the eyes of an educated scientist but more through the eyes of the common man.
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• Dallas, Texas
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@SRSaba (1128)
• Chennai, India
29 Jun 18
We need to use wind power, solar power, sea waves and nature powers..