Ten Bubblegum Songs: Chewy Chewy (#9)
By Four Walls
@FourWalls (71778)
United States
November 12, 2017 5:57pm CST
It's time for some more rot-your-musical-teeth bubblegum music. I'm looking at ten bubblegum songs that I like. There are two on this list that I'll gladly say are good songs, but that's for later. Right now, here's the next song on the list I can tolerate.
#9: Chewy Chewy - Ohio Express
If you need to hear a definition of "bubblegum music," this is about as accurate as it gets (and tomorrow's song). I should qualify that: if you listen to the Ohio Express' original, not the pretty good cover by (the punk band that has a slur as their name that rhymes with "deers").
As I said in my introductory discussion, some bubblegum bands simply did not exist. This is one of them. The "Ohio Express" was just a group of studio musicians (including at one point, according to Picky Wedia, members of 10cc on the song "Sausalito [Is the Place to Go]"!). As touring wasn't a "requirement" in the days of AM radio, the Ohio Express could make like Steely Dan and crank out studio song after studio song. (Okay, bad comparison: Steely Dan was good.)
After the late 60s bubblegum era faded Joey Levine, the "brains" behind this song and other Ohio Express hits (like "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy"....sheesh, glad they didn't try to write a song called "Onomatopoeia, Onomatopoeia, Onomatopoeia"!), had another band-in-name-only hit, "Life Is a Rock (But the Radio Rolled Me)" under the name "Reunion."
Chewy Chewy
Written by Joey Levine and Kris Resnick
Recorded by the Ohio Express
From Chewy Chewy, 1968

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3 responses
@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
13 Nov 17
Yes, this is pretty much the definition of bubblegum music. Didn't know about "Life is a Rock." I had that on a K-Tel record.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
13 Nov 17
I am going to overdose on all this sugary bubblegum and you haven't gotten to Sugar Sugar yet.
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