Why I Believe the American Constitutional Republic is the Form of Government I'd Most Rather Live Under

Tyranny Quote from Thomas Paine
@bagarad (14283)
Paso Robles, California
December 24, 2017 6:09pm CST
I'm writing this in response to http://www.mylot.com/post/3137721/who-really-benefits-from-freedom posted by @Shiva49 . Many who responded saw the imperfections of democracy. So do I. The next paragraph was posted as a reply to that discussion, and then I saw my answer should be its own post. Most people think the United States is a democracy. It is, in fact, a constitutional republic. The American Constitution was designed to balance power between three branches of government so that no branch can get out of control. Nevertheless, George Washington, our first president, warned that our form of government would only work as long as the majority of the people were moral. At the time he was President there was a moral consensus among the majority that was based on Judeo-Christian values. Most people believed in the Ten Commandments as the basis for moral law. The balance of power in our Constitution was designed to keep any one branch from having absolute power that could be completely corrupted. Unfortunately, we are no longer a moral people. Too many corrupt people make a career of government -- another thing our founding fathers never intended. We are well on the way to becoming an oligarchy of unelected judges who legislate from the bench. Most of the little people in America could see this. They saw the powerful in government being corrupt and not being held to account. Trump was elected not because we thought he was wonderful but because it was obvious that Clinton was corrupt and getting by with breaking laws that would have put anyone else in jail. Trump was the only one with courage enough to stand up to the Clinton machine. Now the dirty details of the antics of Hillary and the DNC are starting to come out. I'll be the first to admit that Trump is no angel, but neither is he the devil the press and the Democrats make him out to be. It appears now that it's not the Russians that interfered with our election, but the DNC and the FBI. We will have to wait for history to reveal all of the truth. Meanwhile, the real truth that remains is the Bible's teaching that men are born with a tendency to sin. Christians call this original sin. Only God has the power to deal with original sin. He chose to do it by sending his son Jesus to die for the sins of all people everywhere who will admit they are sinners and accept the original Christmas gift Christ offers -- salvation from sin. There is no way to earn God's approval or salvation. It can't be bought by men. It was freely provided when, as the Apostle John wrote, "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth." Jesus was the "Light of the World" that shone in the darkness of the world. John summed up the meaning of what we now call Christmas in this verse most Christians know by heart: John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Plato and Gandhi were only men. They often spoke truth, but Jesus was the way, the truth and the life. As I Christian I believe he was God in human flesh, and that God vindicated him when he rose from the dead on what we now call Easter. There will never be a perfect government run by imperfect men. Nevertheless, I'd rather live under the American Constitution than any other form of government because the people have a voice and a way to address grievances and get corrupt people out of power -- but only if they pay attention. They need to start paying attention at the local level and keep tabs on the city councilmen that are hoping to climb to higher offices. The people can see they don't ever get to those higher offices. Whenever we leave politics to the politicians, we will eventually have corruption. Our republic was designed to make the politicians accountable to the people, but this only happens when people hold them accountable by going to the meetings and keeping an eye on them. Many of our cities and counties broadcast TV live coverage or radio audio of those meetings for people who can't get to them. People who don't pay attention might be amazed at what they try to pull off if no one is watching. I'm thankful I was born in the only country in the world that could choose it's form of government at its birth instead of having a government thrust upon it by a conqueror. I hope America remains at least as free as it is now, and even regains come of the liberty it's lost under other administrations. I hope it will once again become the UNITED States of America. If it doesn't, it won't survive, and we will join the list of other countries who forgot God and were conquered by powers that did barbaric things to their people.
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9 responses
@BelleStarr (61365)
• United States
25 Dec 17
Thank you, my brave friend, for saying exactly what I have been thinking for months. Merry Christmas to you and yours and let's hope things can change for the better in the New Year as more of the truth finally comes out. But the Resist Trump movement won't want to give up even if the full truth ever gets revealed. And I wanted to personally stand up an applaud Nicky Haley, You Go Girl!!
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
25 Dec 17
Thank you. We'll just hang in there and see what develops. Meanwhile I'm praying for our country and our world. Merry Christmas!
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@BelleStarr (61365)
• United States
25 Dec 17
@bagarad Prayer is certainly needed and now we can actually say that and also scrap the happy holidays and say Merry Christmas lol
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Dec 17
Hi Barbara. I have to say that I agree with all you have stated here. I pray America remains free. Blessings to you friend and a very Merry Christmas and New Year to you and your family ..this was a good read and refreshing. With all its flaws, there is no place I would rather be.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
25 Dec 17
Many people in the world would love to be here, but some for the wrong reasons. Many are after the material blessings but want to change the culture that made those blessings possible.
4 people like this
• United States
25 Dec 17
@bagarad True for you friend
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
26 Dec 17
well said. my granny said it well when she said " this country is going to hell in a hand basket" whatever a hand basket is. but as you say, so far it is the best for freedom but wonder how much longer that will be since a lot have gone against our beliefs in God.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
26 Dec 17
@bagarad your hubby is very lucky to have you. yes when i was growing up it was same as you had it here in the states. guess thats why we cling to it.
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@jstory07 (142625)
• Roseburg, Oregon
25 Dec 17
The United States is the best in the world. I have lived around the world and have seen other countries.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
25 Dec 17
I've only seen a few other countries. They were beautiful, but I was happy to come home.
@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
25 Dec 17
I do think a lot of people have become lackadaisical in paying attention to politics; especially locally. If they would get off this "politically correct" crap and get on with the 'serious' issues, things would be better. I don't believe in politicians thinking they can be 'lifers' in their position either. Term limits are key. I do like your post @bagarad .
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
28 Dec 17
@nanette64 I hope I don't outlive my savings.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
26 Dec 17
Thank you. I read something by a Russian immigrant today who said what's coming from progressives and leftists sounds just like he heard in the Communist re education camps. My husband also says that's how Communists talked while they were taking over his country. If our people wake up and start recognizing the propaganda for what it is instead of believing and repeating it, we might have a chance to turn things around. I hope so. I'll be leaving this world fairly soon, but I'd like those who are younger to have the same liberty I enjoyed as I was growing up.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
26 Dec 17
@bagarad Yeah, I can't even imagine being around in another 20 years.
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@JudyEv (348893)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Dec 17
I won't comment but wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas. I hope the new year will be kind to you and yours.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
25 Dec 17
Merry Christmas to you, too, Judy. I hope you will also have a great new year.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
16 Oct 18
You said it! And said it so very very well! Thank you! And God bless!
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
19 Oct 18
Thank you. I believe this with all my heart.
@Shiva49 (27009)
• Singapore
25 Dec 17
Thank you, this is an in depth post that covers the political set up of USA and the philosophy behind it.Though I know in general the system in America, I learned further aspects from this post of yours. I was lamenting the general state of affairs in countries where democracy is more of a charade with few holding on to power come what may. The people go through the rigmarole of voting and then hope for the best. Those who promise changes prove even worse than those they succeeded. Promises were never kept and people have become cynical of leaders who end up as wily politicians, drama kings/queens playing on the emotions of the vulnerable. Other countries look up to America and they consider it the country to emulate. You take your leaders to task for their faults and that do not come easy for others. The rule of law is not enforced with the powerful getting away scot-free as they are more equal than others even in supposed democracies. Your post further emphasises that US has a robust system in place and we can only do so much. However, I believe we should press on towards higher consciousness that should not remain dormant deep in the recesses of our minds. Inclusive life where all are given equal opportunities paves way for an ideal world - siva
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
25 Dec 17
So far our system of government has survived, but it's always only a generation away from extinction. WE have enjoyed liberty so long that too many take it for granted or worse, use it to try to destroy it. Too many have lied here, and still are, and too many people don't think past the propaganda they see in the media. Those who are young have been fed propaganda in the public schools and even most private colleges. The ones who don't like people making their own decisions, who think they know better what people should do with their lives, who want the power to decide what others should do, the elites, started taking over the education system when I was still in high school. By the time my own children were in school they had gained control and were teaching the future teachers.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
25 Dec 17
@Shiva49 Yes. But just as parents often have sacrificed for their children only to find that the children don't understand what it meant and take for granted what they have, so do so many beneficiaries of those who fought for freedom. They have never known tyranny and just assume they will always be free.
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@Shiva49 (27009)
• Singapore
25 Dec 17
@bagarad When we are blissfully ignorant of sacrifices, then we are easily led down the garden path. Children should be taught that money is not dispensed by ATM machines automatically and refrigerators do not produce milk. I have been in countries where for politicians it is self, party, and maybe country in that order. I have seen myself how the super rich kids who receive all in a platter lead a life of worthlessness. Every generation has to go through a test of fire, but not wars per se, to understand what it takes to survive - siva
• Kathmandu, Nepal
29 Dec 17
It's no doubt America is number one country in world in all field, but iam afraid with Trump nowadays. I don't think he is mature and proper leader for america, if he makes only one mistake, the direction of whole world is change.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
19 Oct 18
But if he does well, the whole world will benefit. He is already raising the world's economy -- not just ours.