Christmas Traditions: Are they from the Bible?

United States
December 26, 2017 12:28pm CST
I saw a few posts about whether or not Jesus was born on December 25th. There were so many different ideas about this, so I thought that going to the Bible might be the best place to find the answer. The first thing I thought about was this: Are any birth days of anyone mentioned in the Bible? Actually, YES, TWO are mentioned: At Genesis 40:20, Pharaoh's birthday is mentioned. And at Matthew 14:6 Herod's birthday is mentioned. Both of these men were PAGANS. Certainly not, worshippers of God or followers of Jesus. In fact, it was at Herod's birthday celebration that he ordered that John the Baptist be beheaded. How did Jesus feel about this? Reading further in the Bible it says: Herod "sent and had John beheaded in the prison. And his head was brought on a platter and given to the maiden (who had requested it) and she brought it to her mother. Finally his disciples (John's) came up and removed the corpse and buried him and came and reported to Jesus. At hearing this Jesus withdrew from there by boat into a lonely place for isolation, but the crowds ...followed him." There is no mention in the Bible of any of the early Christians celebrating birthdays and in fact the encyclopedia I researched says that the early Christians did NOT celebrate birthdays. It was strictly a PAGAN celebration. Then, I wondered, what about Jesus. If he had wanted his birthday celebrated, would he not have recorded the date of his birth? Only the shepherds were told when he was born and they were out in the fields at night, tending their sheep, according to Luke 2:8 which says: "There were also in that same country shepherds living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their sheep..." It's a well-known fact that shepherds don't live out of doors in December in Israel. Their sheep are under cover during the cold winters there. Also, when I thought more about it, I considered the trip that Joseph and Mary had to make to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. Can you imagine them walking or riding on a donkey for all those miles in the winter? Then, I read the story again in Matthew the 2nd chapter and notice that the "wise men" came to Jerusalem to find Jesus, calling him "the one born king of the Jews." Herod was agitated. So I read on. Matthew 2:4 "on gathering together all of the chief priests and scribes ...he began to inquire of them where the Christ was to be born...Then Herod secretly summoned the astrologers and carefully ascertained from them the time of the star's appearing and when sending them to Bethlehem he said: "Go make a careful search for the young child and when you have found it report back to me... the star came to a stop about where the young child was... Where was Jesus at that point? Was he a "babe in the manger?" NO. Verse 10 says "on seeing the star...they went into the HOUSE...saw the young child with Mary his mother...and presented him with gifts." So all the depictions of the "three wise men," giving gifts to the baby Jesus are incorrect. By the time they found Jesus, he was about two years old. How do we know that? Verse 16 says "Then Herod, seeing that he had been outwitted by the "wise men" fell into a great rage, and he sent out and had all the boys in Bethlehem and in all its districts done away with, from two years of age and under according to the time that he had carefully ascertained from the "wise men." Read it for yourself. I choose to believe what the Bible says and not what I have heard all my life about the birth of Jesus from those who do not believe what the Bible says. I have come to learn that Christmas is based on PAGAN holidays and the commercialization and drunken parties of Christmas PROVES even more that Jesus would not be happy to know how his supposed birthday is celebrated every year. Revelation 18:11 explains why the "traveling merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over the" destruction of false religion. It says that "traveling merchants ... became rich from her and will weep and mourn saying, 'too bad, too bad' "because there is no one to buy their full stock anymore." While there is nothing wrong with SOME traditions, a person needs to think about the traditions of birthdays and Christmas and other Pagan holidays. So my primary scripture for today is this: Mark 7:13 Could it be true that a person could "make the word of God invalid by your tradition."
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5 responses
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
26 Dec 17
I saw an article - Even the Pope knows about where this tradition comes from.. It has nothing to do with true Christianity.. I stopped celebrating Christmas when I understood it is a Pagan tradition..
A brother posted a photo of a newspaper saying "Pope Benedict: Jesus wasnt born of Dec. 25" it surprised me so i search it in the internet and then i found out that it is true.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
27 Dec 17
@IreneVincent It is a relief to be free from this.. ”The truth will set you free”
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@Daelii (5619)
• United States
27 Dec 17
@IreneVincent what about the kids who give gifts to other children in the spirit of Christ? Amazing my Church collected toys for kids and helped distribute them. Little did I know they were doing Satan's work to help provide for the needy like Jesus did.
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• United States
27 Dec 17
@buenavida I heartedly agree with you. It's a big relief.
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@m_audrey6788 (58472)
• Germany
26 Dec 17
For me it has nothing to do with the Bible as we believe Christmas is Jesus birthday
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• United States
27 Dec 17
You are right about that! If you believe that Dec. 25th is Jesus' birth date, that has NOTHING to do with the Bible. But, what is important is that the Bible facts are TRUE but the traditions of Christmas are from false religions. Why DO you believe that "Christmas is Jesus birthday?"
2 people like this
• Germany
27 Dec 17
@IreneVincent I learned that in school and grew up knowing that Dec 25 when Christ was born in a manger and for me it`s not from false religion but it`s more about "FAITH". I believe that there is only one God Religions have different ways in worship and understanding God
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• United States
27 Dec 17
@m_audrey6788 So, you would rather believe another human than the "one God" who had the Bible written. Do some research on the origins of Christmas and other holidays and you will find out that Christmas is definitely from false religion. What a person has "FAITH" in is important. The Almighty God who directed the writing of the Bible is the right person to have faith in. If a person hasn't read the Bible for himself, that person doesn't know God at all. The writers of the Bible were inspired by God to write what HE wanted us to know. The Bible was written over a period of more than 1500 years by about 40 different men. He guided them on what to write, what HE knew that we would need to know, especially now when the world is in its "last days." The Bible says at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 that "In the last days, critical times hard to deal with will be here." What you see happening now around the world, is proof that we are living in the "last days." So, you think that all religions are acceptable to God, no matter what they believe. You might want to read this:
Good religion ultimately claims to lead to God—are they all good? What did Jesus, one of the most respected religious teachers in history, say on this subject?
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@RasmaSandra (82957)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
26 Dec 17
I have always looked at Christmas being Jesus birthday. My best Christmases have been enjoyed at home and also reading the Bible about Christmas Eve.
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• United States
27 Dec 17
Well, maybe you could do a little research on the subject. But, each person has to make up their own mind about Christmas. I made up my mind a LONG time ago, that I would rather please Jesus, than take part in something that I KNOW in my heart does not make Jesus happy. He is observing all this ritual and tradition that comes from false worship. There is no doubt in my mind.
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27 Dec 17
I wrote about this and you can read it if you want. No one knows when Jesus was born but we should celebrate him everyday. Christians celebrate Christmas not for the tree or the ornaments or the lights but because the basics of Christmas was taught first by God himself. Yes pagans started the Christmas celebration in way of the tree and decorations but again God started the whole concept of what Christmas is actually about. Christmas is a time of love and giving. From the beginning God loved us so much that he gave his son Jesus for us. True Christians don't just celebrate Christmas one day a year. Being a true Christian means giving of ourselves daily.
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1 Jan 18
@IreneVincent God commands his children to give everyday. The day of Christmas is man made but the way of giving comes from God.
@Daelii (5619)
• United States
26 Dec 17
uhh.. I kinda get what your saying, but it seems like you are taking a mix of items and spewing it to say incomplete facts or validation. Yes, they would have a general idea of the baby's age. However, in times of purging, they don't just pick and chose what kids to kill. If you want to eliminate the right one, not knowing who, sadly, you must give room for error in appearance. Babies don't all look the same. So the general saying of 2 and under was to give some flexibility in people trying to lie/be dishonest, in a valid attempt to save their young. I don't think anyone truly claims that Dec 25th is "Jesus" birthday. At least none that I value as scholars. Its just been a day chosen for celebration of him.
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• United States
27 Dec 17
I'm not "spewing" anything. I'm quoting scriptures directly from the Bible. What makes you think those facts are incomplete? I understand completely that "the general saying of 2 and under was to give flexibility," but NOT to the mothers who were trying to save their children. It was for Herod to make sure that he killed Jesus that he murdered all the boys 2 and under. Since Herod only had a vague idea of how old Jesus was by the time he sent out men to murder all those children, he knew that Jesus would NOT be any older than 2, but Herod did not know when Jesus was born for sure. Herod was determined to kill Jesus. But he failed. But, God was protecting Jesus and so he was not killed in spite of Herod's attempts.
• United States
1 Jan 18
@Daelii I mentioned a donkey because Mary and Joseph might have used a donkey to transport Mary to Bethlehem. They also may have simply walked the 90 so miles to Bethlehem from Nasareth but if it was wintertime it would have been quite cold for them to travel for maybe as many as ten or twelve days.
• United States
1 Jan 18
@Daelii Also you asked "who said it was winter?" That's what everyone who believes that Dec25th is Jesus birthday is indicating. December 25 th is winter in that area.