How big is your lap?
By Judy Evans
@JudyEv (349295)
Rockingham, Australia
January 17, 2018 6:04pm CST
Baby animals of any description are cute but baby goats have to be some of the cutest. They always like to climb and jump and to watch them playing gladdens the heart.
Our son in Ireland had three does and while we were there, two each had twin kids so suddenly there were seven goats instead of three. We were there for some time and were able to enjoy interacting with these dear little animals.
The kids very quickly became tame and the one I’m nursing in the video was very people-oriented. The video is only 34 seconds and the really cute bit comes in at about 27 seconds if you are really in a hurry.

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41 responses
@andriaperry (118552)
• Anniston, Alabama
18 Jan 18
I used to hv goats, they are so funny. A huge tree limb fell and tht was the best things ever for the goats, they loved it, they also would stand on 9 inch cinder blocks.
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@Deepizzaguy (108057)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
18 Jan 18
Baby animals are really cute creatures.
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@Deepizzaguy (108057)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
19 Jan 18
@JudyEv You are correct.
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@shaggin (74027)
• United States
18 Jan 18
@JudyEv oh okay that makes sense then if they weren’t just born in the photo. That’s amazing it’s so common for twins and triplets then singles. Right after I saw this post I saw a video on Facebook last night of two baby goats hopping around bumping each other and playing over a dog that was trying to lay on the ground. It was adorable to watch. I wish I could own one of every animal ha ha
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
18 Jan 18
That's true, when our goat gave birth, the kid always went inside our house and play with my children
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@JudyEv (349295)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Jan 18
@ilocosboy My nephew has pedigree Saanens and some of them get sold overseas. One doe which he bred holds a world record for milk production.
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
18 Jan 18
Some breed of big goats here came from Australia. Its good business here on goat raising
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@misunderstood_zombie (8142)
• United States
18 Jan 18
@JudyEv I love goats, especially baby ones. How sweet he left your son's lap to com to yours.
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@silvermist (19702)
• India
18 Jan 18
I was not in a hurry.So I watched the video two times.Very nice video.
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@dgobucks226 (36329)
18 Jan 18
From what I have read goats can make decent pets despite their rebellious reputation.
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@JudyEv (349295)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Jan 18
I had a goat as a pet and she was a marvellous companion. Lots of fun to be around.
@JudyEv (349295)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Jan 18
@dgobucks226 Yes, mine would shake hands and bow. And I had a little cart she would pull. Herc, my pet sheep, also pulled a cart.
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@snowy22315 (186947)
• United States
18 Jan 18
My lap is always big enough for a baby of any species!
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@JudyEv (349295)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Jan 18
My Mum had a full grown pet 'lamb' which used to try to climb into her lap if she sat down anywhere near it.

@DeborahDiane (40393)
• Laguna Woods, California
18 Jan 18
@JudyEv - Little goats are so sweet! One of our daughters lives in the Napa Valley and she owns miniature goats, among other animals. She treats them like dogs ... even brings them in the house!
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@DeborahDiane (40393)
• Laguna Woods, California
19 Jan 18
@JudyEv - My daughter absolutely adores her pet goats. She also had several dogs and the miniature goats come into the house through the doggie door, just like the dogs. They don't bring the chickens, full-size goats and other animals into the house, though!
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@JudyEv (349295)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Jan 18
@DeborahDiane That's probably a good thing! All animals seem to 'give' back love and affection if they are loved enough. It's not just cats and dogs. Do you have any photos of them?
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@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
18 Jan 18
We had lambs when our children were small they are a bit more skittish than baby goats.
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@JudyEv (349295)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Jan 18
We raised many pet lambs over my childhood. Some farmers couldn't be bothered with them but we must have saved hundreds over the years. Before Mum was married she raised 100 in one year. In those days probably everyone tried to save stock rather than lose them.
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@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
18 Jan 18
@JudyEv our first two lambs were named....Lunch and Supper! We didn't want the children to get too attached. They also enjoyed A meal with Harvey (the neighbours wandering bull) providing the beef.
Go ahead...tell me that's awful...sure was tasty though! 

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@JudyEv (349295)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Jan 18
@Morleyhunt If we intended to eat an animal we tried not to make a real pet of it - and we wouldn't give it a name. I must write about Pig one day.
Our friends had lambs called Chops and Roast. To each his own! 

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@JudyEv (349295)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 Jan 18
They make lovely pets. I had one as a child and she was a great companion. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of her. I called here - believe it or not - Nanny! 

@JSAph8888 (949)
• Philippines
18 Jan 18
I saw the whole video. The kids are so cute in your lap specially the one who jumped in your lap wanting you to pet him.
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@JudyEv (349295)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Jan 18
@JSAph8888 His judgement was a bit out. 

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@JSAph8888 (949)
• Philippines
19 Jan 18
Maybe the kid who jumped thought he could fit in your lap. 

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