Did God create man or did man create God?

Northampton, England
January 17, 2018 6:26pm CST
So did man create God, why women get such a bum deal? All religions seem to be put together to elevate the male of the species and women seem to be always under veils and in the shadows, walking two paces behind their husbands and picking up newborn babies as they go, Monty Python style. The big religions of Islam, the Indian ones, Buddhists ones, Christians, Jews and Catholics are quite clear in their scripture who is the boss. I’m all for women being equal and if not better than men but religion doesn’t help their emancipation. Christianity is 400-years older than Islam and a much more mature religion because of, the Crusade right up there with the many problems of Islam today. And that’s the point, Islam is still in the 1600s and many of its people kept in poverty by its teachings so they cower to it, as the Christians were. When religions are at their most powerful and lucrative it’s when their followers, and their critics, are most fearful of it. Christianity in England today is the preserve of the old and frightened, bony fingers clasped together praying in drafty churches that will soon be restaurants for an afterlife as they had wasted this one being in fear of God. The media, of course, are terrified of criticising Islam in fear of death, why Christianity and Catholicism are the ones mocked in movies and TV. Catholicism uses guilt in the same way. If you don’t fill the collection plates with hard cash you have no religion. The religion must have a hold over the people. The promise of eternal life is just not enough these days as technology offers greater truths. 2000 years ago life was short, no TV and internet and you were lucky to live to 40. It wasn’t that great. You needed to believe in life after death to get through it all. The fact we die is why we need religions, I guess. When something bad happens in our lives we always try to make deals with those Gods to live a bit longer, whether we believe in that God or not. He/she/it is the last hope when all else is lost. There are currently thousands of recognized Gods around in today’s scripture. Hindus have 300+ alone. You also need your flock to reproduce heavily so to have more money on that collection plate down the line. The Catholic Church tells its followers not to use birth control, why it’s the world’s richest religion. Guilt is a big thing in that religion. Religious anti abortionists kill people who don’t preserve the sanctity of life. Work that one out. The Bible Belt in Texas, of course, is made of gold, wrapped around the waists of handsome slick back hair preachers. Christian super churches in America see the pastors drive around in Bentley's and earn $5 million dollars a year and break the Ten Commandments every night behind closed doors of their mighty marble mansions, yet the flyover states congregations keeping handing over their hard earned. Religion is a business, whatever form it takes. West African Wealth Churches just cut out the middleman and if you hand over your cash good stuff will happen man. It’s not fair to say intelligent people don’t believe in God and peasants do. I think it’s just lazy for some people to believe in religion, not stupidity. The greatest scientist and brain of all time, Albert Einstein, actually believed in God and told the Pope that when they met, stating that – ‘we are both in the same business. We are both looking for the creator of all things and cannot yet claim to reveal that ultimate truth’. The Big Bang from nothing is as likely as a bearded man in the clouds for many. We just don’t know anything on that one. How can we come from nothing and how can the universe be endless? My best bet is that we, the humans, are the only ones who can create the universe we live in, as we are the only ones in it, and infinite time and so endless possibilities and chance will mean thousands of years from now we may well achieve the science to create a universe and, perhaps, create this one, quantum physics allowing that mind bending loop. Time is on our side. It seems more feasible than the bloke with the beard. And yes, of those thousands of Gods Earth has written about, most are men.
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9 responses
@NJChicaa (122031)
• United States
18 Jan 18
I still can't wrap my mind around the idea that the Universe just goes on forever and I am 100% in favor of science.
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• Northampton, England
18 Jan 18
If this particular universe is endless then that enables the Earth to exist in exactly the right place and conditions to create life.
• United States
18 Jan 18
We don't know anything. We don't. And I am okay with that. I question everything, I take all possibilities from all myths, theories, and such into consideration. But at the end of the day I still don't know. I think that is why I like bhudism. Because it is all about being a better you, and letting go of negative energy, and not necessarily worshipping a higher being.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Jan 18
Intelligence does exist far beyond that of mankind. God does exist. On the other hand, religions are the creation of mankind. Religion is mankind's attempt to understand God. Mankind is a controlling lot. So much of religion is what some want God to be. I have found no religion that actually understands God. On the other hand, it seems they all carry bits of the truth within them. Just like all the physics of this world add up perfectly, so does everything about God. If it doesn't add up, you probably have the stories of mankind. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. Can you see?? God hides nothing.
@LadyDuck (472506)
• Switzerland
18 Jan 18
I like the view of Albert Einstein, I do not believe in religion, it's only a business. Many books were written exactly with the title "And Man Created God". One of the more interesting is the one by Robert Banks (subtitle: Is God a Human Invention", the question is "If God made everything, who made God?" I still have to find someone who can reply.
• Northampton, England
18 Jan 18
We made God...and we used cheap Chinese parts and Labor ;-|)
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@LadyDuck (472506)
• Switzerland
18 Jan 18
@thedevilinme Well, to be honest I think we could have done a better job.
@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
18 Jan 18
The media sure is not afraid of treating Jews and Israel badly. I believe G-d created man in his own image.
@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
18 Jan 18
@thedevilinme Thank you Phillip and good to know.
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• Northampton, England
18 Jan 18
I back Israel 100%
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@Daelii (5619)
• United States
28 Jan 18
I really could spend about a day going through all of the different points you said. Religon doesn't have to give women a place. You are looking at limited faiths and making a basis of question on if man made god or god made man? You want that answer you must dig deeper and really look for your own answer. Man made the sewing needle about 100,000 years ago. Current faiths take history about 5,000 years ago. There are religions before then. There are also a female presentation in that and coming forward. There are also records that hint at Jesus being married and that Mary was an apostle to the apostles. To say men / humans are the only life out there is also kinda silly in my eyes. That is however a much bigger subject for another day!
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 Jan 18
I'm not quite at the point of full on atheism. I like science, and I can't say with scientific certainty that there isn't a "god". My belief (not to be confused with "knowledge") is that there probably isn't. At least not as most religions portray their gods. Spiritually, I identify with the earthy religions, like paganism. I think it's a good philosophy to live one's life by. But for me, that spirituality does not depend on the belief in a divine being of some sort. If it's only the fear of some god that's preventing someone from being a crappy human, they don't need religion, they're just an @$$hole.
@TheHorse (224741)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Jan 18
I'm open to either possibility. What I like about contemporary Judaism is that "question everything" is one of its mantras, as are "inclusiveness" and women's rights. Asking such questions is not seen as "sinful." But I also love Christian mythology, with its emphasis on unconditional love. As for slick manipulators, I love this old Richard Thompson song.
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@dya80dya (36951)
18 Jan 18
I think we don't know. I am open to any possibility.