Laughing Gas!

United States
February 3, 2018 9:32am CST
Okay my husband and I were discussing whether or not to put this on myLot and we decided yes. We have a nightly routine. We eat our dinner while watching TV, then the competition begins for my husband. Who has the most gas! It seems to be a subject that comes up a lot in our whole family. Anyways we don't take it seriously for sure. We sometimes give a thumbs up if it was loud and long. Most of the time we just laugh at each other on and off. Then we end the night with a couple of farts in bed. I threaten him that if I smell anything I will get the spray out and choke him and I have done so. Do you and your partner laugh at each other? Or do you just pretend it didn't happen? Picture by
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11 responses
@AmbiePam (91269)
• United States
3 Feb 18
I hope your visitors have access to Febreze! No, just kidding. You wouldn't do that if guests were coming. When we were kids my sister and dad would have a belching contest. My mom and I just stared at them with dismay. We didn't want to be victims of the smell!
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@AmbiePam I keep a can or two of Febreeze right outside our bathroom and bedroom. If my husband farts before I get my cpap mask on I will spray and he laughingly chokes on it! I thought our family was the only family that jokes a lot about gas, lol! My Dad when I was like 5 would have farting contests with his drinking buddies. Well one time he went to far and messed his pants! O my he was terrible about it!
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@renicemae (4883)
• Philippines
4 Feb 18
You have a very cute and funny way of bonding! Anyway, everytime my husband farts, it's a very strong bad smell so I often reprimand him to please excuse himself or go away as a show of respect to others. I am mostly mad when he does it when we are eating at the table but he smiles and laugh at it always.
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@renicemae We eat in the living room and that's where most of the gas gets out except in our bedroom then I reprimand him too and get the Febreeze out and it chokes him so is like half choking and laughing. If I hear him fart in the bedroom before I get my cpap mask on and I walk in and the smell hits me O do I get mad and spray the Febreeze lol!
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• United States
11 Feb 18
@renicemae I hear ya! This past week since I posted Laughing Gas we have laughed more than ever about it! Whats comforting to know is we are not alone LOL! I even got a Valentine that says; "This Valentine will bring tears to your eyes...I farted in it! Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day. This was from one of my closest friends she knew nothing about my discussion on Laughing Gas, wait til I tell her LOL! It was a hard week for me and God knew I needed an extra laugh or two as I haven't been able to get out due to the weather, ice and snow. So thank You God for such a great sense of humor and Laughing Gas!
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@renicemae (4883)
• Philippines
10 Feb 18
@Butchcass4 That's something.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
4 Feb 18
I make loud farts with no smell at all.
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@toniganzon Yes me too, unfortunately mine smell pretty bad but most of the time nobody smells anything as my hubby is on a couch across from me and it doesn't go that far LOL!
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
10 Feb 18
@Butchcass4 let's just hope that doesn't happen when you in an elevator.
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• United States
11 Feb 18
@toniganzon O great day in the morning I would die of embarrassment as I only fart around my husband unless it accidently slips out LOL!
@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
4 Feb 18
Too funny. You need to laugh at life. I don't have a partner to laugh with. Have a blessed day tomorrow.
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@just4him Yes it is funny! Unless I smell it then theres a problem I get mad as bad smells anger me lol! If I get a wiff I'll go get the Febreeze and spray big time and he'll be choking cause he can't breathe and then I'm laughing LOL! I know God has a great sense of humor but I wished the smell wasn't part of the whole process!
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• United States
11 Feb 18
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Feb 18
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
3 Feb 18
Once you've been with someone long enough, you should be comfortable enough to laugh about those things. Even if they still disgust you. Especially since its apart of being alive. Lol
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@Courtlynn Yes you are so right! My hubby and I have been together over 23 years and when we first started dating there was none of that but like you said after you get to know each other long enough its just part of the package LOL! It's the way God made us and you know He has to have a great sense of humor LOL!
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• United States
11 Feb 18
@Courtlynn My husband is the only one I feel comfortable enough around and we've been together over 23 years. Once in a great while one may slip out on my way to the bathroom I am in the choir at our church and have had gas and begged God please don't let it come out as we are all close to each other and it would be a catastrophie, humiliating! My husband will pick on me when I go to a group on Monday nights and he'll say he hopes I let one, I'm like you just want me to be humiliated, he's like no...but thats exactly what would happen. I don't like going anywhere at night because I am so gassy LOL and Anyways...I know God has a great sense of humor for making us the way He did. Bad smells can put me in a bad mood very quickly so I try to make sure I have Febreeze on hand LOL!
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
10 Feb 18
@Butchcass4 we all do it we just try not to til we're more comfortable with the person
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@RitzzView (2994)
• India
3 Feb 18
Hahaha! Little things are so damn precious...
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@RitzzView It's definitely a laughing matter LOL!
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@RitzzView (2994)
• India
12 Feb 18
@Butchcass4 Yes, indeed
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• United States
16 Feb 18
@m_audrey6788 (58472)
• Germany
3 Feb 18
We laugh it out loud
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• Germany
9 Feb 18
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• United States
11 Feb 18
@m_audrey6788 Yes I know exactly what you mean! Our evenings and some mornings are filled with laughter over (to say it politely) passing gas LOL! My close friend sent me a Valentine card that says; "This Valentine will bring tears to your eyes, "I farted in it!" Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day LOL! She is too much LOL! Since I wrote the discussion on laughing gas there's been much more laughter about it this week at peoples reactions, which are all different LOL!I thank God for His sense of humor!
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@m_audrey6788 We do too and we laugh a lot over it LOL!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
3 Feb 18
My husband makes it a joke of course! Lol. He says it's frogs.
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@LovingMyBabies Frogs huh! Never heard of that before LOL! I would die before I farted infront of anyone besides my husband! I have a nephew who will stand right next to you and let the silent but deadly and all of a sudden there's a horrible smell and I'm like WHAT that's disgusting and he'll just laugh like it's not a big deal! God definitely has a great sense of humor. It sure is a way to humble you in a hurry when the just slip out! I am in the choir at our church and I have had mornings when I was silently begging God to help me not to slip one out as I am a gassy person unfortunately! LOL!
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@marlina (154131)
• Canada
3 Feb 18
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@marlina Yes it is! But unfortunately its the way God made us. But I don't do it unless I'm home! I would die before I passed gas around anyone except my hubby, I will run for a bathroom and hope no one is in there. But unfortunately there have been times when someone else is in the bathroom and all I can do is say I'm sorry and one time a lady said o that's ok your not alone, something like that lol. I wrote this discussion to see how others handled this whole issue and I wasn't surprised to be honest!
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@JudyEv (338119)
• Rockingham, Australia
4 Feb 18
We mostly laugh at each other or pretend to be disgusted.
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@JudyEv Yes we mostly laugh but will also give a thumbs up if it was a loud one lol! I pretend to be disgusted at times especially if he deliberately comes near me and lets one! I think the majority of the time is spent talking about gas related topics, ugh!
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@paigea (36320)
• Canada
3 Feb 18
My husband always announces how great it feels to let out the gas. He says " The guys are at work in the processing plant." or "Night shift just reported for duty" Might as well have fun. It has to come out.
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• United States
9 Feb 18
@paigea God no doubt has a great sense of humor creating us this way as most people have gas, but most of the time we try to be very discrete about it unless we're at home LOL! My husband and I just laugh at each other or give thumbs up if its a loud one lol!
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