The Problem is NOT just the Gun it is deeper and broader
By Liberti
@Liberti (264)
Mead, Washington
February 20, 2018 12:46am CST
The Problem is NOT just the Gun it is deeper and broader
Please note through out this post there are urls to copy and paste for more info on why I made this post.
As the Sheriff of our county said in a video. It is not just the gun 30 years ago kids had guns on truck racks loaded in the school parking lot. They went hunting they did not kill anyone, Yes access to Assault weapons firing 20=40-100 rounds needs banned from public use period. Swat teams might need them; Law enforcement, military. Not the main public. But it is not just guns that are the problem. People for over 200 years have had, used and kept guns for hunting, for sports, for protection in their homes.
A 2015 Census report said that “Rural areas cover 97 percent of the nation’s land area but contain 19.3 percent of the population (about 60 million people),” Census Bureau Director John H. Thompson said. “By combining five years of survey responses, the American Community Survey provides unequaled insight into the state of every community, whether large or small, urban or rural.” Occupations in rural area's are made up of farming, ranching, forestry, and fish and wildlife or natural resource occupations. Farming can be from dairy and raising of livestock and poultry to wheat, corn, and other produce as well as orchards and vineyards.
"Gun ownership spans all types of American communities, but it is particularly common in rural parts of the country. Among adults who live in rural areas, 46% say they own a gun, compared with 28% of adults who live in the suburbs and even fewer – 19% – in urban areas, according to a new Pew Research Center survey."
The primary purpose of rural folks owning, having and using a gun are as follow.
#1. Many housewives are alone at home or with younger children; these woman often are taught and know how to use a gun if and when need. They might and do encounter wildlife. Coyotes, Bear, Cougar, snakes are among wildlife that share the rural country and mountain areas of rural America. Many live on farms, raising chickens, goats and other livestock. These women will use a gun normally a rifle but in some circumstances a handgun, to protect themselves and their children, livestock from wildlife predators.
#2 Being alone there are times some nefarious characters decide to gander into the country and rural areas to see what can be picked up easy while ranchers, farmer and the like are away at work. The housewife can and if need use and place under arrest such characters if need. Usually such when learning someone is home and has protection of both Gun and big dogs quickly leave. There have been times however when the homemaker had no gun, the dog was old or sleeping and they found themselves victims of burglary, rape, and sometimes are murdered.
#3. Hunting for food such as deer, elk, turkey, grouse, is another reason for gun use as well as protecting livestock from predators such as wolves, cougar, bear and coyotes.
Fact is these people use a gun wisely, know how to use them teach their children they are a tool and weapon NOT a toy and to respect it. Most children learn about them at an early age and know it is not something to take lightly they are also taught except in the most extreme situation you are never to kill another human being with a gun.
Guns in Urban and Suburban areas may usually be used for protection of the home and sports, hunting or target shooting. The majority of crime and violence with a gun occurs primarily in urban and suburban cities of the USA not in rural America. Many boys especially and some girls left home alone for hours while parents work or single parent households turn to video games that are violent portraying shooting, killing and murder for points and fun. They watch t.v or shows that are also violent and use the internet to learn more how to use guns, the videos wear off they want more excitement and thrill. Many are loners, some are depressed and angry and often ostrzieced by peers at school for wearing different clothing or hair style or acting different.
Some have Autism/Aspberger Syndrome or Terrets, ADHD, ODD and other mental disorders. Some are on medication that actually triggers more violence rather than less and some commit suicide but others contemplate homicide angry at any and everyone for their plight, and fate and not fitting in, Jealous of those who appear to have better homes, families, clothing etc. Parents and guardians may not know or realize there are problems because they are too busy with social life, work and church . Some have had many losses of family, parents might be foster children.
The HIPPA act protects disclosure of people's health issues and rights. However for some situations there needs to be laws changed to allow such individuals medical records to be opened and examined for possible issues and problems Especially when they apply for a gun. Deeper background checks need to be allowed with school records and behavior, mental health and medications as well as basic back ground checks done. Raise the age to purchase alcohol, tobacco, guns, etc to 21.
Also no citizen needs an assult rifle AK-15 and such ae not needed for protection nor hunting.. Typical hunting rifles are 30.30, 7MM and 30.06 for example. Most clips hold 8-10 bullets for hunting. Many ranchers riding the cattle range or sheep and herders carry them as well as a pistol for protection against wolves, bear etc killing their livestock. As well as for hunting. Most do not use, want or need the AK-15 and the like.
Another problem other than the gun is though media reports that school staff, counselors etc tell students if they know of someone acting strange, suspicious, saying things that are not normal are threatening etc. "Tell someone" The problem is that in some cases such as the one at Freeman, Washington, in 2017 this past fall 3 students did tell someone a counselor and a teacher. Neither took the reports seriously neither contacted law enforcement nor the parent nor even talked to the boy who killed his best friend and injured 3 other students. I know this personally and first hand as I have grandchildren who knew these students as their school and Freeman play sports together etc. So because of adult counselors and the like not taking them seriously kids realize no one really cares.
There needs many changes those of evaluating and making it known in state and federal as well as county date banks people with mental health issues, medications, trouble with the law, school expulsions, and the like. There needs to be laws to change the ability to buy a gun of any sort to age 21 and required background check and mandatory training of use with photo id and fingerprinting. And all Rifles that allow more than 10 to a clip not classified as typical hunting/sporting rifles banned. Handguns as well need to be identified as to reason and use and training on handling as well as the above background requirements.
It is not likely guns will be abolished in the USA. We are not Australia a nation surrounded by sea. We border Canada and Mexico. Criminals can get guns no matter how many laws are passed and even if all guns were abolished and the second Amendment eradicated. Drug cartel, gangs, Isis supporters and terrorists coming in from Mexico, Canada, Central and South America have access and infiltrate constantly. Maybe building a wall will stem this but maybe not. County officials, and State need to get panels of Students, parents, citizens, law enforcement, mental health counselors to discuss these issues and protect laws of privacy as able but not when it endangers others or there is a potential of doing so.
Part of the problem too is back in the 1980's Congress due to lobbying because it would be "Cost effective" for the government, decided to turn lose mentally ill people into mainstream society, schools were and are required to allow mentally ill students to attend with normally health students and staff keeps medication for those needing it for mental health problems.
Such student act up, misbehave, and disrupt the class room and this occurs in the work place as well and in colleges. Only the most seriously dangerous are not locked up or those so impaired living out of an institution is not helpful. The rest are among us, many end up homeless, and not able to cope. They cannot afford mental health counseling. hospitals and clinic are swamped. The cost however has been ONE of the reasons for mass shootings and killings for the past 30 years.
It is not just the NRA it is NOT just the FBI it is not the President Obama or Trumps fault it is a society problem that has become worse and the failure of parental and school discipline that is effective due to CPS agency and the like as well. It is a whole gambit of problems. Guns of and by themselves do not kill people. 99.9% of gun owners are responsible, and do not nor would they deliberately plot and plan to murder anyone.
As to guns at schools? Well maybe or maybe not as one Parkland student pointed out student might get caught in the crossfire. A pistol is not going to stand up against an AK-15 rifle but if 15 teachers and staff have them fewer or less will be killed if any. This should be up to the discretion of the states and counties and schools. There is not going to be one thing will fix the problem it is much broader an deeper than just "Gun Control"
Lastly many historical events show what happens when government removes citizens rights and

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3 responses
@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
26 Feb 18
I agree with you 1000% on all of it @Liberti .
1 person likes this
@jstory07 (142428)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Feb 18
There us no reason for the average person to be able to buy an assault weapon.
@Liberti (264)
• Mead, Washington
20 Feb 18
Did you even read the post or did you just read the title and then give an answer. Because unless you actually read the post through you are assuming I am saying having an assault rifle is okay which I did not say at all. That is the problem is too many AssUme something rather than get the full story or point of view.