Town Hall Meeting Over Gun Control

United States
February 22, 2018 12:42am CST
I understand people feel strongly about either size, and you are welcome to share that here. While I normally ignore all things political, I couldn't help but watch this on CNN. I like that these High School Students, parents and staff all had a very intelligent approach to the protest. They are absolutely right, both democrats and republicans need to get together to come to a resolution now. I like the idea of restricting gun purchasing for those who show multiple reports of being mentally unstable. Possibly banning certain guns could do the trick, the issue is there are loop holes, there are ways to get those guns illegally. But something must be done. The NRA representative was a waste of space. I can agree to an extent with the sheriff(I can't remember his title and correct me if I'm wrong). The police force does need more funding.
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2 responses
@Mike197602 (15506)
• United Kingdom
22 Feb 18
As a UK citizen with no dog in the fight I'd suggest a first step would be a country wide ban on any full auto weapon. That'd also include conversion kits.
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@yugocean (9963)
• India
22 Feb 18
This is why Trump was questioned and Miller come into it?
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