A Story about Vi Agra, See Alice and Levi Tra. A bit Riske"

Happy, Blue, Pill
@Liberti (264)
Mead, Washington
March 6, 2018 1:37am CST
A few years back my younger brother spent the winter with us and every time there was a commercial ad about ED. He would laugh and say I been trying to See Alice or Vi and cannot find them. So I wrote this Satyr story for him. Hope you enjoy it. A Story about Erectile dysfunction By Jen Donier Copyright March, 21, 2014 My name is Sam and I have a good woman Mary by name and she is just a sweetheart of a gal we wanted to get it on if ya know what I mean *Wink"* Anyway I had me a problem called. Erectile dysfunction, That is what my doc told me anyway. So doc said "Well "Vi Agra "is what you need". And he wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to. me "Where will I find er"; I asked doc. He said; "At the drug store, Here take this piece of paper with you and they will fix you right up." Well I didn't think my lady would be happy if I told her I had to go see Vi Agra but if that is what Doc said would be the trick I wanted her to fix me up pretty quick. So I left to go to the drug store and look up that Miss Vi Agra. But first I decided to called up my friend Mark and asked him if he ever heard of any gal around town named Vi, "Nope he said not that I can recall not at all". I said to Mark; "Well Ole Doc said she is at the drug store so guess I will have to gander on down there and look her up". Then I got to worrying about Mary finding out about Ole Doc sending me to see another gal so I told Mark. "Now don't you go a tellin' nothing to my gal Mary about Vi cause she might get real jealous". Mark promised he would not utter a word. Well after my talk with Mark on my cell-phone. I moseyed on down to the drug store and looked around and there sure enough was a good looking new gal behind the counter. I figured she was Vi Agra and proceeded to give her the piece of paper old Doc gave me and she said; I am sorry sir but we don't have Vi Agra. I looked at her and said, OH! well I thought you might be her" She gave me a funny look like I had something in my teeth and then said to me. Well sir you go tell doc to give you a paper for See Alice. That we do have. I looked at her then scratched my head and said. Okay! and went back and told doc. that the new gal at the drug store said they no longer had that there Vi Agra there at the drug store and the gal said and I had to get a paper from him to see Alice. Doc scratched his head and said, "Well alright, then Cialias it will be" So he wrote another paper out and signed it. I went back to the drug store and told the gal there a different one than before. I wanted to See Alice. She said "See Alice ,do you got a prescription"? Yup I told her. "I got a paper here from doc that says I am to See Alice". "Okay", she said and took my paper and left through a door I waited wondering what this Alice would look like and how she might help me, Pretty soon that gal came back in. Shaking her head. She said "well I am sorry sir we don't exactly have See Alice but we got a generic type called Levi tra". She handed me a bottle of little blue pills and I took them. but I said, "Now look here ma'am I understand you ain't got Alice here right now nor Vi Agra but I am not the sort of feller that wants to get with any Levi Tra,, I think I will go talk to my friend Mark awhile." I walked out and left that bottle of blue pills she handed me on the counter, as I didn't know what they heck they were for. I just wanted to See Alice or Vi but no Levi's no siree! I know some fellers around that might not mind see'in Levi and that is okay by me but they know I ain't that kind a feller either. I have a beer and shoot some pool with em down at Happy's Bar n Grill most every Saturday night and we get on fine and dandy but they got their ways and I got mine when it comes to love and romance. Well I went on over to Marks and sat and had a smoke with him and told him my troubles about how poor Mary and me just were having problems with my Libido and Doc first told me to go to Vi Agra and she weren't there at the drug store where I was to find her. The gal there said she was not Vi and I had to ask Doc to See Alice so I went and got the paper to See Alice and this other gal tried to hook me up with a Feller named Levi and I told her I was not that sort of a feller. I told Mark that, I walked out and left some funny pills she handed me and I don't know what the had to do with Vi, Alice or that Levi feller but I think them two gals left town on account probably too many other feller's wanted to see them too. I guess they got a new worker instead named Levi and well anyway Mark you see my dilemma. Mark looked at me and started to laughing and then I said "What in tarnation is so derned funny?". He said, "Sam when you going to learn to read?" I said, "Well I'm 60 years I got by without it, so why start now?" Mark laughing then said to me. "Well it might help you understand those pills you left would help you and Mary" And you can forget about Levi or Vi or Alice just go back and take the pills and you should be just fine. And that is what I did and well now *Wink* I don't to this day know why the heck I had to see Vi, Alice or even Levi when all I needed was a little blue pill ( call them my happy pills) they made all the difference in the world. Why couldn't someone have said so in the first place?
7 people like this
4 responses
@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
7 Mar 18
Funny story about a serious problem.
1 person likes this
@Liberti (264)
• Mead, Washington
8 Mar 18
Sometimes a bit of humor puts things into a better light and takes off the stress. Thanks for reading Valerie
@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Mar 18
@Liberti Yes, it does.
@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
7 Mar 18
Hahahahaha A funny, risqué tale indeed.
1 person likes this
@Liberti (264)
• Mead, Washington
8 Mar 18
thank you I thought some would enjoy it. not many have so far but time will tell. I am just rejoining MYLOT after a huge dry spell due to health and family issues so trying to read other folks posts and comment. I know there is a give and take and so trying to catch up.
@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
7 Mar 18
Nice story. It was good.
1 person likes this
@Liberti (264)
• Mead, Washington
8 Mar 18
Thank you glad your enjoyed it.
@Madshadi (8840)
• Brussels, Belgium
9 Mar 18
That was hilarious