Baby momma drama

@Gvdess (54)
March 17, 2018 11:35am CST
How many times does one have to put up with a bitter baby momma before it’s ok to snap on her? My boyfriend has 3 beautiful little boys that WE raise. His baby momma doesn’t do anything for these boys at all . & even though they are young they know I love them with my whole heart and soul . I do everything I can for him & these kids . They could actually be my kids with how much I love & take care of them . & when in public it’s known because it’s all about me . They won’t walk with daddy or hold daddy’s hand. Nothing . It’s all me. They are glued to my hip. But I constantly get threats from his baby momma & she walks all over me like she owns and runs me. How much longer does one have to take this from a baby momma ? Does anyone else have baby momma, or baby daddy drama from their significant other ? If so how do you handle it?
2 responses
@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
17 Mar 18
That is really sweet. I never experienced this since but if never I am in that position, I would talk to the father of the kids and explain to him the situation. I cannot do all the work in raising his kids on my own.
@Gvdess (54)
17 Mar 18
He’s an amazing father . It’s not all me either. He plays both mommy and daddy to the kids & I play both mommy and daddy to the kids. He’s fully aware of the situation and keeps reminding me she’s not worth my stress but he can’t stop her from threatening me. He’s tried and all she does is start threatening him as well & tries to get the kids taken & creates more drama that’s fully unneeded because she’s bitter he isn’t with her after 6 years of giving her multiple chances . & I’ve done nothing but support them & their relationship because I’ve known him Sense we were kids . & try to have him work it out . I only recently stepped up & our relationship kind of fell into our hands . & even now I try to help her get more time w/her kids but she messes that up on her own
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@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
17 Mar 18
@Gvdess it is her loss then. But she shouldnt be bombarding you with all her dramas just because her life is in disarray. Why not change herself for the better instead of making other people's live miserable.
@Gvdess (54)
21 Mar 18
We do raise them together . I’m not doing it on my own . He’s just not understanding that it shouldn’t fall on me to put her in her place it should fall on him because he has full custody of them & therefor has the upper hand in the situation.
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@ammyluv (611)
• Abuja, Nigeria
17 Mar 18
I think you should find a way to ignore her attitude. Most of the baby mamas are so dramatic especially if they don't have a guy currently in their lives.