Large Channel catfish I caught

@loki1982 (780)
Dallas, Texas
April 3, 2018 12:23pm CST
I was actually fishing for bait and accidentally caught this Channel Catfish that was around 10 pounds.
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11 responses
@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
3 Apr 18
Catfish? That almost looks like a dog! A sea dog, that would be.
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
3 Apr 18
They are bottom feeders are dangerous predators of the water dear @sabtraversa ! They can live out of water for quite a long time as they use their lungs to breath! Thanks!
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
3 Apr 18
@AKRao24 I thought they were called "catfish" because of the "mustache", I didn't know they could also breathe air.
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@snowy22315 (176746)
• United States
3 Apr 18
It's funny how things like that happen. Will you eat him?
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@loki1982 (780)
• Dallas, Texas
3 Apr 18
I would normally, i love catfish, but this pond is not safe to eat fish from.
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@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
4 Apr 18
So what did you do with it?
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
4 Apr 18
Those fish are big and they eat everything they can.
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
3 Apr 18
How many people have you invited to eat this fish?
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@Jessabuma (31700)
• Baguio, Philippines
3 Apr 18
Wow that's awesome catch.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
3 Apr 18
I saw from the other comments that the fish wasnt safe to eat. What a shame. It's a big one! I love, love catfish - wild caught catfish but can't even get them here. All I get is farmed and they're awful.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
3 Apr 18
Wow..What a jack pot you got dear friend @loki1982! Thanks for sharing!
@velvet53 (22526)
• Palisade, Colorado
3 Apr 18
Wow! That is quite a catch. Did you eat it yet?
@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Apr 18
That is a big boy.
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
3 Apr 18
Wow it's impressive catch..its very nice