Is there something you like (or don't mind) to do at your job, even though it might seem boring?

@fluffysue (1482)
United States
April 22, 2018 9:09pm CST
One of my jobs is a part-time job in retail. It's not exciting, but I like to give myself projects to do, a) because I'd rather that than be told to do something, and b) it makes time go faster, especially if it's something you don't mind doing. My thing at this job lately is organizing the clearance racks. It sounds ridiculous, but as a shopper, I know that if clearance racks that are meant to be organized by size, are just stuff randomly placed, I won't shop. It's been bugging me all week, but my shifts are usually too short to complete the project, so yesterday I had a 6 hour shift and managed to finish it all. Now this week I'll need to think of a new project!
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5 responses
@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
25 Apr 18
I used to work in a supermarket and I remember being really strict about rotation. Some people would shove them all on any old how and not worry about the older dates being at the front so I would go through them and make sure it was all in order. I hope they appreciate you and your hard work.
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@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
25 Apr 18
No they don't, but that's OK. I'm only there because at one point I needed the extra money; I still do but I could get more hours at my other job that pays a lot better. But I get a nice discount I'm reluctant to give up. Lol. The rotation thing is important, I've worked in supermarkets before, too. Not caring about the dates is how expired stuff ends up staying on the shelf, which annoys me as a customer, so that would bug me as an employee, too.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
26 Apr 18
@fluffysue I know I was appreciated sometimes because the managers on different departments would ask for me in person because they knew I would do the job properly .. but when I left after 11 years I don't think anyone really cared; I didn't even get a farewell card.
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@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
26 Apr 18
@sprite1950 Yeah, seems like that's how it is, people are just replaceable. At least you know you did a good job.
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@augusta123 (6649)
23 Apr 18
I hate to clean but I'm enjoying my neat environment
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
23 Apr 18
It really does not matter so long as it pays me well
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@hereandthere (45645)
• Philippines
23 Apr 18
you're a great worker because you like to be productive, but also think about the customers.
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@ivanituut (1934)
23 Apr 18
Always have a productive manner, i know you can do it
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