A VERY IMPORTANT message to the WORLD for anyone who wants to LIVE
By RealIolo
@RealIolo (1854)
United States
November 27, 2006 9:37pm CST
And keep their families safe from radicals who might decide to kill them either because they don't like what they are saying, doing or because they refuse to convert to Islam
This discussion and many other similar ones have been deleted on myLot. It seems that freedom of speech is not a principle they respect. So here we go.
Dear Friend,
Madness has overtaken a portion of humanity and what they do is nothing short of insanity.
We are losing the fight against terrorism. That is because we are missing the target.
We must reach to the world and let everyone know that terrorism is the symptom and the real problem is the ideology behind it.
We need your help. Please read the following short “Letter to Mankind” and if you agree please forward it to all the people in your address book and request them to do the same.
Send a copy to your newspaper and politician too. Everyone must hear this message.
Sincerely yours
Ali Sina
A Letter to Mankind
Dear fellow human,
Today humanity is being challenged. Unthinkable atrocities take place on daily basis. There is an evil force at work that aims to destroy us. The agents of this evil respect nothing; not even the lives of children. Every day there are bombings, every day innocent people are targeted and murdered. It seems as if we are helpless. But we are not!
The ancient Chinese sage Sun Zi said, "Know your enemy and you won't be defeated". Do we know our enemy? If we don't, then we are doomed.
Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but the terrorists kill for an ideology. They call that ideology Islam.
The entire world, both Muslims and non-Muslims claim that the terrorists have hijacked "the religion of peace" and Islam does not condone violence.
Who is right? Do the terrorists understand Islam better, or do those who decry them? The answer to this question is the key to our victory, and failure to find that key will result in our loss and death will be upon us. The key is in the Quran and the history of Islam.
Those of us, who know Islam, know that the understanding of the terrorists of Islam is correct. They are doing nothing that their prophet did not do and did not encourage his followers to do. Murder, rape, assassination, beheading, massacre and sacrilege of the dead "to delight the hearts of the believers" were all practiced by Muhammad, were taught by him and were observed by Muslims throughout their history.
If truth has ever mattered, it matters most now! This is the time that we have to call a spade a spade. This is the time that we have to find the root of the problem and eradicate it. The root of Islamic terrorism is Islam. The proof of that is the Quran.
We are a group of ex-Muslims who have seen the face of the evil and have risen to warn the world. No matter how painful the truth may be, only truth can set us free. Why this much denial? Why so much obstinacy? How many more innocent lives should be lost before YOU open your eyes?
We urge the Muslims to leave Islam. Stop with excuses, justifications and rationalizations. Stop dividing mankind into "us" vs. "them" and Muslims vs. Kafirs. We are One people, One mankind! Muhammad was not a messenger of God. It is time that we end this insanity and face the truth. The terrorists take their moral support and the validation for their actions from you. Your very adherence to their cult of death is a nod of approval for their crimes against humanity.
We also urge the non-Muslims to stop being politically correct lest they hurt the sensitivities of the Muslims. To Hell with their sensitivities! Let us save their lives, and the lives of millions of innocent people.
Millions, if not billions of lives will be lost if we do nothing. Time is running out! "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." Do something! Send this message to everyone in your address book and ask them to do the same. Defeat Islam and stop terrorism. This is your world, save it.
The ex-Muslim Movement
The following was posted with permission from the author.
sirensanssmile said on myLot
This is a great site. I would add that in the Netherlands sadly, these Islamic followers are taking over and silencing people using fear and murder. This country is renowned for it's liberal and calm environment but that is changing because people from islamic conservative countries are coming in and killing people that disagree or question.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali- Somalian born woman received asylum here in the Netherlands when she was 12 but she gave a false name and the government KNEW this but allowed her anyway. She grew up to become a big muslim women's activist. Advocating against abuse, castration and the brutal subjegataion of muslim women. As she became more vocal and known she received more death threats than anyone in Dutch history. They tried to silence her several times. She is not anti-muslim, just anti- abuse of muslim women and CLEARLY states her feelings. After all the pressure and her having to hide in a bomb proof house, the Netherlands government decided to KICK HER OUT! Here the Netherlands the most women friendly country.... because it was getting the crazies uppity. Instead of kicking them out and the majority of them ILLEGAL anyway! They used the excuse that she lied on her papers even AFTER all these years. Luckily she was accepted to the USA for asylum and safety. The Netherlands TOOK HER PASSPORT!
She is already receiving death threats from muslims living in the USA. They claim that she can't live in America because America is very concerned about offending people's religeons.... HEY didn't they always say that America is the biggest offense to their religeon???? I guess it is used to suit them isn't it.
In 2005 A Dutch filmmaker, Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered by an islamic follower BECAUSE OF RELIGEOUS CONVICTION. The Muslim Imam (religeous leader) called for this filmmakers "punishment" because of a movie he made that was critical of the way muslims treat women. They have a video of this Imam calling for his punishment!!!! Yet the only one to receive any charges is the killer himself and the Imam is left scot-free.
Because of this, normally vocal opponants are strangely quiet when the topic is raised. Why? Because of fear of being hunted by these psychos and killed. This is the NETHERLANDS! It scares me that this is happening. I wish they would sack up and freakin take this country back as it is not theirs!
Oh and I nearly forgot.... My neighbor was born a muslim in Yemen. He moved here to the Netherlands to escape prejudice because he is gay. He doesn't follow the muslim religeon but his family does. This was about 9 years ago, but his own BROTHER was sent here to kill him. His brother came to his house and received entry as he pretended to be loving to his brother. After gaining entry into the home he produced a large hunting knofe and proceeded to stab HIS BROTHER repeatedly. His brother was left for dead in the back room where he was able to crawl to the balcony and scream for help. The neighbors on the other side were home and called the police and jumped over to his balcony to protect him from further attack. His brother was found sitting on his couch covered in his blood and told police he HAD to do it.
More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.
More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland.
Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years.
19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65 years.
Iraqi civilians killed this year by ISLAMIC Terrorists 15,435
Iraqi civilians killed collaterally in incidents involving Americans 133
RealIolo says
How about the cartoon printed in a paper in Scandinavia? It was a stupid reaction on the part of all those responsible. Riots and killing all because someone exercised their enumerable right to express themselves! Oh I forgot... we can't do that it is against Islam! They were so insulted that people had to die because they couldn't handle being insulted. Seems like they are all kids or something.
I have a problem with Islam because they say one thing is right but then they do not do it.
Case in point. I have seen Muslims on myLot say this "Islam is very harsh against those who deserted it as a religion, according to Islamic rules they should be killed."
Further, according to the good Muslims I have talked to these radical Muslims are not really following Islam, it follows then that these radicals have in essence deserted Islam as a religion therefore according to their own rules they should be killed!
But still they won't go after and kill the radical Muslims who are killing and citing their religion as why they are doing these atrocities. If they would the rest of us wouldn't have to go after them to keep them from suicide bombing our families!
They say that these radical Muslims who are committing these murders are not following Islam. According to their own principles they should be killing the radical Muslims murdering the innocents but instead just sit back and watch with apparent satisfaction as the non-believers are being exterminated. Hypocrites.
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2 responses
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
28 Nov 06
Accusation wihtout any proof.. Good work RealIolo..!!! Thats all what you could do.
And group of ExMuslims.. WOW. Let us hear their names, whereabouts too.. Or it is classified??. Only nuts can believe in this bulshit. Ask yourselves a very simple question... If Muhammad was as you or they think he was. Why would billions be following him after he has passed away more then 1400 years now?
The whole wolrd is waiting for something solid against Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
28 Nov 06
Tolerance of each others differences is key.
I think you should question any religion that suggests you should go and kill those who don't believe the same way you do or that you are guaranteed a spot in paradise if you go and kill others who don't agree with your belief system.
That whole concept sounds more like satans side of the fence to me.
Nice things you have posted at your page bro..
You difinately practicing tolerance!!!...
Would you come up with some proof from Qura'n about killing someone who is not converting to Islam
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
28 Nov 06
Islamist Websites Monitor No. 11
Islamist Website Calls to Disable German Websites Offensive to Islam
On October 19, 2006, Islamist websites posted a list of German sites which, according to the author, defame Islam and must therefore be shut down. The message that accompanies the list says: "[These websites] insult the God of glory and call Him the God of swine… they describe the Prophet as a rapist of young girls… and as a robber... Where are you, the lions of jihad[in] the media? Who is going to put this dog[i.e. the individual behind these websites] in his place? Who will destroy his website and[the other] websites through which he disseminates his filth?… Isn't there an Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi[to take care of] this dog? Isn't there a killer[who will kill] him, like the one who murdered the Dutch director[Theo Van Gogh]?... If you can't slaughter him and kill him, at least destroy these websites…"
The author concludes by urging the readers to circulate his list of websites, and adds: "Perhaps Allah will produce someone who will[punish] this depraved person as an example to others, and will demonstrate to the Crusaders and to the Jews that the Islamic youth will never keep quiet in the face of any insult to their religion and their Prophet..."
The following is the list of websites included in the post:
http://der-prophet.blogspot.com; http://www.islamisierung.info/; http://www.islam-deutschland.info/forum; http://www.buergerbewegungen.de; http://www.koran.terror.ms/; http://www.geocities.com/koraninfo; http://mekkaecke.blogspot.com/; http://www.hoeglinger.com; http://zeitwort.at; http://www.gastbuch24.de/
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
28 Nov 06
I havent seen these sites as I am already aware of the filth they must contain.
Abusing a Holy Soul like the Prophet Muhammad (Peace beupon him) will never bring any good to you or anybody who thinks your way.
By the way ..You (intentionally or unintentionally) did not reply to my question..
Let me repeat it here again in case you overlooked..
If Muhammad was as you or they think he was. Why would billions be following him after he has passed away more then 1400 years now?
Me and a lot of other people are seriosly waiting for your reply

@shalabi (63)
• Kuwait
2 Dec 06
This is an interesting piece. I do not believe muslims are bad people, I also do not believe their religion teaches them to kill people. I think people teach to kill people.
I am catholic and have only lived in muslim countrys my life. My father was a muslim, GOD bless his soul, my mother a catholic. I learned both. A muslim does not go around killing people because they have another religion. My mother and me would have been killed by my father. My girlfriend is muslim and yes it is against her religion to have a boyfriend, but her family they accept me and we also try to respect our religions. I do not want to be muslim and she does not want to be catholic, we only want to be happy together. When you say religious leaders call for killing of another human, that is the fault of the leader not of the religion of Islam. When you say a muslim is a hypocrit for not killing radical muslims who kill, then you believe it good to kill? Most muslims do not believe in killing at all. The ones who kill should be punished yes but why make a peace loving muslim become the same as a terrorist muslim. Killing is the same no matter who does it. No one should have the power to take a life GOD gave us.
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
4 Dec 06
Glad to hear about your experience with Islam has been a good one. Now if only we could get the Sunnites and the Shiites to get along so well.
I do not believe it good to kill my only point there was that the some muslims say that "Islam is very harsh against those who deserted it as a religion, according to Islamic rules they should be killed."
So at least we do agree that killing is wrong. What about those that commit adultery? Should they be killed?
@shalabi (63)
• Kuwait
10 Dec 06
Thank you naseem for the welcome and thank you Real Iolo.
I stated before I am catholic. Maronite to be exact and I am Lebanese. When a child is born to a muslim father that child is a muslim. That makes me she3a muslim by birth. I grew up practicing Islam, learned al quran by heart and attended massjed with my father everyday. My mother stayed with her religion and I watched her pray and leave for the cathedral for service. Never did I enter this cathedral until I was 14 years of age and someone broke the windows and caused damage to the inside. My mother asked for her sons to help clean and repair to show unity. I saw the statue of the virgin Mariam and the statue of Jesus. I was amazed these things existed. Never did I see them before because Islam allows no photograghs of prophets or holy people. I remember seeing everyone light the candles and make a prayer. I thought how nice this was and I wished to do these things to understand. My father of course was not happy but how is it he could harm me when he married a christian?
This will be the same as you are saying to leave Islam. Not one muslim tried to kill me. Some where upset yes. I do not understand why it is people say muslims kill those who leave. Leaving Islam is like leaving your home country and taking citizenship in another. Your first country will not kill you right? People are allowed to leave for another religion of the holy books but all that is asked is you do not fight against muslims. What will happen if you leave your country and go to join osama bin laden? Your country will surely try to kill you right? This is treason. If a person fights Islam after leaving then this is treason. If a person goes in peace to live thier life there is no harm, you may even come back to Islam someday and be welcomed. This is in al quran.
Killing is wrong. Sunni and Sheea fighting is very wrong. Muslim and Christian and Jewish fighting is wrong.
To kill for aldutery is wrong too I think. But why does a man commit adultery when he is allowed other wives if he can provide? There is no need to cheat on a wife. Why will a wife want a boyfriend when she has a husband? Why will she not ask for divorce? These are things GOD has made clear to us we can not do. HE also says there must be witnesses for there to be proof. HE says if a woman admits her guilt but asks for forgiveness then she is forgiven. There is no need to be killed because GOD has mercy and knows we will are only humans. The killing happens when humans try to be GOD. They can not take a life GOD gave without being sure they have HIS approval. These people will be judged the most servere by him because they make themselves equal to him.
Naseem please correct anything I may have said wrong.
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