Does judging another person deplete us of our own energy?

When we hit anything with the hammer of judgement, it takes energy to do so.
@innertalks (22486)
June 13, 2018 11:40pm CST
I ask this question here, because I just read in a book that the author claimed that when we judge another person, we open up a channel of energy connection to them, and they can actually drain off our energy along this, she said. Judging another person allows them to tap off our energy, she stated, in her book. I do not think that ultimately she is correct, but on some lower levels of energy operation, than operating on the fullness of only love's energy, this might happen, I conceded, to myself, as I read on. The real answer to this question is quite subtle, I think though, in that nothing can drain our energy, if we live solely from the energy of love, but then this also means that we would never judge anyone either, as love sits in God, without judgement of any kind. Love is not the judging part of God. And so, when we judge another person we are not loving them, and when we are not loving them, we are not fully connected to love then too, so yes, our energy is depleted in this way, because we have partially cut ourselves off from love, and its full functioning energy in us being us. Does God really have a judging part of him, or is he really all love, as in, "God is love"? The Christian Bible tells us that God will judge all eventually so, but as he is total love too, his judgement is more a reflective look at our life in relationship to his love, and so showing us if we lived from love fully, or not. God helps us to love, and so he doesn't punish us for less loving. God just gives us more understanding and wisdom over time and experiences with love, continually building up in us, so that we gain insight, awareness, and the higher consciousness to be then able to do this. We are all on such a learning curve, heading towards total loving, and total understanding of that love itself too. Photo Credit: The photo used here was freely sourced from the free media site: When we hit anything with the hammer of judgement, it takes energy to do so. Are we diverting that energy from love, for our own purposes then instead? Love never judges anyone, and neither should we.
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10 responses
@shivamani10 (11035)
• Hyderabad, India
14 Jun 18
Oh..Not all energy, but some energy. The more one things the more will be the Energy loss.
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
Yes, thinking and overthinking would certainly cause us an energy loss. Even if it is sometimes indirectly too. Sometimes, for example, we cannot sleep, because of this overthinking, and so we cannot replenish our energy in this way either then.
@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
@shivamani10 Normally sleeping recharges us, but if we do not sleep properly, or very well, yes, our energy will not be fully replenished then either. Most of us need about 6 to 8 hours of good sleep each night.
@shivamani10 (11035)
• Hyderabad, India
14 Jun 18
@innertalks you mean to say that the energy cannot be replenished?
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• Agra, India
14 Jun 18
I never waste my time on such acts. There are many other important things to do
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
Very true. We are never in a position to judge anyone else. Judgement of others can be very subtle at times though. For example, somebody cuts us off on the road, and we call them an idiot in our minds, or worse, out loud. This too could be said to be a judgement of sorts too, I would say.
@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
@amitkokiladitya Yes, we can imagine what it would be like to be in his, or her shoes, but we can never know for sure. We can never know everything about another person's life. We can never have enough information to judge them then really.
• Agra, India
14 Jun 18
@innertalks I agree. We never know what the other person is going through. His actions could be one of the worst results of his circumstances
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@allknowing (142831)
• India
16 Jun 18
For a judge in a court it takes years to give a verdict and we judge people around us in a giffy. Foolishness is all what I can say.
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
16 Jun 18
Yes, that's a good point, and judges in courts have a lot of training first too, and they only judge in one area, the area of law.
@franxav (14054)
• India
14 Jun 18
We are all fallen.What right do we have to judge others?
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
Yes, no right at all I think too. Judging someone assumes that we think that we are superior to them.
• India
14 Jun 18
Judging others is not a good thing to take up. It's better to judge ourselves to overcome the negative parts of us. When we judge others, our mind get devoted to that person only and cannot let us do our work progressively. So yes it depletes our energy
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
Yes, we can become obsessed with trying to correct another person, and thinking that our own way, is the best, and the only right way. Becoming attached, or obsessed with anyone else, certainly would drain our energy from us too, I expect.
@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
@anamika161088 Yes, we get sidetracked from living our own life. Some people sometimes do use a detour from themselves like this because they do not like to examine their own lives though. They would rather correct others, than correct themselves. They like the distraction of judging others then. We need to wake up to why we are doing things, and why in this case we are judging others too.
• India
14 Jun 18
@innertalks Yes because we are too much occupied focusing the other person that we forget about many other important things.
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@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
14 Jun 18
Hi Steve. I think as we go closer to God, His love for us is made known to us and that includes loving others as well. It is not easy to love others, most especially when we see something in them that we do not like but still God makes a way, even when there seems to be no way.
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
Yes, sometimes, some people are very hard for us to love. But God loves at all times, and he is wanting us to do that too. When we love God, our love expands to love all others, in the same ways as which God loves, so getting closer to God personally ensures love is both personally felt and overall felt, and known as well, or better seen for the truth of what it is.
@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
14 Jun 18
@innertalks Thank you, Steve. So as long as we find it hard to love others, it will be impossible to love God fully? May that be a challenge for us too?
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
@mlgen1037 Yes, if we restrict our loving, it is hard to know anyone, ourselves, God and others fully, because love opens the doors to ourselves, God, and to others too. This is why Jesus Christ told us all to try to love God, with our whole person, or with our body, mind, heart, and soul. Jesus declared, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Saint Mathew's gospel, chapter 22, verse 37.
@xiaolisu (957)
14 Jun 18
you are right we have no right to judge. everyone have their own way to live or do something
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
Yes, that's what I think too. Why judge anyone else? We can never really fully understand their life, and why it is like it is.
@Shiva49 (27022)
• Singapore
16 Jun 18
We cannot understand another's point of view going by “You can’t understand someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” I may add further: “If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” – Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird. So we are being negative, unfair in judging others without knowing the circumstances they find themselves in. We are sort of condemning them to feel good ourselves in a negative way. That trait shows we are moving away from love and empathy; it is an opportunity lost to spread our love and moving into an arena of hatred and division - siva
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
16 Jun 18
Thanks siva. That's some great examples you added here, and I agree with you, judging someone moves us away from loving them. When we find ourselves in a position of power, even this does not mean that we can judge others more, from our higher position then, either. "Having power and being in a position of power can really blur your judgement, and it's not always that clear." Bob Morley, an Australian actor said this.
@Shiva49 (27022)
• Singapore
16 Jun 18
@innertalks Yes Steve, we see the world in a certain light but if our financial situation changes markedly, we may have another view and our priorities can be different. We can relate this to international level. President Trump was a billionaire businessman and has a different perspective than those before him. His dealings are transactional even with (previous) close allies. And he is more independent, result-oriented and confrontational. It is "no one owes anyone a living; if you don't like it is just too bad; fend for yourself." The old avuncular ways that the allies were used to cut no ice when they are confronted with figures touted out to show they were living off the largesse of the family patriarch! Everything will be scrutinized and all are under the scanner like the participants in the Trump TV Program "The Apprentice"! That is some judging and reality check to get used to and do some hard thinking! siva
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@sw8sincere (5552)
• Philippines
14 Jun 18
i totally agree with your discussion my friend. I Love it!
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@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
14 Jun 18
Thanks. It can be a difficult subject to discuss over, at times. Judgement also includes criticism, at times, I think too.
25 Jul 18
Hi Steve Good Lord our father in heaven does not judge us. It is our own conscience which judges us based on the programing feed into us from the moment we are born by our families, teachers and social circle. The proof is available to confirm this fact - good lord never scolds us, nor does he admonish us or punish us. Good Lord is way above all those petty acts. His love for all of us his children is boundless, which is why every time any one of us is in pain, the good lord bleeds and is in pain for HE takes up most of our pains! The fact which you read about is also true. All of us - animate and inanimate things on Earth and the universe are bonded to each other, much akin to protons and electrons in atoms and many atoms in a molecule. This too is a proven fact. When you are charged with a positive energy like love, not infatuation or wanting love, but selfless, unconditional love, you will pass this positive energy to everything you come in contact with until you come back into harmony with your current surroundings. The beauty of this connection lies in what happens next - every node you connected with and passed the beautiful positive energy, will in return vibrate and release some of that positive energy back to you - you will get back what you gave multiplied from so many directions! This is how it happens. Same is true when you emit negative energies by judging, cursing, shouting, slandering or simply by offloading your miseries off to someone else!! Yes, in your closing you did mention "Total love, total understanding" you have just described our father in heaven and yes, you are quite right, that is precisely where we are all heading - back to our homes whence we came from, back to our father whose part we all are! warm regards
@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
25 Jul 18
Thanks for your in-depth, and enlightening reply. That's an interesting idea, if we do judge ourselves, is it our own consciousness judging us, or not? Does love automatically pass from us to others, and from us shining on all, like the sun does shine onto all things around itself too, or if someone doesn't want this love on them, that we shine forth, perhaps it's still up to them to let it into themselves then, or not too? I would say that love itself never judges, it is forever just itself. So then, where does the idea of judgement come from, but from non-love judging itself indiscriminately in a person who is not yet totally loving? No, even this is not totally so. The judging does not come from the love, or from the non-love in them either. Judgement is merely a reflective reflection reflecting back to them from their own mirror of consciousness that love has created for them. We all have this mirror of consciousness in each one of us which increases in its abilities to shine forth with our love to others the more we love, but which otherwise is always shining the love in us back to us, trying to get us to accept it finally so, and so to grow in our conscious knowing and understanding of how God's love works, and can work, in us too. I say this because I think that our conscience is related to our consciousness. The strength of our conscience, is the same as our consciousness level, i.e. it's stronger the higher level of consciousness we are at, or have reached. Our conscience is the name of our mirror, and the reflective strength of the mirror or its shining ability to shine love truly towards us, and to others depends in part on our own conscious evolvement and understanding, because this focuses's love through us, making us more individually us, and otherwise love tends to remain scattered in our unconsciousness, which is a part of the greater collective unconsciousness too.
@innertalks (22486)
• Australia
26 Jul 18
@reva171 That's all very well explained. Thanks for that. It's really a really great in-depth summation of how the whole setup of life works here for us, you gave to me there. I think that the ego is a part of the instruments attached to our soul, as well as its mind, and its various bodies, including the physical, astral/emotional, mental, and etheric/intuitional bodies. The ego is not the leading lynchpoint of ourselves, (which should be our soul/higher self/spiritual self) but merely a receiving point, that links the other bodies easily together, and so is a functioning tool of use to our soul, as long as its attached to our soul, but if it becomes attached to our mind, or to our emotions, or even just to our physical body, it can follow these "false" masters then instead, and so act for them solely, instead of being and staying in its place, as a humble servant of our soul.