Which day of week you like most.

@suripunj (956)
New Delhi, India
June 24, 2018 4:24pm CST
I like Friday most Actually my life starts from Friday late night and ends on Sunday night. Monday I do not like unless it is holiday. Please do not think me idle, delinquent or work evader. Are you? I do not like Monday because the traffic on my way to office is high and air is toxic at its peak. On Friday, actually I leave early so no such sufferings and also in late Friday night when I conclude my work it gives me much pleasure and satisfaction that how much actually I worked the whole week. What you think is your favorite day of the week-with some valid reason off course.
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6 responses
@rakski (118279)
• Philippines
25 Jun 18
Friday. Because it is the last day of school and then I can rest more
@hillhjill (23664)
• United States
25 Jun 18
Not having a job and taking care of my husband there is not a day that I like or dislike, now if I was still working it would be different.
@Shivram59 (34318)
• India
24 Jun 18
@suripunj Monday and Tuesday.It is another matter that as a middle school student I used to hate all days except Sunday.LOL!!
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
24 Jun 18
I like Sunday ..
@saritflor (3914)
• Hungary
24 Jun 18
I think that would be Thursday, because it's second before ending of the week and then I can get some good rest and do my own things that I love.
@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
24 Jun 18
Hello. Always Sundays and Mondays for me.