For Guys
@ihasaquestion (8275)
41 responses
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
16 Jul 18
I would never beat up anyone including the girl/woman of my life. Beating someone is a cowardly act and it shows up beastly tendencies. We are humans and we should respect other human beings, irrespective of the fact whether they are like us or not.
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@DaddyEvil (144059)
• United States
16 Jul 18
Yes, that is very true!
Thank you for responding to this, dpk. I do appreciate that! 

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@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
That is right, dpk. It is not right to abuse just because.
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@DaddyEvil (144059)
• United States
16 Jul 18

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@DaddyEvil (144059)
• United States
16 Jul 18
@ihasaquestion We have to boycott such shows and let the syndicates know just what we think about crap like that!
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
I don't know but such shows are around to condone physical violence; which means that women are prone to such things.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
@DaddyEvil Heehee. You go tell Hollywood Directors that. Just kidding. They make believable stories so that victims can learn a thing or two about abuse. Kudos. 

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
16 Jul 18
I don't appreciate the act of men, giving physical or mental tortures to their partners because both are equally harmful. Men have a dominating nature and get angry quickly on small reasons or issues. So the immature men are showing their angry in a bad way which resulted the abuse of women physically or mentally.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
16 Jul 18
@ihasaquestion They will defend because they want to prove that they are good and other part is bad so they abuse them. They never accept their mistake or confess. Because they are 'men' and men are supposed to do all nasty things towards women. Earlier 99% of women tolerated the ill behaviour of men but situation is changing fast and women are gathering their courage to stand strongly against the evil part.
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@DaddyEvil (144059)
• United States
16 Jul 18
Yes, that is quite true, Sreekala.
Thank you for responding on this discussion. I appreciate that! 

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@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
That's true. And some refuse to believe how abusive some men can be, and worst off, the abusers try to defend their action shamelessly.
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@TheHorse (224751)
• Walnut Creek, California
17 Jul 18
@ihasaquestion But some are in denial.
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
16 Jul 18
Thank you for the suggestion @DaddyEvil . This reminds me of an aunt who would run for her life and stay in our house every time her husband got drunk. One time she had a black eye and I thought she would break up with him. But she didn't.
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@DaddyEvil (144059)
• United States
16 Jul 18
I just can't understand why a woman would stay with a man (or vice versa) who would hit her! (I've been told that they love them and the other person didn't really mean to hurt them.
) That's got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
If a person values themselves, at all, they should run, not walk, to the nearest police station and press charges!
Whatever their partner feels for them, it ain't love!

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@DaddyEvil (144059)
• United States
16 Jul 18
@sol_cee I suppose that is possible, Sherlocked... there. But not here!
Here, if a woman has a black eye, she calls the cops, he is arrested and put in jail. She applies for a non-molestation order and an occupation order through the Family Court. The judge will order these done as soon as the woman applies for them in an emergency situation.
In other words, the judge will order the partner not to make contact and give the woman and children exclusive use of the family home. If the woman doesn't work she can apply for assistance for paying bills, buying food and paying rent, which she usually gets and the partner pays for these things. (If he doesn't want to pay, the court will attach his wages and MAKE him pay!)
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
16 Jul 18
@DaddyEvil It could be for the sake of the kids. They had four young children at that time. And my aunt didn't have work. She depended on him financially. Sad, sad situation.
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@cintol (11261)
• United States
16 Jul 18
I lived this situation with my first husband, they are very controlling and in command of everything. It doesn't always start out that way, they love you and slowly learn your weaknesses and they play off of them. Every time they hit you they come back with flowers or a gift and say they didn't mean it, it will never happen again. They make you feel like you will never be wanted by anyone, you are worthless and you would be nothing without them, especially if you have children. I ran away several times and it was worst when he found me so you live in fear. They pull you away from friends and family and you have no one to go and they threaten you and your family if you tell. You can't really understand it until you are in the middle of it.
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@cintol (11261)
• United States
17 Jul 18
@ihasaquestion Its because they alienate you from family and friends.You only have them, its sad and very lonely.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
17 Jul 18
@cintol Family and friends who believe the abusers are misled then. It takes a real hero to see things as it is.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
17 Jul 18
Exactly. That is how the girl in the show went through, and she had no one to turn to.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
16 Jul 18
Me being a girl I really dislike that what they do and I cannot understand now why a girl over here has been called the most terrible of names and has not defended herself against the said person either.
Words terrible words can hurt really deep.
He is so nice looking you would not believe that such words could come out of his mouth.
He has not hit her as such but the very names he called her would cut through any woman.
Just thinking that.
I don´t think that they are in their sound mind when they do things like that and us girls need to learn to protect ourselves from such kind of men even if we love them.
They need seeing to and quick treated I mean.

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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
17 Jul 18
Very strange idea of love indeed.
Its like the chemistry that was between the man and the girl here and he suddenly started to spout out poisoned words against her and hardly a gentleman at all.
Such an angelic face and the words coming out of there don´t match the face if you see what I mean.
I pity the girl and hope she finds someone who is noble and not like the other one.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
17 Jul 18
In the show, the man seems like a rich guy and the girl a country bumpkin. He pushed and hurt her a lot, despite saying he loved and would cherish her always.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
17 Jul 18
@lovinangelsinstead21 It's not about finding someone else, this is more towards an abuse topic. There's no point finding someone else next when that person could be a potential abuser as well.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
16 Jul 18
@DaddyEvil I respond to most of discussions suggested by my friends. Thank you to have suggested this one

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@DaddyEvil (144059)
• United States
16 Jul 18
Thank you, Top, for giving your opinion here. I do appreciate you checking to see why I tagged you! 

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@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
16 Jul 18
Since this discussion is for guys, I'm wondering why I'm even here. Why @DaddyEvil?
A guy who does that by the way is not in love.
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@DaddyEvil (144059)
• United States
16 Jul 18

@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
@DaddyEvil He's passionate when it comes to topics of men, haha. Just kidding.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
@toniganzon I watched this story about abuse which led me to this topic. Of course, men, women and even gays are allowed to answer.
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@cmoneyspinner (9219)
• Austin, Texas
18 Jul 18
Would you ever beat up the girl you love?
~ I'm not a guy but I have 5 sons and I hope that I raised them to show women respect and to cherish the woman they love. If they feel like they can't do that, then I hope they have the decency to just leave the girl alone!
I watched this show and this guy was very abusive towards his fiancee; beating her into a pulp.
~ That's assault and battery. It was on a show and that guy wasn't arrested?
Do you think guys who beat women up have a sound mind?
~ NO. People who hurt and harm other people don't have a sound mind. But that's no excuse. If they commit a crime like assault and battery and maybe even murder, they should GO STRAIGHT TO JAIL! NO MERCY!!
..., and why do they do that despite being in love?
~ In love? Excuse me? 1 Corinthians 13. That's what love is.
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@cmoneyspinner (9219)
• Austin, Texas
24 Jul 18
@ihasaquestion - Not only does it sneak up on them. But in our world we respect the marriage bond and everyone wants to have a happy family. Especially if we are in a relationship where we have children, we don't want to break up a whole family. We, as in the couple, try to talk to each other and reason together and we get promises and promises that bad behavior was a “mistake” and it won't happen again, etc., etc., etc. Then one day you wake up after you've been “patient” and tried to make it work, the light bulb goes off in your head. You realize that you're being taken for a fool! The lyrics of the Paul Simon song kicks in and you start thinking: “Yeah. There must be 50 ways to leave your lover.” You figure out which way will work for you!
@ihasaquestion (8275)
18 Jul 18
You typed really well. The guy was finally arrested, but only by chance. You educated your sons well. The saddest part about abusers is you don't see it coming, so it's possible for two people to fall in love, with the other resorting to abuse/violence in the later years.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
24 Jul 18
@cmoneyspinner True. Only a fool doesn't wanna be happy.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
I agree with you. Like what gives, right. Causing bodily harm especially, is totally uncalled for.
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@DaddyEvil (144059)
• United States
16 Jul 18
@ihasaquestion Call the cops when it happens? That's what I suggest, at least.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
@DaddyEvil So supposing if the fiancee has been mentally tortured instead, can you report on an invisible scar? Pray tell.
And do you understand the word revenge? If victims report a physical abuse, there's a chance they might end up getting murdered. And what about their children should they die? Are you going to take care of them? No, right.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
If you stay, you get abused. If you walk away, they revenge on you. What's a girl to do.
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@Friendlypink (3805)
16 Jul 18
A I hope that won't happen to any of the girls I know. Have a nice day.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
16 Jul 18
Me too. I don't wish it, even upon my worst enemy should there be one.
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@LeaPea2417 (37658)
• Toccoa, Georgia
16 Jul 18
I am not a man but I will say this. A man who beats a woman does not love her at all and does not deserve to ever have a girl friend or be married.
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@ihasaquestion (8275)
17 Jul 18
Very well said. Yours is amongst the other few best answers I've read so far.
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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
16 Jul 18
Ihasaquestion, cool handle!
So at the suggestion of @DaddyEvil, I add my 0.02c: A lot of TV is staged. We get (or got) the Jerry Springer show here - people watch it for the fights! I tend not to watch such shows.
As for beating up on my girl, most certainly not. Laws to deter such behaviour are to be encouraged, but base human behaviour hopefully puts such punch-up in the minority - I hope.

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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
18 Jul 18
@ihasaquestion As a race, or even as a species, we have it in our power to destroy ourselves. Weird, and just a bit scary... 

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@ihasaquestion (8275)
17 Jul 18
Hi pgn, you have a great handle yourself. I agree with you that TV scenes could be exaggerated to highlight a matter or issues happening in society nowadays. But if you read the news, abuse is rampant too and it's steady increasing pace is rather alarming. What is worrying is if it becomes too frequent on the frontpage that people will react normally too one day.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
16 Jul 18
Heavens no! I would so grateful to have someone.
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@genpius (466)
• Nigeria
16 Jul 18
Understanding, endurance and self control is all one needs, a man should always know a woman will always talk that always seems the provocation but a man has to understand this, endure and try to have self control by holding back, if really he seems to be a high tempered, he should practice leaving the scene to cool off
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@Jessabuma (31700)
• Baguio, Philippines
16 Jul 18
Sadly there are many guys like that.. maybe they are not mentally stable
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@Jessabuma (31700)
• Baguio, Philippines
17 Jul 18
@ihasaquestion yes, there are also loving and caring guys
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