kidney Stones
By JC1969
@JC1969 (1224)
United States
November 28, 2006 4:27am CST
For those of you who have had the misfortune of experiencing the painful symptoms associated with kidney stones, what medical treatment was utilize to assist your condition (medication, lithotripsy, other form of surgery)?
Since your first episode with kidney stones, have you had them again?
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12 responses
@kristypants (305)
• Canada
30 Nov 06
The first kidney stones I got developed when I was pregnant. I ended up passing one pretty big one on my own, but still had another one that was too big to pass.
A few months ago I developed a few more. The first two on my right side had to be taken out by cystoscopy and at the same time my doctor put in a stent. The larger one on my left side (presumably the one I had when I was pregnant) I had to have lithotripsy on. I went back to the doctor for a follow up after that and found out that the lithotripsy didn't work, so now I have another lithotripsy appointment on December 14th, and hopefully they'll take out the stent at the same time. I hate it.
Anytime I've gone to the hospital with kidney stone pain they only give me morphine, which is great for the pain but it always makes me itchy all over for days. lol, a small price to pay.
Whenever I go to my urologist I always feel so out of place, surrounded by old men. It doesn't seem to be a common problem for young girls. :(
Has anyone else had to have a stent? I'm curious to hear other peoples experiences with them.
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
30 Nov 06
my second bad bout with kidney stones was when I was 6 month pregnant with my last child. I ended up in the hospital because of the horrible infection the stones had blocked into my kidney. Not fun at all, especially when they won't give anything for pain. Those stones did pass naturally.
That's too funny, about the old men. For me, I knew my urologist and all the physician assistants, nurses, and staff where I was hospitalized, because I worked there on that same specific floor. It was so embarassing when I had to have a foley put in by nurses I worked with...LOL.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
30 Nov 06
Oh about the indwelling stent...
I had one put in during my first lithotripsy experience. Everything was going fine during recovery. But, 4 days later none of the residual fragments were passing and I developed a temp. Turned out the stent was not allowing the fragments to flush out and it caused an infection to back up into my kidney. So, out came the stent, and things were fine after that.
@kristypants (305)
• Canada
30 Nov 06
I always assumed that the point of the stent was to stop things from blocking your uterer. I didn't know that that could happen, now I'm worried!
I hate having the stent. I'm pretty much constantly aware of it and if I try to do too much physical activity it really starts to bother me. The constant feeling of my bladder never being quite empty really bothers me too, but I hear that's normal?
About the lithotripsy, did you have pain medication while you were having it done? My doctor said that most people don't need it, but I found that I really did.
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@alienstar (5142)
• India
29 Nov 06 friend got kidney stone problem way back in 1997 and it reappeared in 2003 and when consulted, the doctor told him that, once anyone gets a kidney stone, it wil appear after some 5 or 6 years, after 4 years we have to scan for kidney stone very year it seems....
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Yes, this is very common. Once a person has had kidney stones one time, they are predisposed to getting them again. Sometimes, it is good to change the persons diet, and definitely increase water intake. There are also now medications that can be prescribed, which help to cut down the production of kidney stones.
What was the course of treatment for the kidney stones? Did they pass on their own or did your friend require lithotripsy or surgery?
I've had lithotripsy two of the times I had severe kidney stones.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 May 07
I was lucky as they removed themselves
I was admitted to Hospital and I was given Morphine for the Pain as the Pain was aggravating my Breathing so much that is the only way to stop the Pain and to stop my Lungs from swelling which would have caused more Problems
I have had a couple of Kidney Infections since then but no Kidney Stones thank goodness I would not like to feel that Pain again if Possible
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I've been pretty lucky the last two years, and the kidney stones have been passing on their own. However, I just went for my yearly urology check-up and had my yearly IVP and CT scan, and guess what they found? Yep, I have 3 large stone in my right kidney, and they most definitely will not be passing on their own. I am hoping that they don't start shifting and moving around, because I cannot have any procedures for at least 2 months when my husband returns (he's military and TDY at the moment). We are stationed overseas so, it's not like I can call up a family member to stay with the kids when I go in.
My body just makes stones. I drink lots and lots and lots of water, I exercise regularly, eat low protein and dairy diet--and I still make stones. My problem, though, is related to heredity. My father and Mother both have a history with kidney stones, and my maternal grandmother suffered with them for years and now actually has kidney failure and is on dialysis (unrelated to kidney stones).
@alienstar (5142)
• India
29 Nov 06 friend got kidney stone problem way back in 1997 and it reappeared in 2003 and when consulted, the doctor told him that, once anyone gets a kidney stone, it wil appear after some 5 or 6 years, after 4 years we have to scan for kidney stone very year it seems....
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@Ashley731 (4)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I had a kidney stone that got blocked in my left ureter. The put me in the hospital and immediately inserted a stint. About a month later they performed lithotripsy, and when I went to pass the stones, I couldn't feel them because of the stint. If I ever get kidney stones again I plan to ask for a stint to be put in, as i've heard it can be very painful to pass the stones.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Not only am I prone to gettting kidney stones, but for years I worked on a surgical unit in a hospital and the floor I worked was Vascular/gyn/urology based surgeries. I've heard varying stories about the stent, and myself, I had stent complications which are common. But, most people don't even know the stent is there, and it is supposed to protect the ureters from getting worn and torn during stone passage. Unfortunately, in my case, it didn't allow the fragments after lithotripsy to pass at all, and instead it backed up into my kidney and held in a bad infection. Not fun at all.
Kidney stones are pain no matter how you look at it...*smile*
@jen549 (3)
5 Sep 07
I also have suffered with kidney stones off and on for the last 17 years (more than half my life), but was never hospitalised until last year. I was in so much pain that I couldn't stop crying at er - so embarassing. I was given an anti-inflammatory and morphine, which finally kicked in an hour later.
Had all the scans etc and nothing showed up, so they assumed they had passed.
I had problems with stinging and kidney niggles for about 8 months, where my doctor said I was probably just slightly acidic and may have a little damage from passing the stone. Every month I handed in urine samples to check that there was no infection. Nothing showed up.
Anyway, after this 8 months I started to bleed off and on when I went to the loo, the doctor just tested for infection and nothing showed up. It wasn't until I was bleeding every time I went that they finally booked me in for tests.
They then discovered that I had 2 massive stones stuck in my ureter just outside my bladder. They were huge and they think they had been there for the 8 months -yes thats right, somehow they were missed during my scan.
Anyway was admitted pretty much straight away to have them removed. I was put to sleep and they had to use a laser inside to break them up.
Also had a stent put in. It was awful extremely painful and I felt 100 times better once it was removed.
I am due for my follow-up scan next week, so will let you know how I get on. Have had a lot of niggles over the last month though so not looking good.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Hi Jen549,
It was similar with me the first time I had kidney stones years ago. I was seen in at the clinic where my normal Doctor was affiliated, but it was a holiday weekend. The Dr on call there, checked my urine for infection and despite me handing her a cup of what looked like "red fruit punch", she found no initial infection and told me well it's probably an infection brewing so lets treat you for it. I knew there was something else up, because I work in the medical profession and was specifically working in a hospital ward that dealt with Urology patients. So, I followed up with my Dr. after the weekend and well, the blood in urine had stopped, but he was still concerned and sent me for an ultra-sound. Of course after you have an ultra-sound, they don't give results for like 2-5 days. I go to work the next eve, and about 3 hours into a busy crazy Monday eve on my unit, I start having intense flank (lower back) pain. Determined to complete my shift, I took some motrin--it dulled pain slightly and then pain subsided by the time my shift ended at 11pm. I drove home, and after a shower I was off to bed, when the pain came back. I went to the bathroom and there was blood in the urine. The pain was so severe, so my husband rushed me back to the hospital I work in. They did a CTscan and found my right kidney had several large stones and were trying to all pass. Behind the massive clog of stones, was infection building up. So, I was admitted to the hospital I worked in and to the floor I work on no less--I got very good service LOL. I had to have lithotripsy.
Presently, I just passed 3 stones on my own in the last 2 months. My most recent scan showed stones in both kidneys--just hoping to pass them all without having to be admitted for treatment.
Here's my latest article on Kidney Stones:
@jen549 (3)
6 Sep 07
Read your article, thanks for that it was really interesting. I don't actually know what type of stones I have and I have never physically seen one. Although they seem to pass, they must generally be really small.
I am already trying to drink loads of water, which I am really bad at. I do drink lots of tea though and was told by my doctor that it is as good as water. Amazing how different people think different things. I have been reading lately about how tea is quite acidic and if your body is too acidic then you may be prone to kidney stones as your body is deficient in certain minerals and the body draws the minerals out from your bones to try to alkalise your it and they can turn into stones. Weird eh!!!
Anyway I tested myself and my composite body pH is highly acidic, so maybe there is something in this afterall. Doing a few things in an attempt to alkalise my body and see if it makes a difference. Don't think it will get rid of the ones I have but if it can stop me getting any more then great.
This includes drinking alkaline water and cutting back on tea, meats etc - just like you suggest in your article.
@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
30 Nov 06
Drink lot of water daily and take vegetables which contain more fibre.I think homoeo medicine
is good for kidney stone.
@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
30 Nov 06
I had a small one that O just ended up passing on my own
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
30 Nov 06
I am so happy when I am able to pass them without having to go to the doctor or getting admitted to the hospital for them. I've learned to identify my signs and symptoms and then increase my already overflowing intake of water and do a lot of walking. They say that activity can help them pass faster, yet, when it is painful, it is so hard to think about engaging in
Thanks for adding to the discussion.
@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
30 Nov 06
I had a small one that O just ended up passing on my own
@alienstar (5142)
• India
29 Nov 06 friend got kidney stone problem way back in 1997 and it reappeared in 2003 and when consulted, the doctor told him that, once anyone gets a kidney stone, it wil appear after some 5 or 6 years, after 4 years we have to scan for kidney stone very year it seems....
@friend20013 (1)
• Canada
28 May 08
i got a stabbing pain in my right side under my ribcage, very mild pain in my right side & very mild pain in my right back. it hurts to move, n sit , cough n sneeze .it started 5 days ago. i had my kidney stones surgically removed 4 years ago. i can still walk standing tall but the pain is mostly in my front . so can anyone tell me what it could be. i am 46 years old.