Not doing well

@suripunj (956)
New Delhi, India
August 3, 2018 5:21pm CST
Though i read plenty yet i think that my writing is sub standard. There are so many good writers here compared to them my posts are quite inferior. To write well i think we must understand what are the ingredient which make composition quite interesting even it is devoid of substance. Writing is an art; science to some extent ;but what you think is it more science, or the art play more vital role in making it beautiful? There are certain sentences which are quite long -some even the size of a paragraph even then continuity of expression does not break and we read them in one breath.This is art of language or science it is? Short sentences are widely appreciated and recommended but is it the golden rule of good writing ? I toil for continuous improvement and heed the advise of those who oblige me with their remark on my writing.This is true believe me otherwise why i would be awaking till this late when morning is just few hours away and i am writing this post . What you think what makes a good writing or what attracts you more in one's write up?
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1 response
• Dallas, Texas
3 Aug 18
The long and short of it is, If you enjoy writing you will write better as a matter of course. And of course, long sentences are best made shorter for those with short attention spans.