I'm confused about my religion

September 1, 2018 1:45pm CST
It's personal, but I want to share my experience. I'm college student and I admit I'm not religious person, I'm not going to church, I'm afraid to pray at night because of nightmares after I prayed. Some of my friends called me demon. But I know I'm not, someone told me maybe I'm a atheist? I don't know exactly that means.
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13 responses
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
1 Sep 18
Be happy what you are! If you like my religion you can follow me ....and my religion is just 'The Humanity' and I feel very happy to serve my religion!
6 people like this
2 Sep 18
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
1 Sep 18
An atheist is someone that doesn't believe in God. Do you believe in God?
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
2 Sep 18
@Krizzaira May I ask why you don't believe in God?
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4 Sep 18
@1hopefulman because there's so many Gods. I can't explain well, im not good expressing my self in English haha
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2 Sep 18
No even in religion. Is it bad?
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
3 Sep 18
Who is the god of confusing, deceit and lies? Of course no one else Satan or the Devil. You as not a very faithful Catholic and to God you are being demonized by Satan. Because of your shortcomings in knowing your own church as being a Catholic and even knowing God. Satan keeps on whispering and telling you that God is not real. Even you are praying every night Satan keeps bugging you through nightmares so that praying to God will look useless and ridiculous, nonsense and irrelevant. The truth is you are in a great challenge with Satan. Its the greatest test or challenge of your life. Satan is challenging you that Satan is greater than your God. The prize is your soul. My tips for you. Just keep on praying to God. Go to church every Sunday with your family or friends. Pray the Rosary, Novena. Pray to Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, Saints, Guardian Angels especially to Archangel St. Michael. Then meditate and have focus. Stop worrying (ANXIETY is a sin). Before you sleep clean your minds or stop thinking too much like those negatives thoughts. And always drink water, exercise, make your mind and body healthy. Think positive thoughts. And, make time, space, energy and patience for searching knowledge and wisdom about the Catholic Church and most of all about God. Know all the truth. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. Pray and focus on the Holy Spirit. And if you failed anything. You lose your religion as being Catholic. Satan congratulates you and would be so glad and happy for you. You are going to hate the Catholic Church and God. You are going to live a life God is not existing, no salvation.
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4 Sep 18
Why do I need to pray to saints and such others? Is it written in the bible, don't worship in any Gods?
@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
1 Sep 18
First of all, hello, nice to see you here. It is funny how you say I am afraid to pray. I was always just the opposite, when I was very young I always said my prayers at night before going to sleep. One time I forgot to say them and I had nightmares that night. That was the last time I forgot to say them and I have never had another night mare. Sure, I have had some dreams though the years that I really didn't like but nothing like that one night. By the way, where is home for you?
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2 Sep 18
I'm from Philippines. I don't know what's wrong with my prayers. I remembered I just pray for my family and friends.
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2 Sep 18
Maybe you just need to talk personally to a spiritual adviser. Or attend to a recollection activity group.
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2 Sep 18
I tried, but for me they just want me to their religion, so I keep in silence about my belief.
@mnglsp (3615)
• Philippines
2 Sep 18
Do some research. I know your just searching for true religion.
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2 Sep 18
Maybe, but every religions say's they're true.
@mnglsp (3615)
• Philippines
2 Sep 18
@Krizzaira That's right.
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@popciclecold (39849)
• United States
2 Sep 18
It's good to pray.
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@mesbakh (2284)
• Indonesia
2 Sep 18
i am muslim and we pray 5 times a day. sometimes it is hard, but we must, and then we need to pray
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@Aquitaine24 (11858)
• San Jose, California
2 Sep 18
Maybe you get nightmares becasuse you try to solve the problem in your mind.I don;t think you need to be afraid to pray.But your friends don't sound as if they take you seriously.I'm assuming they're not serious if they call you a demon.Or maybe they just want to feel they are better than you.
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@1creekgirl (42637)
• United States
2 Sep 18
I'm not sure why you're feeling like you do. But I do know that when you give your heart and life to Jesus Christ, the only son of God, he will give you that peace that you're searching for. Christianity is not a religion, it's a personal, actual relationship with Jesus. Find a real born-again Christian and they can help you.
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4 Sep 18
Me and my family are born again.
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@Shiva49 (26944)
• Singapore
2 Sep 18
I believe in a creator but I am more agnostic as creation is something beyond our comprehension. However, I like to understand various beliefs out of curiosity. You have to find your own comfort level than being led like a sheep - siva
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@Shiva49 (26944)
• Singapore
4 Sep 18
@Krizzaira We should never let go our spirit of inquiry. Once we accept a sheep mentality, we cease to live but just exist - siva
4 Sep 18
Yes, I feel comfortable on my own beliefs now. But sometimes I'm trying to search and understand some things like why the bibe and demonology book was copyrighted by one person haha
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@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
4 Sep 18
I don't go to church but I always pray, any time of the day. But doesn't mean I am not religious because I don't go to church. I am sick and crowded places makes me sick and sometimes vomit. So I tend to pray in my solitude time. In your case I think you have a 3rd eye, you know people with extra special ability, they can see things normal people can't see. Sometimes I do too, and I pray but I don't have nightmares. If I have nightmares, I pray after. I pray even during the dream I have. If you are bothered by these, I think you need to ask your parents about this problem.
@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
2 Sep 18
I used to feel this way before but not anymore.
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
4 Sep 18
@Krizzaira I grew up.
4 Sep 18
What did you do?
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